CzEngVallex is a bilingual valency lexicon of corresponding Czech and English verbs. It connects 20835 aligned valency frame pairs (verb senses) which are translations of each other, aligning their arguments as well. The CzEngVallex serves as a powerful, real-text-based database of frame-to-frame and subsequently argument-to-argument pairs and can be used for example for machine translation applications. It uses the data from the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank project (PCEDT 2.0, and it also takes advantage of two existing valency lexicons: PDT-Vallex for Czech and EngVallex for English, using the same view of valency (based on the Functional Generative Description theory). The CzEngVallex is available in an XML format in the LINDAT/CLARIN repository, and also in a searchable form (see the “More Apps” tab) interlinked with PDT-Vallex (,EngVallex ( and with examples from the PCEDT.
English model for NameTag, a named entity recognition tool. The model is trained on CoNLL-2003 training data. Recognizes PER, ORG, LOC and MISC named entities. Achieves F-measure 84.73 on CoNLL-2003 test data.
English models for MorphoDiTa, providing morphological analysis, morphological generation and part-of-speech tagging.
The morphological dictionary is created from Morphium and SCOWL (Spell Checker Oriented Word Lists), the PoS tagger is trained on WSJ (Wall Street Journal). and This work has been using language resources developed and/or stored and/or distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
The morphological POS analyzer development was supported by grant of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic No. LC536 "Center for Computational Linguistics". The morphological POS analyzer research was performed by Johanka Spoustová (Spoustová 2008; the Treex::Tool::EnglishMorpho::Analysis Perl module). The lemmatizer was implemented by Martin Popel (Popel 2009; the Treex::Tool::EnglishMorpho::Lemmatizer Perl module). The lemmatizer is based on morpha, which was released under LGPL licence as a part of RASP system (
The tagger algorithm and feature set research was supported by the projects MSM0021620838 and LC536 of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, GA405/09/0278 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and 1ET101120503 of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The research was performed by Drahomíra "johanka" Spoustová, Jan Hajič, Jan Raab and Miroslav Spousta.
EngVallex 2.0 as a slightly updated version of EngVallex. It is the English counterpart of the PDT-Vallex valency lexicon, using the same view of valency, valency frames and the description of a surface form of verbal arguments. EngVallex contains links also to PropBank (English predicate-argument lexicon). The EngVallex lexicon is fully linked to the English side of the PCEDT parallel treebank(s), which is in fact the PTB re-annotated using the Prague Dependency Treebank style of annotation. The EngVallex is available in an XML format in our repository, and also in a searchable form with examples from the PCEDT. EngVallex 2.0 is the same dataset as the EngVallex lexicon packaged with the PCEDT 3.0 corpus, but published separately under a more permissive licence, avoiding the need for LDC licence which is tied to PCEDT 3.0 as a whole.
Fairytale Child is a simple chatbot trying to simulate a curious child. It asks the user to tell a fairy tale, often interrupting to ask for details and clarifications. However, it remembers what it was told and tries to show it if possible.
The chatbot can communicate in Czech and in English. It analyzes the morphology of each sentence produced by the user with natural language processing tools, tries to identify potential questions to ask, and then asks one. A morphological generator is employed to generate correctly inflected sentences in Czech, so that the resulting sentences sound as natural as possible.
Pohádkové dítě je jednoduchý chatbot, simulující zvídavé dítě. Požádá uživatele, aby mu vyprávěl pohádku, ale často ho přerušuje, aby se zeptal na detaily a vysvětlení. Pamatuje si ale, co mu uživatel řekl, a snaží se to pokud možno dát najevo.
Chatbot umí komunikovat česky a anglicky. Analyzuje tvarosloví každé uživatelovy věty pomocí NLP nástrojů, pokusí se nalézt chodnou otázku, a tu pak položí. Aby tvořené české věty zněly co nejpřirozeněji, využívá se pro skloňování tvaroslovný generátor. and The work has been supported by GAUK 1572314 and SVV 260104.
It has been using language resources developed, stored and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
Fairytale Child is a simple chatbot trying to simulate a curious child. It asks the user to tell a fairy tale, often interrupting to ask for details and clarifications. However, it remembers what it was told and tries to show it if possible.
The chatbot can communicate in Czech and in English. It analyzes the morphology of each sentence produced by the user with natural language processing tools, tries to identify potential questions to ask, and then asks one. A morphological generator is employed to generate correctly inflected sentences in Czech, so that the resulting sentences sound as natural as possible.
Pohádkové dítě je jednoduchý chatbot, simulující zvídavé dítě. Požádá uživatele, aby mu vyprávěl pohádku, ale často ho přerušuje, aby se zeptal na detaily a vysvětlení. Pamatuje si ale, co mu uživatel řekl, a snaží se to pokud možno dát najevo.
Chatbot umí komunikovat česky a anglicky. Analyzuje tvarosloví každé uživatelovy věty pomocí NLP nástrojů, pokusí se nalézt chodnou otázku, a tu pak položí. Aby tvořené české věty zněly co nejpřirozeněji, využívá se pro skloňování tvaroslovný generátor. and The work has been supported by GAUK 1572314 and SVV 260104.
It has been using language resources developed, stored and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
Fairytale Child is a simple chatbot trying to simulate a curious child. It asks the user to tell a fairy tale, often interrupting to ask for details and clarifications. However, it remembers what it was told and tries to show it if possible.
The chatbot can communicate in Czech and in English. It analyzes the morphology of each sentence produced by the user with natural language processing tools, tries to identify potential questions to ask, and then asks one. A morphological generator is employed to generate correctly inflected sentences in Czech, so that the resulting sentences sound as natural as possible.
