In this article the authors describe what forms of political participation, outside the electoral process, the populations of twenty-one European countries tend to employ and to what degree. They identify three types of non-electoral political participation: active-conventional, active-demonstrational, and passive participation. Overall non-electoral political participation is considerably lower in the post-communist and Mediterranean countries than in the Western European and Scandinavian countries. In the latter countries the passive type of political participation is clearly a much stronger form of participation than the other two types. Conversely, in the Mediterranean countries passive participation is weaker and is exceeded in places by the active-conventional type of participation. The Mediterranean area is also notable for the unusually strong presence of the active-demonstrational type of participation. The authors also examine the social micro-and macro-conditions related to these three types of political participation. In conclusion they attempt to address the question of whether there is a connection between political activity and satisfaction with the way democracy works.
Dozimetrie interního ozáření je oblast radiační ochrany, která se snaží stanovit dávku způsobenou přítomností radionuklidů v lidském těle. Popíšeme zde obecný přístup k hodnocení dávky a ukážeme přehled nových trendů v této oblasti. Pozornost je věnována především biokinetickým modelům a aplikacím matematických fantomů pro potřeby kalibrace měření in vivo., The assessment of the dose from internally incorporated radionuclides in a human body is the domain of internal dosimetry. This paper describes the general approach to dose assessment and discusses developments and new trends in the area. Special focus is given to biokinetic modeling and the application of mathematical models for calibration purposes of in-vivo measurements., Tomáš Vrba., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ground-dwelling sciurids, including prairie dogs (Cynomys), marmots (Marmota) and several genera of ground squirrels (e.g. Ammospermophilus, Spermophilus, Notocitellus, Ictidomys, Urocitellus), emit alarm calls in the presence of predators to warn their kin. These calls show high intra- and inter-species variation. The alarm calls of many species have potential to encode information about caller identity, and possibly enable the ground squirrels to recognize unreliable callers or to estimate the degree of risk. The alarm calls can be used to determine species or subspecies, and can also help resolve some taxonomic complexities. and Irena Schneiderová.