The responses of growth and leaf gas exchange to increasing salinity were measured in two halophytes [Atriplex nummularia (C4), Atriplex hastata (C3)] and one glycophyte [Hordeum vulgare (C3)]. The growth (dry mass) of both the halophytes was significantly increased, by 54 and 17 %, respectively, as salinity was increased in the range 0-200 mol m-^ NaCl. However, net CO2 assimilation rate (Pn)- the intercellular CO2 concentration (Cj) and leaf conductance (^1) were unaffected. At higher levels of salinity (in the range 400 - 600 mol m"^ NaCl) the growth of the two halophytes was severely reduced (by 44 and 51 %, respectively). At these levels of salinity q were significantly depressed. 25 mol m*^ NaCl significantly reduced the growth of H. vulgare by 44 %, but had no effect on Py^, g| and Cj. However, at 100 mol m'^ NaCl, where growth was decreased by 62 %, and g| were significantly reduced while q was unaltered. There was thus, no association between the effects of salinity on growth and leaf gas exchange at low salinities (25- 200 mol m'3 NaCl). At higher salinities, leaf gas exchange and growth were both severely inhibited but it is unlikely that a direct causal relationship existed. At these salinities sodium concentration in the leaves (tissue water basis) was above 400 mol m'3 in the halophytes and above 100 mol m'^ in H. vulgare which possibly affected both growth and leaf gas exchange independently. Also, the effects of salinity on total leaf chlorophyll concentration and net CO2 assimilation rate expressed on a chlorophyll (chl) basis (Pchi) were no better related to growth than was Pn
In order to study a possible effect of mini-invasive heart intervention on a response of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal stress axis, we analyzed four stress markers (cortisol, cortisone, DHEA and DHEAS) in 25 sows using minimally invasive heart catheterisation as the stress factor. The marker levels were assessed in four periods of the experiment, (1) the baseline level on the day before intervention, (2) after the introduction of anesthesia, (3) after conducting tissue stimulation or ablation, and (4) after the end of the catheterisation. For statistical analyses we used the non-parametric Friedman test for four dependent samples (including all four stages of the operation) or three dependent samples (influence of operation only, baseline level was excluded). Statistically significant differences in both Friedman tests were found for cortisol and for cortisone. Significant differences for DHEA as well as for DHEAS were found for all tested stages but not for the effect of operation itself. We have concluded that cortisol levels are blunted by the influence of anesthesia after its administration, and therefore decrease back to the baseline at the end of the operation. The other markers (cortisone, DHEA and DHEAS) acted as balanced systems against the injurious stress effect., H. Skarlandtová, M. Bičíková, P. Neužil, M. Mlček, V. Hrachovina, T. Svoboda, E. Medová, J. Kudlička, A. Dohnalová, Š. Havránek, H. Kazihnítková, L. Máčová, E. Vařejková, O. Kittnar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ceremonial inauguration of Tokamak Compass-D that Czech Republic obtained as gift from Great Britain took place in April 1 2008 by participation e.g. chairman of AS CR Václav Pačes, ambasador of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Linda Joy Duffield, director of Association EUROATOM-IPP.CR Hardo Bruns and director of UKAEA Fusion Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith. A Tokamak Compass-D is a machine producing a toroidal magnetic field for confining a plasma. It is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices and the most researched candidate for producing fusion energy. and Marina Hužvárová.
Recenzovaný sborník je sestaven z příspěvků stejnojmenné konference, kterou ve dnech 19. a 20. října 2010 uspořádal Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů ve spolupráci s Filozofickou fakultou Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Publikované texty se až na jednu výjimku týkají dějin šlechty v českých zemích, Slovensku, Německu a Rakousku. Ke čtenářům podle recenze promlouvají na jedné straně osobní příběhy konkrétních šlechticů nebo jejich rodin, na druhé se mohou lépe obeznámit s obecnějšími vývojovými tendencemi nebo širšími pohledy na danou problematiku. and [autor recenze] Vladimír Březina.