Semantic changes observed in aphasic patients are examined in two aspects: as transfers of names and transfers of meaning. The most frequent in the material under scrutiny are semantic changes resulting form the contiguity of meanings (metonymies) and shifts motivated by the similarity of names (paronymies). Changes based on the similarity of meanings (metaphors) and the contiguity of names (ellipses) are less frequent. The relative frequencies of the mechanisms underlying semantic change in aphasia lead one to reflect on the nature of cognitive functions in aphasic patients. That the configurations of form and content, obtained by analyzing aphasic texts, are stored in people´s cognitive structures and as such constitute templates or patterns necessary for the comprehension and description of reality, as well as for the segmentation of interpreted sequences of information. The patterns recognized in the present study pertain primarily to the visible, physical world, judgments of non-material mental images are less frequent.
The percentage of transnational marriages is quite low in Slovakia. This relates to the increasing mobility of domestic inhabitants abroad as well as to the arrival of foreigners in Slovakia during recent decades. The study is to explain the cultural and historical background of mixed marriages between Slovaks and foreigners, their family life and the integration in the Slovak environment, namely in the context of migration experience of the partners in these relationships. In the introduction, we characterize the transnational marriages using available statistical data. We will
investigate the integration processes on selected type of transnational marriages, in which the partner comes from Egypt, Algeria or Tunis. We will focus mainly on their communication strategies and employability in the labour market.
Článek se věnuje dvojici archivních pramenů z konce 18. století, staršímu z roku 1781 od Ambrože Strahla a mladšímu, datovanému rokem 1785, Materialia ad historiam urbis Brodae Bohem[icalis] od Antonína Hilla, které jako zcela nevyčerpaný zdroj pro poznání bohaté malířské výzdoby iluminovaných rukopisů 16. století doposud stály v pozadí badatelského zájmu. Oba prameny přinášejí po kritickém přehodnocení obsahově spolehlivé popisy osmi iluminovaných rukopisů českobrodské a litoměřické provenience se zaměřením na jejich kodikologické vypsání, obsah, a zejména na jednotlivé iluminace. Část, zabývající se iluminacemi, přináší určení jejich ikonografie, kodikologického kontextu a podrobný popis erbů a cechovních znaků včetně udání doplňujících letopočtů. Součástí popisů jsou v souvislosti s objednavateli a donátory rukopisů i odkazy na určité archivní zdroje. Oba zkoumané prameny prostřednictvím podrobných popisů iluminovaných rukopisů významně prohlubují naše představy o existenci četných iluminovaných hudebních pramenů, neboť s výjimkou čtveřice iluminovaných rukopisů jde o kodexy nedochované. V případě popisu čtveřice dochovaných rukopisů mají zásadní důležitost pro zhodnocení původního rozsahu malířské výzdoby a ikonografického programu iluminovaných folií vyřezaných z rukopisů v 19. století, pro bližší časové zařazení těchto hudebních památek či určení původní podoby vazby. and This article is devoted to a pair of late 18th-century archival sources - the earlier one, dated 1781, is by Ambrož Strahl and the later one, dated 1785 and titled Materialia ad historiam urbis Brodae Bohem[icalis], is by Antonín Hill - which had heretofore stood as a far from depleted fountainhead of information on the painted decorations of 16th-century illuminated manuscripts in the margins of scholarly interest. Both sources offer - following a critical reappraisal - reliable descriptions of the contents of eight illuminated manuscripts originating in Český Brod and Litoměřice and focused on codicological descriptions of their contents and particularly of individual illuminations. A section dealing with illuminations determines their iconography, codicological background and contains detailed descriptions of coats of arms and guild emblems, with supplementary dating provided. In the context of the descriptions, references are made to particular archival sources in connection with those who commissioned and donated the manuscripts. Both sources, with detailed descriptions of illuminated manuscripts, extend in a fundamental manner our knowledge on the existence of a great many illuminated musical sources, which - with the exception of four illuminated manuscripts - have not been preserved. In the case of the descriptions of the four preserved manuscripts, their crucial significance in evaluating the original extent of their painted decorations and the iconographic programme of cut out of 19th-century illuminated folios so as to order these musical sources and their original bindings according to a more exact chronology has been made evident.
The text speaks about the today no more existing buildings of traditional architecture which are included in the drawing chronicle by Alois Beer, a native from Dobruška and autodidact. The chronicle comes from the late 19th century. The description is devoted to several particular examples described in terms of construction
and history. The first building is the Beer´s own house which the author carefully documented from inside and outside. The further building presents a dwelling of executioners and knackers from Dobruška, where it was possible to describe the interior, the exterior and many constructional details. The following drawing shows the house No. 116 and in addition to the building, it depicts a lot of valuable interesting things from the exterior. The tannery in Pulice represents technical buildings. The drawing with the Chapel of the Virgin Mary introduces the original building - in its place one can find just a copy now. The picture with a workers ́ house in Zákoutí is valuable due to the fact that such types of dwellings were depicted only rarely. The last building from Dobruška shows an untypical combination of a saddle and an attic roof on an otherwise traditional building.
Culturing geranium at different doses of Zn from 0-1.0 g m-3 (Zn0 to Zn1.000) revealed that Zn is an antioxidant promoter, apart from its micronutrient essentiality. Zn0.250 was the critical concentration for maximum content (0.21 %) of total essential monoterpene oil(s). At Zn0.005-Zn0.250, net photosynthetic rate, and contents of chlorophyll and essential monoterpene oil(s) were affected. The maximum peroxidase activity was obtained at Zn0.250, with the production of biomolecule geraniol. We found an oxido-reducible reaction of Zn in the formation of monoterpene essential oil(s) and possibly major constituents of geraniol. and A. Misra ... [et al.].
Ve střední Evropě se vyskytují čtyři druhy kamyšníků (Bolboschoenus), které byli dříve považovány za jediný široce definovaný druh kamyšník přímořský (B. maritimus). Současná klasifikace spočívá v morfologii květenství a hlavně tvaru a anatomii nažek. Kamyšník širokoplodý (B. laticarpus) je na základě jeho přechodných znaků, chromozomového počtu a ekologie považován za hybridní druh. Taxonomická klasifikace středoevropských kamyšníků byla ověřena molekulární analýzou a rovněž se potvrdil i hybridní původ kamyšníku širokoplodého, jehož rodiče jsou kamyšník vrcholičnatý (B. yagara) a kamyšník polní (B. planiculmis)., Four taxa of the genus Bolboschoenus (Cyperaceae), formerly included in the broadly conceived species B. maritimus are distributed in Central Europe. Their current determination is based on the morphological characters of the inflorescence and especially the shape and anatomy of achenes. On the basis of intermediate morphology, chromosome numbers and ecological amplitude, B. laticarpus has been supposed to be a hybridogenous taxon. Taxonomical classification of Central European Bolboschoenus species was verified by genetic analyses and hybrid origin of B. laticarpus was verified, with the parentage B. yagara × B. planiculmis., and Soňa Píšová, Zdenka Hroudová, Tomáš Fér, Michal Ducháček, Petr Zákravský.
Ellen Key and Laura Marholm belonged to the mosts interesting female thinkers during fin de siècle period. Their concepts of female sexual and psychological nature were widely accepted by the German, Austrian and Czech male modernists in contrast to responses from the suffrage movement. The article analyses the cooperation of Marholm and Key with the Viennese weekly Die Zeit and its intellectual background. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou