Z 213 179 nových onemocnění karcinomy štítné žlázy (TC) ve světě v roce 2008 bylo podle údajů Globocan (IARC) 46,1 % případů ve vyspělých a 53,9 % v méně vyspělých zemích, 33 599 v EU a 934 v ČR; z 35 383 zemřelých na TC bylo 27,3 % ve vyspělých a 72,7 % v méně vyspělých zemích, 3 581 v EU a 81 v ČR. V roce 2030 mohou očekávaná nová onemocnění dosáhnout ve světě více než 310 tisíc TC, s nárůstem o 17,1 % u mužů a 7,1 % u žen ve více rozvinutých, o 58,7 % u mužů a 56,5 % u žen v méně rozvinutých zemích, respektive o 14,1 % a 7,2 % v EU, o 20,4 % a 7,9 % v ČR. Celosvětově byl u žen 3,3krát vyšší počet nových případů a 2,2krát vyšší počet zemřelých než u mužů. Z 184 zemí dosáhli muži i ženy ČR v roce 2008 hrubou incidencí TC 14. nejvyšší hodnoty, z 20 zemí Evropy 9. a 7. hodnoty. Ve věku 65 a více let bylo v roce 2008 ve světě 21,9 % nových případů TC u mužů a 18,5 % u žen, respektive 30,6 % a 26,4 % v ČR, s očekávaným nárůstem o 97 tisíc případů ve světě a 100 případů v ČR v roce 2030. Varující počty TC a ostatních novotvarů by měly podpořit osobní odpovědnost, směřující ke snížení očekávaných statistických údajů., Of the worldwide 213 179 new cases of thyroid cancer (TC) based in Globocan 2008 (IARC) are estimated 46.1 % cases in more developed and 53.9 % in less developed regions, 33 599 in the European Union and 934 in the Czech Republic in 2008; of the worldwide 35 383 deaths there were 27.3 % in more developed and 72.7 % in less developed regions, 3,581 in the European Union and 81 in the Czech Republic. In 2030 the expected new cases can reach more than 310 thousands of TC in the world, increased by 17.1 % in males and 7.1 % in females in more developed, by 58.7 % in males and 56.5 % in females in less developed regions, respectively by 14.1 % and 7.2 % in the European Union, by 20.4 % and 7.9 % in the Czech Republic. The worldwide new cases of TC were 3.3 times higher and deaths 2.2 times higher in females than in males. The Czech males and females reached 14th highest values by crude rate of TC among 184 countries, respectively 9th and 7th among 20 European countries in 2008. The worldwide new cases of TC aged 65 years and over were 21.9 % in males and 18.5 % in females in 2008, respectively 30.6 % and 26.4 % in the Czech Republic with expected increasing by 97 thousands cases in the world and 100 cases in the Czech Republic in 2030. Alarming numbers of TC and other neoplasms, should promote personal responsibility for reducing the expected statistical data., and Edvard Geryk, Teodor Horváth, Petr Kubíček, Radim Štampach
Participation of Human Subjects in a Clinical Trial is the fundamental part of Medical Research. Human Subject's participation depends on the willingness of the potential Subjects to volunteer in such a Clinical Trial. The Subject's motivations for the Clinical Trial participation diverse based on the different motivational factors. Patient's deciding whether to participate in a Clinical trial or not is influenced mainly by the current Patient’s health status and the possibility of the available standard therapy in the treatment of a serious or a life-threatening illness. The important role in the Patient decision process takes the close relationship Physician-Patient. There is no consensus among Scientists whether the Patient’s expected therapeutic benefit using the new medicinal product is the most motivational factor for the Clinical trial participation or not. Some of the latter research has concluded that some Patients frequently overestimate the chance of benefit from particular treatment. However the Patient's expectations of the potential therapeutic benefit do not depend on the Patient's correct understandings of the Clinical Trial purpose. The Patient’s willingness to contribute to the progress of medicine and desire to help other Patients is secondary consideration for the Clinical Trial participation which is reported in the medical journals. Especially Patients suffering from a life-threatening illness report altruistic reasons however this will not exclude them to expect the potential personal benefit as well. The indirect costs reimbursement to Patients during the Clinical Trial participation might motivate many potential participants for the Clinical Trial participation. This article sought to present the most frequent Subject's Expected Benefit from the Clinical Trial participation in the context of the Patient being engaged in Medical Research. Gaining a deeper understanding of this topic might be benefited for both Researchers and Physicians., Olga Norková, and Literatura 18
The study deals with expectations of patients - future consumers of health care services provided in hospitals. Authors of this study propose about how the fulfilled or unfilled expectations can influence the patient’s satisfaction with provided health care. There is also suggested to what categories those expectations most often belong and to what extent is possible in common conditions of Czech hospitals the patient’s expectations comply, Kalábová L., Křečková Tůmová N., Zlámal J., and Literatura