Hrdiny exkurze do počátků výzkumu řízené termojaderné fúze netřeba dlouze představovat. Takže stručně. Oleg Alexandrovič Lavrentěv, geniální mladík, iniciátor státem podporovaného výzkumu řízené termojaderné fúze v Sovětském svazu, se ve své kariéře setkal s nechvalně proslulým Lavrentijem Pavlovičem Berijou, vedoucím Zvláštní komise ovládající výzkum atomové energie v Sovětském svazu, s Andrejem Dmitrijevičem Sacharovem, otcem sovětské vodíkové bomby a nositelem Nobelovy ceny za disidentství, a Roaldem Zinnurovičem Sagdějevem, ředitelem Ústavu kosmických výzkumů, profesorem fyziky na Marylandské univerzitě a autorem neoklasické teorie přenosu energie ve vysokoteplotním plazmatu. Článek popisuje jejich setkávání z pohledu obou protagonistů, jen v případě Beriji jeho pohled na Lavrentěva zprostředkoval spisovatel Jurij Muchin., Oleg Alexandrovich Lavrentev initiated research on controlled thermonuclear fusion in the Soviet Union. Likely, he also participated in the use of lithium-6 deuteride as an explosive in the hydrogen bomb. This article confronts Lavrentev’s views on L. P. Beria (the chairman of the Special Commission for Atomic Energy), with impressions of A. D. Sakharov (co-author of the most successful thermonuclear facility tokamak) and R. Z. Sagdeev (a leading theorist of thermonuclear plasma)., Milan Řípa., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The objective of this study is to analyse the spatial variability of seasonal flood occurrences in the Upper Danube region for the period 1961-2010. The analysis focuses on the understanding of the factors that control the spatial variability of winter and summer floods in 88 basins with different physiographic conditions. The evaluation is based on circular statistics, which compare the changes in the mean date and in the seasonal flood concentration index within a year or predefined season. The results indicate that summer half-year and winter half-year floods are dominant in the Alps and northern Danube tributaries, respectively. A comparison of the relative magnitude of flood events indicates that summer half-year floods are on average more than 50% larger than floods in winter. The evaluation of flood occurrence showed that the values of seasonal flood concentration index (median 0.75) in comparison to the annual floods (median 0.58) shows higher temporal concentration of floods. The flood seasonality of winter events is dominant in the Alps; however, along the northern fringe (i.e. the Isar, Iller and Inn River) the timing of winter half-year floods is diverse. The seasonal concentration of summer floods tends to increase with increasing mean elevation of the basins. The occurrence of the three largest summer floods is more stable, i.e. they tend to occur around the same time for the majority of analysed basins. The results show that fixing the summer and winter seasons to specific months does not always allow a clear distinction of the main flood generation processes. Therefore, criteria to define flood typologies that are more robust are needed for regions such as the Upper Danube, with large climate and topographical variability between the lowland and high elevations, particularly for the assessment of the effect of increasing air temperature on snowmelt runoff and associated floods.
Submitted paper deals with preparation of the X-DIA aeroelastic demonstrator component wind tunnel tests. The paper is focused on design, analysis and manufacturing of new composite foreplanes, FE analyses of the X-DIA Component Model (static
aeroelasticity, flutter, dynamic responses) and optimization study of the demonstrator wind tunnel support device. Analyses were performed by means of the MSC.NASTRAN program system. and Obsahuje seznam literatury