We introduce a new method of solution of the light curves of eclipsing binaries based on the Wilson and Devinney ((1971) Roche model. We performed an interesting application of the procedure to the binary system TT Her.
Im Ethnologischen Institut der AWTR wird u. a. aufbewahrt der Archivfonds "Verzeichnisforschung der Tschechoslawischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde", der in den Jahren 1952-1962 entstand. Drahomíra Sránská war eine der Mitarbeiter, die sich an seiner Gestaltung beteiligten. An der Forschung nahm sie teil in den Jahren 1952-54, 1958, 1960 und 1961. In den Archiv lieferte sie neben Fotografien auch Katalogkarten mit Beschreibungen der Anwesen, der Möbel und des Gewandes. Ein eher kleiner Teil ist gewidmet auch dem Kost und den Brächen. Mit der Forschung begann sie im Kreis Těšín (Teschen), 1958 arbeitete sie in Südböhmen, Klatovy (Klattau) und in Museen in Ostrava (Ostrau) und Opava (Troppau). Sie beteiligte sich u. a. auch an der Forschung für die Zwecke der Landkarten der ethnographischen Erscheinungen.
Mit zunehmendem Alter und mit anderen sich mehrenden Aufgaben verlier sie mittlerweile Interesse an der Terraindokumentation und konzentrierte sich auf Arbeit mit musealem Material aus den Regionen. Wegen Zeitmangel konnte sie sich der Terrainforschung nicht systematisch widmen, doch ihre methodische Arbeit auf diesem Gebiet ist auch von großer Bedeutung. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát
Učená společnost České republiky ČR sdružující význačné vědce všech vědních oborů zasedala ve dnech 23. až 24. května 2016 v pražském Karolinu a sídle Akademie věd na Národní třídě. První den veřejné části jednání, jehož se zúčastnily význačné osobnosti badatelské i politické sféry, patřil tradičnímu ceremoniálu - předání medailí, cen a čestných uznání. Medaile Učené společnosti za zásluhy o rozvoj vědy převzali prof. Ivan Lefkovits a prof. František Vyskočil., Two eminent professorw were awarded the Medal of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic at the General Assembly of the Learned Society held on May 23-24, 2016. World-famous neurologist František Vyskočil and world-renowned immunologist Ivan Lefkovits were honored for their meritorious contributions to the advancement of sciences. Junior Scientist Awards were bestowed on Dr. Martin Ferus and Dr. Michal Malinský, awards were also granted to teachers and high school students., and Luděk Svoboda.
In the present text I have attempted to describe the profession of elementary school teacher and the changes it underwent in the last quarter of the 18th century. At that time, the education of the majority of children between the ages of six and twelve or thirteen was mostly in the hands of village schoolmasters, and these are my primary focus. Following the reform of the education system by Maria Teresa, teachers in Bohemia and Moravia were trained predominantly in what were known as preparanda at the Normal School in Prague. Their training differed from that of their predecessors in that their knowledge was now tested in examinations, with greater emphasis on teaching methods and closer supervision. Drawing on lists of teacher training graduates and other sources, I have analysed how many graduated every year and under what conditions, what textbooks they later used in the classroom, and the official view of pedagogy at that time. From those lists I was able to conclude that graduates who only spoke Czech ended up teaching only in small Czech-medium village schools. By looking at certain individual teachers more closely (such as the composer Jakub Jan Ryba, the pastor Tomáš Juren and several members of the Vlach family of teachers from Boleslav), my aim was to describe in outline the career of these "Czech" village schoolmasters, their motivation, level of knowledge, and deduce what they probably taught. From 1787 on, they were subject to inspection by regional school commissioners. I focussed on the first sixteen of these (one for each region), noting in particular how they were selected, their duties and aims. For it is they who were the guarantors of the new school system and the disseminators of the new thinking.As a result of the reforms, mandatory training and more exacting standards, elementary school teachers were able to improve their social standing and prestige., Michal Kneblík., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy