Článek shrnuje dosavadní znalosti o pavoucích zimujících v ulitách suchozemských plžů v České republice. Jde o dvě studie - jedna ze zimy 2008/2009 (2 448 prázdných ulit tří druhů suchozemských plžů: suchomilka obecná (Xerolenta obvia), páskovka žíhaná (Cepaea vindobonensis) a hlemýžď zahradní (Helix pomatia)). Druhá studie byla provedena v zimním období 2010/2011 (přes 30 000 ulit, stejné druhy jako v předchozích letech plus druhy: skalnice kýlnatá (Helicigona lapicida) a plamatka lesní (Arianta arbustorum)). Prozatím jsou souhrnně zpracována data z první studie, z druhé jsou v článku zmíněny pouze faunisticky významnější nálezy. Naše zjištění potvrzují nálezy ze zahraničí, že v ulitách přezimuje, často hojně, celá řada druhů pavouků, které považujeme za vzácné. Asi nejvýznamnější druhy jsou: skálovka šestitečná (Phaeocedus braccatus), snovačka pětitečná (Euryopis quinqueguttata), skákavka dvoutečná (Sitticus penicillatus), zápřednice Pennyova (Cheiracanthium pennyi), zápřednice karmínová (Ch. montanum) a další., This article summarises our knowledge of overwintering spiders in land snail shells in the Czech Republic. The results of two studies, based on the survey of more than 32 000 shells of 5 species, confirmed that many spider species considered rare actually overwinter in shells, often in large numbers. The most important records include Phaeocedus braccatus, Euryopis quinqueguttata, Sitticus penicillatus, Cheiracanthium pennyi and Ch. montanum., and Jana Niedobová, Vladimír Hula, Ondřej Košulič.
The Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR organised an international conference that brought together approximately 180 scientists from 20 countries whose study is focused on diverse aspects of the biology of different retroviral and retrotransposon systems. Sharing their individual insights and specific expertise should not only serve to uncover some of the remaining gaps in society’s understanding, but may also highlight important basic principles and properties that are unique to these elements and their interactions with their hosts. and Jiří Hejnar.
Although scorpions are an ancient group their method of reproduction is rather complex and poorly studied. This review aims at clarifying some of the aspects of their reproduction that are important for understanding the reproductive ecology of other arthropods, including insects. The following aspects of scorpion reproduction are discussed and reviewed: mating, insemination, fertilization, gestation, parturition and birth. The onset of gestation and its duration are difficult to determine as both depend on the time of fertilization, for which there are no accurate estimates. There are only a few records of the time between birth and emergence of a larva from the maternal envelope in apoikogenic scorpions, which is important for a better understanding of ovoviviparity. All these questions are important as the answers will greatly enhance our understanding of the population ecology of scorpions in terms of the recruitment rates of cohorts and their chances of survival., Michael R. Warburg., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Predace semen je strategie, kdy živočich za účelem obživy napadá a zničí mnoho semen rostlin. V tomto krátkém sdělení přibližujeme aktuální poznatky o střevlíkovitých predátorech semen po uvolnění z rostliny. Střevlíkovití brouci zpravidla preferují semena odpovídající velikosti jejich těla, výběr druhů preferovaných semen je však pro daný druh střevlíka typický a během sezony se nemění. Během sezony značně kolísá množství spotřebovaných semen, za optimálních podmínek vysoké hojnosti a aktivity brouků může být denně zničeno až 1000 semen na ploše 1 m2. Střevlíkovití přitom preferují semena hvězdnicovitých rostlin (Asteraceae), jako jsou pampelišky (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia) nebo pcháč oset (Cirsium arvense), dále semena brukvovitých (Brassicaceae), jako je kokoška pastuší tobolka (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Střevlíkovití tak přispívají k udržení biologické rovnováhy., Seed predation is a strategy where an animal attacks and kills the seeds of plants. In this contribution we report on the latest knowledge on carabid beetles (Carabidae) feeding on seeds after dispersal from the plant. In general, carabid beetles prefer seeds of appropriate size to their body size, but the selection of seed species is species-specific and remains stable across the season. The consumption considerably varies throughout the year, and under optimal conditions the carabid beetles may destroy up to 1000 seeds per 1 m2. Carabid beetles prefer seeds of Asteraceae, such as Dandelion (Taraxacum) or Canadian Thistle (Cirsium arvense), and of Brassicaceae, such as the Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). In this way the carabid beetles contribute to the balance in ecosystems., and Pavel Saska, Alois Honěk, Zdenka Martinková.
