Possibility to download the Ridges herbology corpus as a whole or parts of it; Möglichkeit zum Download des Ridges Herbology-Korpus als Ganzes oder einzelner Teildokumente
SMOR is a wide-coverage German computational morphology with inflection, derivation, and compounding. The SMOR code excepted the stem lexicon are available under the GNU license. SMOR (without a stem lexicon) comes with the SFST tools.
SpeechRecorder is a platform independent multi-channel audio recording software. Its main features are a configurable recording script, Unicode text, image and audio prompts, hardware independence and localized language interfaces.
SFST is a finite state transducer toolkit for the implementation of morphologies and other applications of finite state transducers. SFST comprises a compiler and several tools for transforming, printing and applying transducers.
A collection of pointers to teaching and learning materials on linguistics and linguistic tools, including quick starts, how-tos, technical documentation, short teaching modules (2h), and full courses. This resource is collaboratively built by its users.
TextGrid has purchased the Zeno.org online library (literary, historical, scientific, ... texts) and successively converts it to TEI. TextGrid hat die Online-Bibliothek von Zeno.org (literarische, naturwissenschaftliche, historische, ... Texte) erworben und konvertiert diese sukzessive in ein gültiges TEI-Format.
i.a. collection of old herbal books, old cookery books and texts on the history of German language in print media; u.a. eine Sammlung von alten Kräuterbüchern, alten Kochbüchern und Texten zur Geschichte der deutschen Pressesprache