Pohádkové dítě je jednoduchý chatbot, simulující zvídavé dítě. Požádá uživatele, aby mu vyprávěl pohádku, ale často ho přerušuje, aby se zeptal na detaily a vysvětlení. Pamatuje si ale, co mu uživatel řekl, a snaží se to pokud možno dát najevo.
Chatbot umí komunikovat česky a anglicky. Analyzuje tvarosloví každé uživatelovy věty pomocí NLP nástrojů, pokusí se nalézt chodnou otázku, a tu pak položí. Aby tvořené české věty zněly co nejpřirozeněji, využívá se pro skloňování tvaroslovný generátor. and The work has been supported by GAUK 1572314 and SVV 260104.
It has been using language resources developed, stored and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
Fairytale Child is a simple chatbot trying to simulate a curious child. It asks the user to tell a fairy tale, often interrupting to ask for details and clarifications. However, it remembers what it was told and tries to show it if possible.
The chatbot can communicate in Czech and in English. It analyzes the morphology of each sentence produced by the user with natural language processing tools, tries to identify potential questions to ask, and then asks one. A morphological generator is employed to generate correctly inflected sentences in Czech, so that the resulting sentences sound as natural as possible.
Pohádkové dítě je jednoduchý chatbot, simulující zvídavé dítě. Požádá uživatele, aby mu vyprávěl pohádku, ale často ho přerušuje, aby se zeptal na detaily a vysvětlení. Pamatuje si ale, co mu uživatel řekl, a snaží se to pokud možno dát najevo.
Chatbot umí komunikovat česky a anglicky. Analyzuje tvarosloví každé uživatelovy věty pomocí NLP nástrojů, pokusí se nalézt chodnou otázku, a tu pak položí. Aby tvořené české věty zněly co nejpřirozeněji, využívá se pro skloňování tvaroslovný generátor. and The work has been supported by GAUK 1572314 and SVV 260104.
It has been using language resources developed, stored and distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
Syntactic (including deep-syntactic - tectogrammatical) annotation of user-generated noisy sentences. The annotation was made on Czech-English and English-Czech Faust Dev/Test sets.
The English data includes manual annotations of English reference translations of Czech source texts. This texts were translated independently by two translators. After some necessary cleanings, 1000 segments were randomly selected for manual annotation. Both the reference translations were annotated, which means 2000 annotated segments in total.
The Czech data includes manual annotations of Czech reference translations of English source texts. This texts were translated independently by three translators. After some necessary cleanings, 1000 segments were randomly selected for manual annotation. All three reference translations were annotated, which means 3000 annotated segments in total.
Faust is part of PDT-C 1.0 (
HindEnCorp parallel texts (sentence-aligned) come from the following sources:
Tides, which contains 50K sentence pairs taken mainly from news articles. This dataset was originally col- lected for the DARPA-TIDES surprise-language con- test in 2002, later refined at IIIT Hyderabad and provided for the NLP Tools Contest at ICON 2008 (Venkatapathy, 2008).
Commentaries by Daniel Pipes contain 322 articles in English written by a journalist Daniel Pipes and translated into Hindi.
EMILLE. This corpus (Baker et al., 2002) consists of three components: monolingual, parallel and annotated corpora. There are fourteen monolingual sub- corpora, including both written and (for some lan- guages) spoken data for fourteen South Asian lan- guages. The EMILLE monolingual corpora contain in total 92,799,000 words (including 2,627,000 words of transcribed spoken data for Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu). The parallel corpus consists of 200,000 words of text in English and its accompanying translations into Hindi and other languages.
Smaller datasets as collected by Bojar et al. (2010) include the corpus used at ACL 2005 (a subcorpus of EMILLE), a corpus of named entities from Wikipedia (crawled in 2009), and Agriculture domain parallel corpus.

For the current release, we are extending the parallel corpus using these sources:
Intercorp (Čermák and Rosen,2012) is a large multilingual parallel corpus of 32 languages including Hindi. The central language used for alignment is Czech. Intercorp’s core texts amount to 202 million words. These core texts are most suitable for us because their sentence alignment is manually checked and therefore very reliable. They cover predominately short sto- ries and novels. There are seven Hindi texts in Inter- corp. Unfortunately, only for three of them the English translation is available; the other four are aligned only with Czech texts. The Hindi subcorpus of Intercorp contains 118,000 words in Hindi.
TED talks 3 held in various languages, primarily English, are equipped with transcripts and these are translated into 102 languages. There are 179 talks for which Hindi translation is available.
The Indic multi-parallel corpus (Birch et al., 2011; Post et al., 2012) is a corpus of texts from Wikipedia translated from the respective Indian language into English by non-expert translators hired over Mechanical Turk. The quality is thus somewhat mixed in many respects starting from typesetting and punctuation over capi- talization, spelling, word choice to sentence structure. A little bit of control could be in principle obtained from the fact that every input sentence was translated 4 times. We used the 2012 release of the corpus. is a software collaboration platform that hosts many open-source projects and facilitates also collaborative localization of the tools. We downloaded all revisions of all the hosted projects and extracted the localization (.po) files.
Other smaller datasets. This time, we added Wikipedia entities as crawled in 2013 (including any morphological variants of the named entitity that appears on the Hindi variant of the Wikipedia page) and words, word examples and quotes from the Shabdkosh online dictionary. and LM2010013,
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky@@LM2010013@@LINDAT/CLARIN: Institut pro analýzu, zpracování a distribuci lingvistických dat@@nationalFunds@@✖[remove]21