Two hundred and seventeen captive great apes (150 chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes; 14 bonobos, Pan paniscus; 53 western gorillas, Gorilla gorilla) and 20 personnel from thirteen European zoos and two African sanctuaries were sampled and examined in order to determine the occurrence of Enterocytozoon bieneusi and species of Encephalitozoon in faecal specimens and to compare the epidemiological situation between zoos and sanctuaries. Microsporidia were detected at all sampling sites. Sequence analyses of ITS amplicons generated by using microsporidia-specific primers determined the presence of microsporidia in 87 samples including 13 humans; since two cases of simultaneous occurrence of Encephalitozoon cuniculi and Enterocytozoon bieneusi were identified, 89 full-length ITS sequences were obtained, namely 78 Encephalitozoon cuniculi genotype I, five E. cuniculi genotype II, two E. hellem 1A and four Enterocytozoon bieneusi. No Encephalitozoon intestinalis-positive samples were identified. This is the first report of Encephalitozoon species and Enterocytozoon bieneusi genotypes in captive great apes kept under various conditions and the first record of natural infection with E. hellem in great apes. A comparison of zoos and sanctuaries showed a significantly higher prevalence of microsporidia in sanctuaries (P<0.001), raising a question about the factors affecting the occurrence of microsporidia in epidemiologically and sanitarily comparable types of facilities.
Předkládaný článek přináší stručný průřez problematiky studia taxonomie štírů rodu Euscorpius. Evropským štírům byla věnována pozornost již od poloviny 18. století. Po bezmála 250 letech zkoumání se tento rod stále nedočkal vyřešení otázky své komplikované taxonomie. Zdá se ovšem, že současné studie kombinující morfologické, genetické a cytogenetické znaky mohou být klíčem pro odhalení skutečné druhové diverzity., This article briefly summarizes the last two and a half centuries of taxonomic research into the European genus of scorpions commonly known as small wood scorpions (Euscorpius). Despite the fact that taxonomists have been focusing on this genus since the mid-18th century, their taxonomy is not yet sufficiently resolved. However, present studies seem to be on the right track, and looking into a combination of morphological, genetic and cytogenetic features may hold the key to revealing the true diversity of the species., and Jana Plíšková.
In some economic or social division problems, we may encounter uncertainty of claims, that is, a certain amount of estate has to be divided among some claimants who have individual claims on the estate, and the corresponding claim of each claimant can vary within a closed interval or fuzzy interval. In this paper, we classify the division problems under uncertainty of claims into three subclasses and present several division schemes from the perspective of axiomatizations, which are consistent with the classical bankruptcy rules in particular cases. When claims of claimants have fuzzy interval uncertainty, we settle such type of division problems by turning them into division problems under interval uncertainty.
Periodická tabulka prvků má dlouhou historii, která je současně cestou předchemického a chemického bádání. Byla to cesta, jejímž cílem bylo vnést řád do světa hmoty. Zformování pojmu "chemický prvek" a následně atomové teorie vedlo k moderni chemii. Bylo jen otázkou času, kdy se podaří vnést systém do narůstajícího počtu známých prvků, až nakonec periodický zákon zformuloval Mendělejev. Dnes je otázkou nejen pokračování periodické tabulky a hledání případných "ostrovů stability", ale samozřejmě i naprosto zásadní problém - končí tabulka někde? and Vladimír Karpenko.
Pokles kyselé atmosférické depozice od 90. let minulého století a rovněž postupné oteplování klimatu bylo prokazatelně doloženo i pro horské ekosystémy v nejvyšších slovenských pohořích. Výzkumy epigeické aktivity mnohonožek (Diplopoda) v letech 1992-1993, 1997-1998, 2007-2008 a pokračující sledování v současnosti svědčí o rozmanitosti společenstev těchto půdních bezobratlých včetně přítomnosti řady karpatských endemitů v závislosti na odlišném geologickém podloží (žula a vápenec) a typu vegetace. Pozorovaný ústup chladnomilných endemitů i nárůst podílu eurytopních adaptabilních druhů lze dávat do souvislosti s probíhajícími změnami v chemismu půd i změnami klimatu., The decline of acid deposition since the 1990s, together with subsequent climate warming, was confirmed also for mountain ecosystems in the highest Slovak mountains. The study of epigeic activity of millipedes (Diplopoda) in the periods 1992-93, 1997-98 and 2007-08, and continuing recent research refer to the high diversity of their communities including the presence of Carpathian endemic species on different geological bedrocks (granite and limestone) as well as different vegetation covers. The observed decline of cold tolerant endemics and the increasing portion of eurytopic species may be connected with changes in soil chemistry as well as with climate changes., and Karel Tajovský.
Here we present the first evidence of female dimorphism in ectoparasitic quill mites of the family Syringophilidae (Actinotrichida: Prostigmata: Cheyletoidea). Stibarokris phoeniconaias Skoracki et OConnor, 2010 and Ciconichenophilus phoeniconaias Skoracki et OConnor, 2010 so far have been treated as two distinct species cohabiting inside the quills of feathers of the lesser flamingo Phoeniconaias minor (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire) and the American flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber Linnaeus. Although females of these species differ morphologically by the extent of body sclerotisation, presence/absence of lateral hypostomal teeth, and shape of dorsal setae, their important common features are the lack of leg setae vs II, and both stylophore and peritremes shape. Here, we apply the DNA barcode markers to test whether the differences between S. phoeniconaias and C. phoeniconaias have a genetic basis, indicating that they really are distinct taxa, or whether they just represent two morphs of a single species. All analysed sequences (616 bp for COI and 1 159 bp for 28S rDNA) obtained for specimens representing females of both studied taxa as well as male, tritonymph, protonymph and larva of S. phoeniconaias were identical, which indicates that S. phoeniconaias and C. phoeniconaias are conspecific. The formal taxonomic consequence of our results is denial of the genus status of Ciconichenophilus Skoracki et OConnor, 2010 and species status of C. phoeniconaias, and recommendation that they should be treated as junior synonyms of Stibarokris Kethley, 1970 and S. phoeniconaias, respectively.