941. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 26.11.1938 Type: programme Subject: Sherlock Holmes / Sherlock Holmes ; Sherlok Holmes Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
942. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 26.11.1943 Type: programme Subject: Srdce bez domova / Herz ohne Heimat Language: Czech and German Description: O 6 a 8 hod. V neděli též o 4 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
943. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 27.01.1931 Type: programme Subject: Takový je život Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
944. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 27.01.1938 Type: programme Subject: Vyzvědačka Helena Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
945. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 27.01.1940 Type: programme Subject: Advokátka Věra Language: Czech and German Description: O 6. a 8. hod. V neděli též ve 4 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
946. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 27.01.1942 Type: programme Subject: Tajemná maska (Zorro z Neapole); Tajemná maska / Geheimnisvolle Maske, Die (Zorro aus Neapel) Language: Czech and German Description: 1/2 6., 3/4 8. hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
947. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 27.01.1948 Type: programme Subject: Mořský jestřáb Language: Czech and German Description: Milenci slečny Haničky / Hannerl und ihre Liebhaber and Osud plavovlasé Morgy; Osud plavovlasé Margy / blonde Verhängnis, Das Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
948. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 27.01.1953 Type: programme Subject: Nevěsta bez věna Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
949. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 27.02.1936 Type: programme Subject: Dcerušky Její Exelence; Dcerušky paní trafikantky; Tři dcerušky paní trafikantky / Tochter Ihrer Exzellenz, Die Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
950. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 27.02.1937 Type: programme Subject: Srdce v soumraku Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0