ANNIS2 is an open source, versatile web browser-based search and visualization architecture for complex multilevel linguistic corpora with diverse types of annotation. ANNIS, which stands for ANNotation of Information Structure, has been designed to provide access to the data of the SFB 632 - "Information Structure: The Linguistic Means for Structuring Utterances, Sentences and Texts". Since information structure interacts with linguistic phenomena on many levels, ANNIS2 addresses the SFB's need to concurrently annotate, query and visualize data from such varied areas as syntax, semantics, morphology, prosody, referentiality, lexis and more. For project working with spoken language, support for audio / video annotations is also required.
Transcribed narrative interviews with people from East and West Berlin about the events of November 9. 282,000 tokens. TEI XML, lemma and POS. Normalized version also available.
Chronology of German literature (Old High German literature, Middle High German literature, Early New High German literature, New High German literature); Chronologie der deutschen Literatur (alt-, mittel-, frühneu-, neuhochdeutsche Literatur)
Digital, morphologically annotated (N, V, A) part of the Bonn Corpus of Early New High German; used to create the Grammatik des Frühneuhochdeutschen (III. Nouns; IV. Verbs; VI. Adjectives); morphologisch annotiert; Materialgrundlage für die Erarbeitung der Bände 3, 4 und 6 der "Grammatik des Frühneuhochdeutschen"
Angabe von orthographischen, morphologischen (Wortformenbildung und Wortbildung) sowie semantischen Informationen (Synonymie; Hyperonymie/Hyponymie); Zuordnung der Wörter zu der jeweiligen syntaktischen Kategorie (bei Substantiven zusätzlich Angabe des Genus)
Sanskrit lexicons. The data is made available as scanned images of the works as well as a digitization of the scanned images, which permits computer-aided analyses and displays of the work. Can be downloaded or queried online.