Práce se zabývá diagnostickými a léčebnými postupy v léčbě komunitní pneumonie (CAP) u seniorů. Shrnuje aktuální dostupné údaje o CAP a specifikuje věkové modifikace tohoto onemocnění. Věk je posuzován jako rizikový faktor vzniku nemoci, výskytu komplikací a mortality. Pozornost je věnována způsobu léčby a jejím specifickým aspektům ve stáři. Je diskutován výskyt etiopatogenetických agens ve starším věku a volba optimální empirické léčby antibiotiky. Jsou zdůrazněny postupy podloženě důkazy, které jsou součástí klinických doporučeni (konsenzu) a jejichž praktická aplikace může příznivě ovlivnit prognózu nemocných., The paper deals with diagnostic and therapeutical methods in the treatment of community pneumonia (CAP) in elderly people. It summarizes current available data about CAP and specifies age modifications of the disease. The age is considered as a risk factor for the disease development, complications occurrence and mortality. Attention is paid to a therapeutical method and its specific aspects in the elderly. A presence of etiopathogenetic agents in the elderly and a choice of an optimal empirical antibiotics treatment is discussed. Evidence based methods included in clinical guidelines (consensus), practical use of which can beneficially influence patients' prognosis, are highlighted., Vítězslav Kolek, and Lit. 30
INTRODUCTION: Hirschsprung's disease is a congenital colonic aganglionosis, usually presented as inability or difficulty in passing of meconium, chronic and persistent obstipation, maleficent feeding, vomiting, distension and lethargy. CASE PRESENTATION: We presented a case of an in-vitro conceived quadruplet premature neonate who presented with pneumoperitoneum caused by transverse colon spontaneous perforation and microcolon appearance of distal bowel, treated by resection and temporary colostomy turns to be a rare manifestation of Hirschsprung's disease. CONCLUSION: Assisted reproductive technologies increases chances for multiple pregnancies and may increase chance for major congenital anomalies. Rare manifestation of Hirschsprung's disease is spontaneous pneumoperitoneum which remains a surgical emergency. Delay in recognizing and treatment can significantly worsen prognosis. In neonate with intestinal perforation one should consider Hirschsprung's disease. and J. Mihanović, I. Jurić, Z. Pogorelić, I. Mrklić, M. Jukić, D. Furlan