The topic of this essay is an analysis of perceptual experience based on the effort to define its primitive component. Sensations as discussed in the article are considered to be elementary units of the perceptual experience. Although Russell’s concept of sense-data seems to be highly problematic, it provides rich material for analysis of direct perceptual experience. By looking behind Russell’s metaphysically burdened understanding of sense-data as an objective basis of perceptual experience, we can get more plausible picture of the immediate perceptual experience. Lively debate on direct perceptual experience as a source of knowledge raises the question of how far can be analyzed the experience itself. This paper tries to define the primitive component of subjective perceptual experience that is made up of sensations and the act of sensation exclusively. These sensations are units being closest to the real world. They are nonconceptual, experiential, immediately accessible and uncorrectable.
In the year 1909 was established in Prague Minority Museum as a mutually-supportive institution. Its goal was to pay attention to demographic problems, expecially the distribution of Czech minorities in nationally mexed (Czech-German) regions in the borderlands, as well as collection of documents on national, cultural and social situation. One of the concrete activities of the museum was to pursue guestionnaire surveys, on the basis of which was expected to enquire the situation of Czech minorities on Czech-German territories. The article shows how the questionnaires were processed and distributed. Given the fact that the archival collection "Minority Museum 1909-1920" in the National Archives in Prague contains only a torso of filled questionnaires, it can be speculated that in the period before the World War I it was not possible to realize this project., Andrej Sulitka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
During his approximately fifteen-year-long appealing to the members of Czechoslovak ethnographic community, Otakar Nahodil attempted to open a “research window” at least within the dimensions of the then Socialist camp with the emphasis on the practice of Soviet ethnographers. In accordance with his opinion, which was based on the idea of regional closed nature of research conducted by Czechoslovak ethnographers, he tried to break this closed nature by advancing Soviet ethnographic science. His life story has not been forgotten by the older generation, but less attention is paid to Nahodil´s views of theory and methodology of ethnographic work. We can observe his professional endeavour in several projects through which he tried to change opinions of the local ethnographic community. These were his view of the concepts of Marxist ethnography in theory and practice, his methods he applied on his own fieldwork (in Bohemia, Slovakia, Caucasus,
Central Asia and Egypt), the themes which the Czechoslovak Marxist ethnography was to paid attention to, and the project of the journal “Československá etnografie (Czechoslovak Ethnography)”. In principle, the text is a sequel to the article by Lydia Petráňová, which is devoted to Otakar Nahodil´s life story (Národopisný
věstník 2017/1).
The Academy Assembly held its XLII"d Meeting December 13, 2012 in the Municipal House in Vinohrady. It is the supreme self-governing body of the Academy of Sciences responsible for the foremost priority decisions related to the ASCR. By a secret ballot. the Academy Council (executive body of the ASCR) and Council for Sciences (the ASCRS policy body) were elected by the Academy Assembly for the period 2013-2017. and Luděk Svoboda.
Recenzované dílo je sborníkem dvanácti velmi zajímavých příspěvků z oblasti mezinárodního a evropského práva. Jednotlivá pojednání v recenzovaném sborníku se zabývají vzájemnými vlivy nadnárodního práva (především práva Evropské unie a Rady Evropy) a vnitrostátního práva ve světle vnitrostátní normotvorby a aplikační praxe soudů. Autory dílčích příspěvků jsou holandští, angličtí a švýcarští akademici a právní odborníci nejen z oblasti mezinárodního práva (např. Déirdre Dwyer, Maya Hertig Randall, John Cartwright). Vzhledem k širokému nosnému tematickému zaměření, které ve své linii umožnilo tematickou pestrost dílčích příspěvků, zaujme recenzovaný sborník nejen čtenáře z oblasti evropského práva, ale i z oblasti práva ústavního, občanského a obchodního.