Ve dnech 28. 6.-2. 7. 2009 proběhl v Praze 11. ročník významné mezinárodní konference věnované vývoji detektorů pro zobrazování s pomocí ionizujícího záření - 11th iWoRiD 2009 (International Workshops on Radiation Imaging Detectors). Hostitelskou organizací bylo ČVUT v Praze a hlavním organizátorem celé akce Ústav technické a experimentální fyziky ČVUT (ÚTEF).
. and Stanislav Pospíšil.
4 vokální hlasy Soprano Imo, Soprano Secundo, Alto Imo, Alto IIdo), (Ownership) Provenience: Johann Tögel; Klášter minoritů Český Krumlov CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) Nro IV CZ-CbJVK
From the analysis of the 13-color photometry and spectroscopy of
HD 184279 (V 1294 Aql), we have found that for the last 10 years, this atar presents a pseudo period of 5.0 years both in light and radial velocity. There is a phase difference of 0.148 P (8.9 months) between the maximum of light and the minimum of radial velocity. The magnitude of the star changes by 0.4 mag. and the radial velocity shows a range ef 185 km/sec. A comparison with theoretical models give ua an Teff.<=28, 700 K with log.g<=4.0 in agreement with spectroscopic determinations.
The atar is reaching the maximum of light and some of their shell features are decreasing, a probable indication that the atar may return to a quiesent stage on its evolution, or it will continue the cyclic behaviour that has characterize it for the last 10 years. Its observation in UV and IR wavelenghts should be very important to measure the wind that may be present in the well developed shell surrounding the atar.