"(...) and thus her Majesty most graciously orders this malady to be endicated as well". Empress Maria Theresa as a Patroness of the Theresian Foundation for Noblewomen in Prague.
"...and the duke sat down in the carriage beside the princely bride...". A Contribution to the Cognition of the Court Ceremonials of the Last Piasts on the Example of George III of Brieg.
Příloha: Umělci v korespondenci a dalších dokumentech hraběte Ingáce Dominika Chorynského z Ledské. and "... mit solchen Männern, wie Sie sind, haben Sr Excellenz mein Hochgräfl: gnädiger Herr Principal gerne zu thun." Count Ignatz Dominik Chorynský of Ledská and His Artists Franz Anton Sebastini, Ignatz Raab, Franz Laurenz Korompay, Andreas Schweigl, David Roentgen et alii.