Zatiaľ' čo jadrové skúšky spôsobili globálnu rádioaktívnu kontamináciu, Černobyľská havária (1986) mala dopad predovšetkým na európske krajiny a Fukušimská havária (2011) predovšetkým na Japonsko, aj keď uvoľnené rádionuklidy bolo možné sledovať v malých koncentráciách na všetkých kontinentoch ako aj vo svetových oceánoch a moriach. Havária Fukušimskej jadrovej elektrárne spôsobila v porovnaní s Černobyľskou haváriou (1986) približne 10-násobne nižší únik 131I a päťnásobne nižší únik 137Cs do životného prostredia. Radiačné dávky obyvateľstva nepresiahli v Japonsku 25 mSv/rok a v Európe boli rádovo 1 µSv/rok., Historical atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons have had a global impact on the radioactive contamination of the environment. Recent accidents at Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima (2011) have had an impact on Europe and Japan, respectively, in addition small concentrations of radionuclides released from Fukushima have been registered on all continents as well as in oceans and seas. When compared with the Chernobyl accident, the Fukushima accident resulted in about a 10 fold increase in the release of 131I but a 3 fold decrease in the release of 137Cs to the environment. Following the Fukushima accident radiation doses did not exceed 25 mSv/year in Japan, whilst following the Chernobyl accident they were in the order of 1 µSv/year in Europe., Pavel P. Povinec., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Environmentální rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie představuje jeden z posledních vývojových trendů mikroskopických metod. Umožňuje zkoumání vzorků živé či neživé přírody v podmínkách vysokého tlaku plynů - až 3000 Pa oproti tlaku pod 0.001 Pa v klasickém rastrovacím elektronovém mikroskopu., Vilém Neděla, Rudolf Autrata., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Article is focused on environmental scanning electron microscopy as a universal method for investigation of insulating and water containing samples. Advantages of this microscopy method are demonstrated by experiments that study biological tissues of fossil insects embedded in amber or analyze morphological structure of root canal walls prepared by laser. and Článek se zabývá environmentální rastrovací elektronovou mikroskopií jako univerzální metodou pro zkoumání izolačních vzorků a vzorků obsahujících vodu. Výhody této mikroskopické metody jsou presentovány na základě experimentů zabývajících se studiem zbytků biologických tkání fosilního hmyzu v jantaru a studiem povrchu stěny kořenových kanálků zubů po preparaci pevnolátkovým laserem.
The incidence of metabolic syndrome increases in the developed countries, therefore biomedical research is focused on the understanding of its etiology. The study of exact mechanisms is very complicated because both genetic and environmental factors contribute to this complex disease. The ability of environmental fac tors to promote phenotype changes by epigenetic DNA modifications (i.e. DNA methylation, histone modifications) was demonstrated to play an important role in the development and predisposition to particular symptoms of metabolic syndrome. There is no doubt that the early life, such as the fetal and perinatal periods, is critical for metabolic syndrome development and therefore critical for prevention of this disease. Moreover, these changes are visible not only in individuals exposed to environmental factor s but also in the subsequent progeny for multiple generations and this phenomenon is called transgenerational inheritance. The knowledge of molecular mechanisms, by which early minor environmental stimuli modify the expression of genetic information, might be the desired key for the understanding of mechanisms leading to the change of phenotype in adulthood. This review provides a short overview of metabolic syndrome epigenetics., J. Kuneš, I. Vaněčková, B. Mikulášková, M. Behuliak, L. Maletínská, J. Zicha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper aims to assess current theoretical findings on the origin of coordination by salience and suggests a way to clarify the existing framework. The main concern is to reveal how different coordination mechanisms rely on specific epistemic aspects of reasoning. The paper highlights the fact that basic epistemic assumptions of theories diverge in a way that makes them essentially distinctive. Consequently, recommendations and predictions of the traditional views of coordination by salience are, in principle, based on the processes related to the agent’s presumptions regarding the cognitive abilities of a co-player. This finding implies that we should consider these theories as complementary, and not competitive, explanations of the same phenomenon.