The work of Jean Baudrillard has gained for itself large groups of followers and opponents alike. But Baudrillard is often misinterpreted by both camps. The reason for this, apart from anything else, is the characteristic way in which he gets hold of the “objects” of his interest. When reading his work one witnesses a tendency towards non-standard accounts of subject matter. He operates on the border of its significance and, at the same time, he often (quite intentionally) contradicts himself. In the article I present Baudrillard’s view of the productive theory and the dialectical method. I sketch the reasons why he condemns them and replaces them with the seductive theory-fiction or with theoretical terrorism and reversibility or even with symbolic exchange. These are the strategies by which, with passion, he comes to terms with objects. Many hitherto published studies of the theories of Jean Baudrillard tackle and focus on its concrete elements in contexts of the utmost diversity. This article, on the contrary, is concerned with the theoretico-methodological viewpoint, and it thus serves as a certain kind of general introduction to the investigation of the work of Jean Baudrillard. Baudrillard’s idiosyncratic method is introduced and comparisons are made. A characterisation and mutual comparison is made of the productive and seductive way of theorising. The study also points to the content of these, with stress being placed on Baudrillard’s seductive way. Last but not least theory-fiction, as an independent method, is brought into contrast with method of a dialectical stripe., Tomáš Zemčík., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
An occurrence of tetra-coordinated aluminum in altered coal and low temperature coal ashes was investigated. As altered coal a sample from the Lazy mine (Upper Silesian Coal Basin) was tested, further, low-temperature ashes from different coals were prepared and measured. During preparation the selected coal samples were intensively air-oxidized; 27Al MAS NMR spectra of obtained ashes were then acquired and compared against those for initial coals. A reference wood ash and Al standards were used for identification of Al-forms. It was found that chemical shift at 4 ppm with coals corresponds to that for triaquo-hydroxo-diphenoxido-aluminum(III) complex (THDA), further, the shift at 72 ppm with altered coal and resulting ashes agrees with that for Al tetra-coordinated with oxygen. So, in the presence of coal organics the tetra-coordinated Al is formed under low temperature conditions, because during low temperature ashing the THDA complex is transformed to Al tetra-coordinated with oxygen only at 350 °C. A similar process occurred in the case of oxidation of coal substance under low temperature conditions in the nature at temperatures below 150 °C., Pavel Straka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In Italy, food-borne outbreaks of opisthorchiasis have occurred since 2003, all of them originating from some lakes in Central Italy where the only European liver fluke, Opisthorchis felineus (Rivolta, 1884) is endemic. The aim of the present study is to investigate the factors that may facilitate the life cycle of O. felineus in the area of Bolsena Lake, the knowledge of the local population about opisthorchiasis, and preventative healthcare measures. We performed a descriptive observational study through the submission of questionnaires to three target populations: fishermen who fish exclusively in Bolsena Lake, restaurateurs whose businesses are close to the lake and general population living in the province of Viterbo. Results showed hazardous behaviours and eating habits in the three target populations, as well as a poor knowledge of opisthorchiasis and preventative healthcare measures., Paola Scaramozzino, Roberto Condoleo, Enrica Martini, Teresa Bossù, Silvia Aquilani, Valentina Spallucci, Elisabetta Aquilini, Selene Marozzi., and Obsahuje bibliografii