V luxusně graficky vypravené publikaci, vydané jako knižní pandán k výstavě, se autoři snažili zachytit, jak se fenomén science fiction a výzkum vesmíru v socialistickém Československu projevovaly v literatuře, výtvarném umění, filmu, populární kultuře a také v postojích oficiálních míst a každodenním životě. Nad velmi bohatým a různorodým empirickým materiálem podle recenzenta uvažují v širokých společenských kontextech, kladou si inspirativní otázky a formulují zajímavé závěry. Zamýšlejí se přitom i obecněji nad místem sci-fi v myšlení minulé epochy a nad utopickým horizontem komunistické ideologie a režimu.
The trans-border area of the Sudetes between Žďarky and Pstrążna has attracted Prussian/German, Austrian, Czech and Polish geologists since the middle of the 19th century. The history of mapping of this area reflects the scientific development of geological centres in Berlin, Vienna, Prague and Wrocław. This paper presents a description of the oldest geological maps of Lower Silesia in the context of changing knowledge on the Carboniferous and Cretaceous stratigraphy and on the tectonics of the region. On the basis of DEM and field studies the author presents his own geological map of the area of the Pstrążna Elevation together with a description of the local structural geology. A regional structural model is suggested, that explains all the local elevations as having developed in response to a dextral strike-slip activity of the Žďarky-Jakubowice Fault during late Tertiary to Recent times, at an eastern extension of the Poříčí-Hronov Fault Zone., Jurand Wojewoda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Forty years ago, the first person set his foot on the surface of the Moon. Astronaut Neil Armstrong made the first step on the Moon from Apollo 11’s landing craft designated named the Eagle on July 20, 1969. He summed up this monumental event with his well-known prediction: “That is one small step for [a] man; one giant leap for mankind”. The moon landing is seen as the highest point of U.S. space program motivated by a long-running space race with the former Soviet Union. Twelve years before the Apollo 11 mission, the Soviet Union launched the first satellite into the Earth’s orbit. and Antonín Vítek.