V našem kazuistickém sdělení je popsán mikroskopicky verifikovaný případ IgG4 asociované pankreatitidy s přidruženým postižením žlučových cest u pacienta léčeného ve Fakultní nemocnici Hradec Králové. IgG4 asociovaná pankreatitida a cholangoitida patří mezi nemoci spojené s IgG4 (1). Tato skupina onemocnění může napodobovat nádorové nebo zánětlivé afekce pankreatu, plic, slinných žláz, ledvin, retroperitonea aj., In our case report there is the histologically verified case of the IgG4 associated pancreatitis and cholangitis described at the patient treated in University hospital Hradec Králové. IgG4 associated pancreatitis and cholangitis belongs to the IgG4 related disease (IgG4-RD). This group of diseases may mimic tumorous or inflamatory affection of pancreas, lungs, salivary glands, kidneys, retroperitoneum atc., Jiří Vaňásek, Petr Hoffmann, Jan Laco, Dimitar Hadži-Nikolov, Rudolf Repák, Tomáš Vaňásek, and Literatura
Intraluminální (mechanický) ileus tenkého střeva může být způsoben také fytobezoárem. V tomto případě se jednalo o fytobe-zoár, který byl zapřený v rozšířeném Meckelově divertiklu. Nález na axiálních CT skenech byl poměrně málo zřetelný, neboť Meckelův divertikl splýval s ostatními distendovanými kličkami ilea. Až provedení kvalitních MPR rekonstrukcí příčinu obtíží zřetelně objasnilo., Intraluminal (mechanical) ileus of small intestine can be caused by phytobezoar. In this case there was phytobezoar clogged up in widened Meckel diverticulum. The finding was in axial CT scans rather less obvious, because Meckel diverticulum merged with other distended loops of ileum. Everything was clear after fine MPR reconstructions were made., Martin Horák, Pavel Beňo, Petra Prokopová, and Literatura 11
Angiofibromas are rare vascular tumors which originate predominantly in the nasopharynx and occur typically in male adolescents. Extranasopharyngeal sites such as nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are less frequent. This review article was undertaken to evaluate the incidence, clinical features and management of extranasopharyngeal angiofibromas originating exclusivelly from nasal cavity structures. Our focus of interest was to evaluate the significance of immunohistochemical analysis in diagnosis of such extremely rare neoplasms. In the PubMed and Google Search, we found only 39 cases of nasal angifibroma, 27 males and 12 females from 1980 to 2012. The most prevalent site of origin was nasal septum, followed by inferior and middle turbinate. The commonest symptoms were nasal obstruction and epistaxis. Nasal angiofibromas are clinically distinct from nasopharyneal angiofibromas and can therefore be misdiagnosed. The differential diagnosis includes other vascular lesions, such as lobular capillary hemangioma and sinonasal-type hemangiopericytoma. Although immunohistochemistry is not necessary for differentiation between angiofibroma and capillary hemangioma, that diagnostic procedure may be helpful in distinction from sinonasal hemangiopericytoma. As an ilustration for immunohistochemical analysis, we presented a case of an elderly woman with tumor arising from the middle turbinate, diagnosed as angiofibroma. The staining was positive for CD34, CD31, factor VIII, vimentin and smooth muscle alpha-actin, and negative for desmin. and A. Perić, J. Sotirović, S. Cerović, L. Zivić
Vaginální kulička NaturGyn Scarlett obsahuje 8 rostlinných drog. Je určena pro léčbu chronických a rekurentních stavů vaginálního diskomfortu. Její popisovaná 90% účinnost je vysvětlitelná i rozborem účinků jednotlivých složek metodami klasické „západní“ farmakologie. Lze ji také zařadit do managementu chronických výtoků mezi eradikaci patogena a restituci poševního prostředí probiotiky., A NaturGyn Scarlett vaginal ball contains 8 herbal drugs. It is designed for the treatment of chronic and recurrent conditions of vaginal discomfort. Its described 90% efficacy can also be explained, based on the analysis of effects of its individual components, using the methods of conventional Western pharmacology. It can also be included in the management of chronic discharge, between eradication of pathogens and restoration of vaginal environment with probiotics., and Tomáš Fait