a1_Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have an increased risk of premature mortality, mainly due to cardiovascular causes. The association between hemodialysis and accelerated atherosclerosis has long been described. The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is a surrogate marker of atherosclerosis and recent studies indicate its utility as a predictor of future cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. The clinical implications of ABI cut-points are not well defined in patients with CKD. Echocardiography is the most widely used imaging method for cardiac evaluation. Structural and functional myocardial abnormalities are common in patients with CKD due to pressure and volume overload as well as non-hemodynamic factors associated with CKD. Our study aimed to identify markers of subclinical cardiovascular risk assessed using ABI and 2D and 3D echocardiographic parameters evaluating left ventricular (LV) structure and function in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) (patients undergoing dialysis), patients after kidney transplantation and non-ESRD patients (control). In ESRD, particularly in hemodialysis patients, changes in cardiac structure, rather than function, seems to be more pronounced. 3D echocardiography appears to be more sensitive than 2D echocardiography in the assessment of myocardial structure and function in CKD patients. Particularly 3D derived end-diastolic volume and 3D derived LV mass indexed for body surface appears to deteriorate in dialyzed and transplanted patients. In 2D echocardiography, myocardial mass represented by left ventricular mass/body surface area index (LVMI) appears to be a more sensitive marker of cardiac structural changes, compared to relative wall thickness (RWT), left ventricle and diastolic diameter index (LVEDDI) and left atrial volume index (LAVI)., a2_We observed a generally favorable impact of kidney transplantation on cardiac structure and function; however, the differences were non-significant. The improvement seems to be more pronounced in cardiac function parameters, peak early diastolic velocity/average peak early diastolic velocity of mitral valve annulus (E/e´), 3D left ventricle ejection fraction (LV EF) and global longitudinal strain (GLS). We conclude that ABI is not an appropriate screening test to determine the cardiovascular risk in patients with ESRD., Magdaléna Kovářová, Zuzana Žilinská, Ján Páleš, Zuzana Kužmová, Andrea Gažová, Juraj Smaha, Martin Kužma, Peter Jackuliak, Viera Štvrtinová, Ján Kyselovič, Juraj Payer., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Hospitalized patients in internal medicine have an increased risk of low physical reserve which further declines during the hospital stay. The diagnosis requires bed-side testing of functional domains or more complex investigations of the muscle mass. Clinically useful biomarkers of functional status are needed, thus we aimed to explore the potential of microRNAs. Among hospitalized patients, we recorded the basic demographics, anthropometrics, nutritional status, and physical function domains: hand-grip strength (HGS, abnormal values M<30 kg, W<20 kg), balance (<30 s), chair-stands speed (CHSS<0.5/s) and gait speed (GS<0.8 m/s). A panel of five micro-RNAs (miRNA 1, miRNA 133a, miRNA 133b, miRNA 29a, miRNA 29b) and basic blood biochemistry and vitamin D values were recorded. We enrolled 80 patients (M40, W40), with a mean age of 68.8± 8.4 years. Obesity was observed in 27.5 % and 30 %, low HGS and low CHSS in 65.0, 77.5 %, and 80, 90 % of men and women respectively. The median hospital stay was 6.5 days. MiRNA29a and miRNA29b have the strongest correlation with the triceps skinfold (miRNA 29b, r=0.377, p=0.0006) and CHSS (miRNA 29a, r=0.262, p=0.02). MiRNA 29a, miRNA 29b and 133a levels were significantly higher in patients with CHSS<0.5/s. Other anthropometric parameters, mobility domains, or vitamin D did not correlate. All miRNAs except of miRNA 1, could predict low CHSS (miRNA29b, AUROC=0.736 CI 0.56-0.91, p=0.01), particularly in patients with low HGS (miRNA 29b, AUROC=0.928 CI 0.83-0.98). Among hospitalized patients in internal medicine, low functional status was frequent. MicroRNAs were fair biomarkers of the antigravity domain, but not other domains. Larger studies with clinical endpoints are needed., Petra Vrbová, Simona Valášková, Andrea Gažová, Juraj Smaha, Martin Kužma, Ján Kyselovič, Juraj Payer, Tomáš Koller., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Fekálna mikrobiálna terapia (FMT) je liečebná metóda, pri ktorej sa prenesie fekálna mikroflóra chorému jedincovi od zdravého darcu, a tým sa obnoví normálne mikrobiálne zloženie čreva. V súčasnosti vzrastá záujem o využitie FMT pri liečbe rôznych chorôb, avšak neexistujú štandardné terapeutické protokoly. Postupy pri realizácii FMT sa líšia vo viacerých aspektoch, ako je výber darcu, príprava fekálnych materiálov, príprava príjemcu a spôsob aplikácie. FMT sa zdá byť najúspešnejšia v liečbe rekurentnej infekcie Clostridium difficile, randomizované kontrolované štúdie dokázali úspešnosť približne 90 %. Existujú aj obmedzené výsledky pre liečbu ulceróznej kolitídy, publikované boli malé série prípadov, ktorých výsledky však nie sú jednotné. Využitie FMT sa skúma aj v liečbe iných chorôb, pri ktorých je narušená črevná mikroflóra, ako sú napr. kardiovaskulárne, autoimunitné a metabolické ochorenia. Nateraz je pri FMT veľa nezodpovedaných otázok, a preto je nevyhnutný ďalší výskum v tejto oblasti., Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a therapeutic method, in which the fecal microflora from healthy donors is transmitted to the patient to restore the healthy microbial composition of the gut. In the recent years, there is a growing interest in the therapeutic potential of FMT in various diseases. The standard FMT protocols do not exist. Procedures of FMT vary in several aspects such as donor selection, preparation of fecal material, preparation of the recipient and administration way. FMT appears to be the most successful in the treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), randomized controlled studies reported 90 % success rate. There is a limited evidence for FMT as a treatment of ulcerative colitis. FMT has been also studied as treatment of diseases with impaired gut microbiota, such as cardiovascular, autoimmune and metabolic diseases. Many unanswered questions with regard to FMT remain and further research is needed., and Igor Šturdík, Tibor Hlavatý, Juraj Payer
This study evaluates bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS) in relationship with new markers of chronic kidney disease (CKD), fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), and klotho. The patients in this cross-sectional study were divided as follows: group A -patients in stages G1-3; group B -patients in stages G4 - 5 according to KDIGO. Plasma levels of soluble klotho and FGF23 were determined by ELISA. Bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS) were measured. 74 patients with CKD (mean age 68.8 years) were included in the study. Higher levels of FGF23 were observed in group B (N=15) compared to group A (N=59; p=0.001) were observed. FGF23 was higher in group A compared to group B. Significant difference in TBS within the first 3 stages of CKD was observed (mean TBS in G1=1.375 vs. G2=1.340 vs. G3a=1.24; p<0.05) and negative correlation of FGF23 and TBS (R=-0.33; p=0.05) and positive correlation between klotho and TBS (R=0.419; p=0.04) was observed. This study confirmed that FGF23 and klotho are associated with TBS, but TBS reflects a decrease in kidney function only in the first 3 stages of CKD. Thus, FGF23 and klotho together with TBS are promising markers of early trabecular bone impairment in CKD., Zuzana Kužmová, Martin Kužma, Andrea Gažová, Magdaléna Kovářová, Peter Jackuliak, Zdenko Killinger, Ján Kyselovič, Juraj Payer., and Obsahuje bibliografii