In June 1997, the ASCR signed an agreement with the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching (Germany) and became the operator of the Asterix IV laser. This facility provides the basis for experimental research in the field of high-power lasers and their applications, notably in the physics of laser plasmas. The Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS) has been made use of by the wider international research community. From 2000-2003, the European experiments at PALS were supported through the 5th Framework Programme of EU, in the frame of the Transnational Access to Major Research Infrastructure action. Since 2004, the laboratory participates at an Integrated Infrastucture Initiative project of the Consortium (6th FP). and Marina Hužvárová.
The Academy Assembly, the highest body of the ASCR responsible for the topmost priority decisions related to the ASCR, held its XXXVI Meeting in the Municipal House in Vinohrady on April 22, 2010. Professor Drahoš, in his presidential remarks to the assembly, summed up his views: “The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic intends to continue its efforts to stabilize its position among public institutions oriented towards science and research for the benefits of all society. Science deals with the basic intellectual needs of people and fundamentally influences the cultural and economical level of national society.” and Marina Hužvárová, Gabriela Adámková.
Do mozaiky dedikací letošnímu 125. výročí Akademie věd (více k 125. výročím Akademie věd ČR - Můj svět zázraků - na patří knižní portrét s výstižným názvem Volnomyšlenkář, dále upřesněným podtitulem Osudy a postoje molekulárního genetika Jana Svobody z pera Libuše Koubské. Vydalo Nakladatelství Academia v edici Paměť. and Marina Hužvárová.