Segment from Český zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czech Aktualita Sound Newsreel) issue no. 17A, B from 1944 was shot during a meeting of the leaders of the Board of Trustees for the Education of Youth with State Minister Karel Hermann Frank, which was held in the Great Hall of Czernin Palace on 17 April and attended by Minister of Education and People´s Enlightenment and Chairman of the Board Emanuel Moravec and General Secretary of the Board František Teuner. State Minister Frank addressed the participants and presented František Teuner with a sword of honour. The official event concluded with the participant paying homage to Adolf Hitler. The leaders of the Board of Trustees marched through the streets of Prague.
Segment from Český zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czech Aktualita Sound Newsreel) issue no. 51A, B from 1944 was shot during an anti-bolshevist gathering of the Board of Trustees for the Education of Youth held in the Great Hall of Lucerna Palace on 7 December. The participants included Minister of Education and People´s Enlightenment and Chairman of the Board Emanuel Moravec. Speeches were given by General Secretary of the Board František Teuner and Eriks Rullis, the leader of Latvian Youth. The gathering was concluded with an oath "to the Führer and to the Fatherland".
Segment from Český zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czech Aktualita Sound Newsreel) issue no. 21A, B from 1944 captures a solemn ceremony organised by the Board of Trustees for the Education of Youth to mark the 60th anniversary of Bedřich Smetana´s death, which took place at the composer´s grave on 11 May. The fanfare from the opera Dalibor was followed by a speech by General Secretary of the Board František Teuner, who also laid a wreath on Smetana´s grave. The choir of Prague teachers under the baton of Metod Doležal sang the chorus called "Dowry". The ceremony was concluded with the Nazi salute.