Macrolophus pygmaeus (Hemiptera: Miridae) is an important predator of pests of horticultural crops and here its ability as a predator of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is addressed for the first time. The percentage predation of the different aphid instars and the number partially consumed were studied. Our results, obtained using choice and no-choice tests, revealed that M. pygmaeus caught and consumed more young than later instars of A. pisum, which confirms results of previous studies using other species of aphids. We also studied the interactions between predators (male/female) foraging in the same patch. When the prey/predator ratio is kept constant at 10 : 1 the average percentage of aphids completely consumed by individual females or males does not change with increase in the number of foraging predators. However, the number of partially consumed aphids decreased when females shared the same patch. In contrast, there was an increase in the number of aphids partially consumed when two males shared the same patch. The results were discussed in terms of potential predator foraging strategies since intraspecific competition is a key factor modulating the dynamics of prey-predator systems., Juliana Durán Prieto, Vincenzo Trotta, Paolo Fanti, Cristina Castañé, Donatella Battaglia., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We conducted an experiment to assess the predictive capability of a leaf optical meter for determining leaf pigment status of Acer mono Maxim., A. ginnala Maxim., Quercus mongolica Fisch., and Cornus alba displaying a range of visually different leaf colors during senescence. Concentrations of chlorophyll (Chl) a, Chl b, and total Chl [i.e., Chl (a+b)] decreased while the concentration of carotenoids (Car) remained relatively static for all species as leaf development continued from maturity to senescence. C. alba exhibited the lowest average concentration of Chl (a+b), Chl a, and Car, but the highest relative anthocyanin concentration, while Q. mongolica exhibited the highest Chl (a+b), Chl b, and the lowest relative anthocyanin concentration. A. mono exhibited the highest Chl a and Car concentrations. The relationships between leaf pigments and the values measured by the optical meter generally followed an exponential function. The strongest relationships between leaf pigments and optical measurements were for A. mono, A. ginnala, and Q. mongolica (R2 ranged from 0.64 to 0.95), and the weakest relationships were for C. alba (R2 ranged from 0.13 to 0.67). Moreover, optical measurements were more strongly related to Chl a than to Chl b or Chl (a+b). Optical measurements were not related to Car or relative anthocyanin concentrations. We predicted that weak relationships between leaf pigments and optical measurements would occur under very low Chl concentrations or under very high anthocyanin concentrations; however, these factors could not explain the weak relationship between Chl and optical measurements observed in C. alba. Overall, our results indicated that an optical meter can accurately estimate leaf pigment concentrations during leaf senescence - a time when pigment concentrations are dynamically changing - but that the accuracy of the estimate varies across species., Future research should investigate how species-specific leaf traits may influence the accuracy of pigment estimates derived from optical meters., G. Y. Li, D. P. Aubrey, H. Z. Sun., and Obsahuje bibliografii
n macrophyte-rich lentic ecosystems, higher numbers of damselfly larvae occur in areas where there is structurally complex vegetation than in those where the plant architecture is relatively simple. Biotic interactions rather than morphological constraints are considered to underlie this pattern. We investigated whether the preference of the larvae of the damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum for a particular habitat was retained in absence of prey, predators and/or conspecifics. A series of laboratory choice experiments was conducted in which combinations of sediment and artificial plants differing in structural complexity were offered simultaneously to the larvae. Larvae preferred patches with structurally complex vegetation over patches with simply structured vegetation or lacking vegetation. Patches with simply structured vegetation were preferred over those with bare sediment, but the number of larvae showing a clear choice, which is regarded as an indication of the strength of the preference for a particular habitat, was relatively low compared to the number of individuals responding when complex vegetation was present. Based on the results presented, we conclude that the preference of E. cyathigerum larvae for structurally complex vegetation is independent of the presence of predators, prey or competitors. This suggests that this behaviour of the larvae is either learned or an innate response., Ralf C.M. Verdonschot, Edwin T.H.M. Peeters., and Obsahuje seznam literatury