Pásový opar je vyvolán jedním z lidských herpetických virů. Jde o projev reaktivace viru, ke které dochází nejčastěji u starších osob. Příčinou může být těžké základní onemocnění, ale i přirozený pokles imunity, ke kterému dochází ve stáří. Pásový opar se však může objevit i u dětí a mladých lidí, jejichž imunita je narušena těžkým onemocněním či jeho léčbou., Shingles is caused by one of the human herpetic viruses. It is an expression of reactivation of the virus which mostly occurs in elderly people. Shingles can be caused by a severe underlying illness, as well as by natural decline in immunity brought about by the advancing age. However, herpes zoster can also occur in children or young people whose immunity has been compromised by severe illness or its treatment., and Hana Roháčová
At the analysis of clinical efficiency of differential therapy in the patients with AP with BO the type vegetative nervous system is defined. In the patients with hypersympathicotonic VR (group II) and asympathycotonic VR (III group) during differential treatment there was noted reduction in duration of dyspnea, pulmonary cyanosis, moist pulmonary rales . In the patients with AP with BO alongside with changes biochemical, immune and vegetative status there was found wrong attitude of the family to the child, and also the psychological behavioral deviations in the child as increased anxiety, aggression; on a background of complex therapy were performed psychological correctional methods of treatment: musictherapy, psychogymnastics, game exercises. At catamnestic observation within one year of 40 children who have received on a background of other methods of treatment psychocorrection, repeated bronchial obstruction was observed only at 15 % observable children. In control group already through 3 months 45 % of children have addressed with repeated episodes BO at pneumonia and bronchitis., M. M. Khaidarova, and Literatura