‘Carantanian / Köttlach’ jewellery from southwest Slovakia and from the other parts of the Carpathian Basin. In the Slovak and Hungarian archaeological literature, a small group of early medieval jewellery from southwest Slovakia was labelled as being of ‘Carantanian / Köttlach’ provenance, meaning that it originated from Eastern Alps region (today’s Austria and Slovenia). The goal of the article is a revision of the issue of provenance in the context of analogous finds from Moravia and the Carpathian Basin (i.e. today’s Hungary, western Romania and northeastern Croatia). The provenenace from the Eastern Alps region can be confirmed in the case of several Slovak finds only, the others are of local origin. Also, from the point of view of chronology, we are dealing with a relatively heterogenous group of jewellery, with a date-range from the turn of the 8th-9th centuries to the 11th century. The author tries to demonstrate that the argument in the middle of the 20th century and later about the ‘influences from the Eastern Alps region’ was dependent on the state of archaeological research at that time. It was a viewpoint that over-emphasised the importance of early medieval ‘Köttlach culture’ in Eastern Alps region, especially for the spreading of some jewellery types to other regions of middle and southeastern Europe., Šimon Ungerman., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The official Burgundian historiographer Georges Chastellain (perhaps 1415-1475) left an extensive work of various genres behind. We also find in the Chronicle noteworthy Bohemicalia and Luxemburg passages, concerning particularly the origin of Hussitism. Chastellain saw the roots of this revolution in the lascivious alliance of Prague girls and the monks of one monastery there. To be able to sleep with their lovers, the girls cut their hair and wore monk´s cowls. It was the beginning of absolute chaos and reversal of the established hierarchies in Bohemia. We do not know the direct source of the author´s inspiration, but ideologically the story is close to a number of works of anti-Hussite propaganda, emphasising the destructive role of women in the revolution. It is also not an accident that Chastellain included the chapter on the Prague girls just before the narrative on Joan of Arc, for whom as an author from Burgundy he did not sympathize. Also she changed into men´s clothing and her behaviour led to wars and chaos according to the author. The parallel was to be obvious. At the time when he wrote the passage on Hussitism, Georges Chastellain also considered the mission of historians and their place in the period society. He ascribed a place to them almost on the same level as aristocrats. It was a parallel: like aristocrats use the sword, the tongue must serve men of the quill for the elimination of the injustice of this world. and Martin Nejedlý.
Lake Lednica, Greater Poland, is one of Poland’s most important and longest-studied underwater archaeological sites. The residential centre established on an island was one of the central points in the state of the first Piasts. Previous research located two bridges to the island and discovered the largest collection of early medieval military objects in Central Europe in the lake. In the 2017 season, a third bridge was discovered on Lake Lednica leading to the small island called Ledniczka on which the layers of an early medieval settlement and clear remnants of a motte-type medieval structure are found. Three seasons of research on relics of the crossing suggest that it may have functioned in two periods: in the tenth century and at the turn of the fourteenth century. During the research, a number of military items, pottery, objects made of organic materials and fishing tools were found. and Lednické jezero ve Velkopolsku patří k nejdůležitějším a nejdéle studovaným lokalitám podvodní archeologie ve střední Evropě. Rezidenční centrum zřízené na zdejším Lednickém ostrově bylo jedním z hlavních míst prvních Piastovců. Předchozí výzkum odhalil dva mosty spojující ostrov s pevninou a největší soubor militárií ze dna středoevropského jezera. V roce 2017 byl identifikován další most, tentokrát zpřístupňující ostrůvek zvaný Ledniczka. Další výzkum ukázal, že most pravděpodobně fungoval ve dvou periodách: v 10. století a na přelomu 13. a 14. století. Přinesl také početný soubor militárií, keramiky, rybářského náčiní a výrobků z organických materiálů. Na ostrůvku byly dokumentovány raně středověké situace a opevnění typu motte.
