G. Grätzer and A. Kisielewicz devoted one section of their survey paper concerning $p_n$-sequences and free spectra of algebras to the topic “Small idempotent clones” (see Section 6 of [18]). Many authors, e.g., [8], [14, 15], [22], [25] and [29, 30] were interested in $p_n$-sequences of idempotent algebras with small rates of growth. In this paper we continue this topic and characterize all idempotent groupoids $(G,\cdot )$ with $p_2(G,\cdot )\le 2$ (see Section 7). Such groupoids appear in many papers see, e.g. [1], [4], [21], [26, 27], [25], [28, 30, 31, 32] and [34].
The Lama forest is the largest natural forest in southern Benin, and one of the last remnant forests within the Dahomey Gap. It harbours several species of major importance in terms of conservation. Small mammals are known to represent more than 80% of the African mammalian species diversity but they have received little attention in Benin. In this article we present the results of the first terrestrial small mammal species inventory (murid rodents and shrews) in the Lama forest. In September and October 2007, we captured 280 small mammals belonging to 12 species, identified by morphological and genetic analysis. We also provide detailed cytogenetic data for six of the 12 captured species. For five of them, we compare our data with previously published karyotypes, and for the sixth one (Hylomyscus pamfi), the karyotype is published here for the first time. Two of the captured species are closed-forest specialists (Praomys misonnei, H. pamfi), and H. pamfi is endemic to the Dahomey Gap region. Our results are congruent with those obtained on other animal groups, and highlight the importance of the Lama forest for the conservation of the country's forest biodiversity.
V súčasnej situácii, ktorú niektorí považujú za všeobecnú krízu hodnôt a totálny relativizmus a druhí zase označujú ako víťazstvo slobody, kedy je spor medzi modernistami a postmodernistami sporom o to, či existuje alebo neexistuje aspoň jeden spoločný oporný bod, na ktorom by sme mohli v duchu Newtonovho výroku postaviť celý náš vesmír, sa myšlienkami vraciame do minulosti. Je pozoruhodné, že už v antickom Grécku môžeme pozorovať obdobný spor tomu dnešnému a to medzi relativizmom a metafyzikou, keď relativisti odmietali predstavu existencie akejkoľvek od človeka nezávislej hodnoty a naopak metafyzici sa snažili obhájiť platnosť hodnôt existujúcich za hranicou nášho sveta. Spoločným menovateľom súčasného a minulého sporu je práve hľadanie otázky na to, či je všetko závislé od vôle človeka a platnosť má potom iba arbitrárny charakter alebo naopak existuje určitá štruktúra hodnôt poznateľná rozumom, ktorej platnosť je všeobecná a nie je závislá od ľudskej vôle. Podstatu tohto sporu sme sa
snažili ukázať aj v našom článku, kde čitateľovi najskôr ozrejmíme jeho teoretickú podstatu na báze analýzy vzťahov jednotlivých princípov a následne sa teoretický problém budeme snažiť vysvetliť aj pomocou
analýzy a komparácie súčasného platného právneho poriadku s poriadkom prvej ČSR a súvisiacej judikatúry v oblasti notárskych zápisníc ako exekučných titulov resp. ich staršími verziami vykonateľných verejno-notárskych listín.V celom článku sa preto pýtame na povahu samotnej štruktúry hodnôt a princípov, ktorých vzájomné vzťahy sú buď základom pre správnu aplikáciu princípov (platónska predstava), alebo sú skôr výsledkom ustálenej aplikácie princípov (sofistická predstava). and Some consider the current situation a general crisis of values others a victory of freedom. The general dispute is being led between the modernists and the postmodernist. The main conflict is based in the question whether there is at least one common point of convergence. This dispute brings us back to the ideas of the past. It is noteworthy that already in ancient Greece we can observe a similar dispute between relativism and metaphysics, where relativist refused to accept the idea, that there exists an independent value, which is not dependent on the will of man.On the other hand metaphysics tried to defend the validity of the structure of the values which exist beyond our world. The common denominator of the current and past issues of the dispute is the question if everything is dependent on the will of man, or if there is a structure, which is general and is not dependent on
human will. The essence of this dispute is presented in the whole article, first theoretically then by way of analysis and comparison of the legal systems of the ČSR and nowadays Slovakia. Therefore we ask ourselves throughout the whole article about the nature of the structure of values and principles
which could be the basis for the correct application of the principles in their mutual relations (platonic idea) or about the structure which resulted from the application of such principles (sophistic perception).
This article deals with the topic of mixed mode data collection in quantitative social research. The first part of the article introduces mixed mode data collection in terms of its development, characteristics and terminology. Thereafter, there is a discussion of mixed mode data research design and its usage. In the second part of this paper there is a discussion of important criteria in the effective used of a mixed mode data research design. Here particular attention is devoted to mode effects. The main insights from this overview of mixed mode data research are summarised in a schematic format. The concluding section provides a brief summary of a number of statistical methods for analysing mixed mode data such as Multitrait multimethod (MTMM) approach to studying construct validity. There are also some remarks regarding future developments in mixed mode data collection and analysis in the social sciences.
This article deals with the topic of mixed mode data collection in quantitative social research. The first part of the article introduces mixed mode data collection in terms of its development, characteristics and terminology. Thereafter, there is a discussion of mixed mode data research design and its usage. In the second part of this paper there is a discussion of important criteria in the effective used of a mixed mode data research design. Here particular attention is devoted to mode effects. The main insights from this overview of mixed mode data research are summarised in a schematic format. The concluding section provides a brief summary of a number of statistical methods for analysing mixed mode data such as Multitrait multimethod (MTMM) approach to studying construct validity. There are also some remarks regarding future developments in mixed mode data collection and analysis in the social sciences., Martin Buchtík., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We study a parameter depending semilinear elliptic PDE on a rectangle with Signorini boundary conditions on a part of one edge and mixed (zero Dirichlet and Neumann) boundary conditions on the rest of the boundary. We describe smooth branches of smooth nontrivial solutions bifurcating from the trivial solution branch in eigenvalues of the linearized problem. In particular, the contact sets of these nontrivial solutions are intervals which change smoothly along the branch. The main tools of the proof are first a certain local equivalence of the unilateral BVP to a system consisting of a corresponding classical BVP and of two scalar equations (which determine the ends of the contact intervals), and secondly an application of the classical Crandall-Rabinowitz type local bifurcation techniques (scaling and application of the Implicit Function Theorem) to that system.