This is a dataset for natural language generation (NLG) in task-oriented spoken dialogue systems with Czech as the target language. It originated as a translation of the English San Francisco Restaurants dataset by Wen et al. (2015).
It includes input dialogue acts and the corresponding output natural language paraphrases in Czech. Since the dataset is intended for recurrent neural network based NLG systems using delexicalization, inflection tables for all slot values appearing verbatim in the text are provided.
The first implementation phase of the ELI Beamlines project was concluded and the laser facility in Dolní Břežany was inaugurated on October 19, 2015 in the presence of many distinguished guests from the world of science and politics. The initial greetings were given by Czech and foreign guests, including the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Jiří Drahoš, Director of the Institute of Physics Jan Řídký, the President of the Senate of the Czech Republic Milan Štěch, Archbishop of Prague Dominik cardinal Duka, Director General of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Francesco Sette, Director General of the ELI-DC International Association Wolfgang Sandner, Chairman of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure John Womersley, French physicist and founder of the ELI project Gérard Mourou, Deputy director for science and technology in the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California Patricia Falcone. Guests were invited to see laser and experimental technologies directly in one of the laser halls. and Marina Hužvárová a Jana Olivová.
Stále citlivější a menší senzory, které odhalují nesmírně nízké koncentrace látek souvisejících se vznikem a rozvojem nemocí, choroboplodné bakterie v potravinách či různé další chemické a biologické látky kolem nás, mohou přinést zásadní pokrok v lékařské diagnostice, kotrole bezpečnosti potravin, monitorování životního prostředí a mnoha dalších oblastech. and Jana Olivová, Stanislava Kyselá.