Učená společnost ČR letos oslavuje dvacetileté výročí svého založení (1994). Její dvoudenní zasedání ve dnech 19. a 20. května 2014 v pražském Karolinu a v hlavní budově Akademie věd na Národní třídě připomnělo i 230. výročí vzniku Královské české společnosti nauk (1784-1952). První den veřejné části jednání tradičně patřil vyhlášení a předání medailí, cen a čestných uznání Učené společnosti. Za přínos celosvětové vědě předal rektor Univerzity Karlovy prof. Tomáš Zima Zlatou pamětní medaili UK prof. Jánu Vilčekovi. Význačný slovenský mikrobiolog, který v roce 1964 emigroval do Spojených států amerických a dlouhodobě působí na Newyorské univerzitě, se pro vědeckou dráhu inspiroval stáží v Mikrobiologickém ústavu někdejší ČSAV. Medaile Učené společnosti za zásluhy o rozvoj vědy převzali historik prof. Robert Kvaček a imunolog prof. Jan Svoboda. and Marina Hužvárová, Luděk Svoboda.
The Academy Assembly, the Academy of Science’s highest body responsible for the most important decisions related to the ASCR, held its XL meeting April 19, 2012. Among invited guests were Petr Fiala, the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor; Miroslava Němcová, Chairwoman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic; Alena Gajdůšková, First Vice-President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic; Václav Pačes, President of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic; Rudolf Zahradník, ASCR Honorary President; Helena Illnerová, ASCR former President and others. This meeting’s main agenda item was discussion of the research methodology evaluation, which has been criticized by the ASCR since its inception. According to the Jiří Drahoš, the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the alleged misconceptions of the prevailing methodology were highlighted in the final report of the project International Audit of Research and Development in the Czech Republic, compiled and published by a consortium of renowned foreign institutions. Another item of the meeting was a brief presentation of the Strategy for the Development of the ASCR 2014–2020, in which Professor Drahoš introduced key visions and medium-term developmental goals of the ASCR, the Czech Republic’s leading non-university public research institution.
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) celebrates not only Galileo Galilei’s innovative work in telescopic observational astronomy, but also the year that Johannes Kepler’s paradigm-setting work Astronomia Nova - which he wrote in Prague - was published. This, Kepler’s magnum opus contains the results of the astronomer’s ten year investigation of the motion of Mars and records the discovery of the first two of the three principles known as Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion. and Luděk Svoboda.
The Seventh Conference of the Czech Neuroscience Society together with the First Conference of the Slovak Society for Neuroscience was jointly convened in Prague November 1-4, 2009. The conference was held in conjunction with 7th International Stem School in Regenerative Medicine, which offered Ph.D. students and young researchers the opportunity to discuss with prominent scientists in the field of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. Regenerative medicine stands at the forefront of current medical research as scientists seek to better understand regenerative abilities of our cells and tissues and to use these abilities to enable the rescue and repair of damaged tissue resulting from injury or disease. and Luděk Svoboda.