Two fragments of lustre-glaze tableware excavated at the Týn merchant inn in the Staré-Město quarter of Prague, the archaeological deposition context of which may be dated into the turn of the 13th and 14th century, represent products of Andalusi pottery workshops of 12th and early 13th centuries. The route by which this tableware service came to Prague is difficult to trace. It seems most logical to link the introduction of this luxury pottery with the wave of Andalusi products, especially precious textiles, supplying the highest circles of Bohemian society roughly between 1250 and 1320. This commercial operation might have followed up the trade ventures of Andalusi-oriented entrepreneurs furnishing customers of western Europe along the Atlantic coast with luxury items originating in Andalusi production plants. An alternative to this idea is represented by the possibility that the vessels came to Prague in the baggage of some of its Jewish residents. and Dva zlomky přepychové stolní keramiky s lustrovou glazurou, nalezené při výzkumu Týnského dvora v Praze v archeologickém kontextu uloženém nejspíše na přelomu 13. a 14. stol., představují výrobky andaluských dílen almohádského období Iberského poloostrova a byly zhotoveny nejspíše ve 12. či raném 13. století. Rekonstruovat cestu tohoto přepychového stolního servisu z Andalusie do Prahy není jednoduché. Nejlogičtější řešení tu představuje myšlenka transportu v důsledku almohádského obchodu se zeměmi západní Evropy podél jejího atlantického pobřeží až do oblasti Severního a Baltského moře. Druhou a stejně dobře představitelnou alternativu představuje přivezení souboru luxusního stolního zboží některým z židovských obyvatel středověké Prahy.
Uvádíme a porovnáváme názory největších myslitelů antiky a středověku - Platóna, Aristotela, Augustina a Tomáše Akvinského - na povahu a vlastnosti času. Všímáme si, jak se jimi formulované názory a problémy odrážejí v současné fyzice., Pavel Macků, Jan Novotný., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Cílem studie je představení post-exkavační metody práce se stratigrafickými a keramickými daty za účelem vytvoření relativní chronologie mnohovrstevnaté městské lokality na základě rozfázovaného sekvenčního modelu. K interakci mezi stratigrafickými a keramickými daty jsou využity exploatorní a vícerozměrové (multivariační) statistické metody seriace, korespondenční a faktorové analýzy. Příkladová studie vychází z výzkumu nádvoří městské radnice v Českých Budějovicích, který proběhl v letech 1996–1997, jehož výsledky byly v nedávné době vyhodnoceny a publikovány. Shrnuty jsou zde hlavní vývojové fáze osídlení od počátků založení města v roce 1265 do výstavby renesanční radnice v polovině 16. století a k nim odpovídající statisticky vyčleněné keramické horizonty. V článku jsou rovněž nastíněny možnosti dynamické interpretace rozfázovaného sekvenčního Harrisova diagramu v souvislosti se sociálními a behaviorálními přístupy ke studiu archeologických stratifikací, které ukazují na řadu druhů lidských aktivit v zastavěném městském prostředí and The objective of the study is to present post-excavation methods of work with stratigraphic and pottery data with the aim of creating a relative chronology of the multi-layered site based on a phased sequential model. Exploratory and multidimensional (multivariate) statistical methods of seriation and correspondence and factor analyses are used for interaction between stratigraphic and pottery data. The case study is based on the excavation of the courtyard of the town hall in České Budějovice in 1996–1997, the results of which were recently evaluated and published. This work mainly summarises the main development phases of settlement from the founding of the town in 1265 to the construction of the Renaissance town hall in the mid-16th century and the corresponding statistically determined pottery horizons. The article also outlines the possibilities for the dynamic interpretation of a phased sequential Harris diagram in connection with social and behavioural approaches to the study of archaeological stratification showing many types of human activities in the built-up urban environment.
In late Medieval Poland, and by analogy in all of Europe, luxury at the royal table was represented by the use of imported choice products that were accessible only to a selected few. Similar to jewels, valuable robes or articles of precious metals, these products were kept in the royal treasury. In addition to the obvious culinary impact (however limited it may have been) and alleged healing powers of certain spices, the choice products most certainly played their part in issues of prestige and propaganda. The use of luxury products can be considered as an interesting indicator of change, particularly with respect to relations among the estates in late Medieval Poland. The presence of such products at the table or in the diet was the very article that distinguished the royal court from other courts of the late Medieval Polish kingdom; at the same time, it brought them closer to contemporary courts of the rulers of west Europe. and Agnieszka Januszek-Sieradzka.