The paper is aimed at the subject and spatial analyses of flood situations that occurred in Slovakia in the period 1996-2006. The subject analysis include analysis of flood situations frequency in communities of Slovakia, classification of flood situations into individual types, analysis of flood situations occurrence regarding the stream size, and a brief characteristics of the most important floods that occurred in Slovakia in the period 1996-2006. Spatial analysis is focused on: a) identification of pattern in spatial distribution of flood situations, b) explanation of spatial distribution of flood situations by means of regional variability of flood hazard in small basins of Slovakia. and Príspevok je zameraný na vecnú a priestorovú analýzu povodňových situácii, ktoré sa vyskytli v obciach Slovenska v období r. 1996-2006. Vecná analýza zahrňuje analýzu frekvencie výskytu povodňových situácií v obciach Slovenska, klasifikáciu povodňových situácií do typov, analýzu výskytu povodňových situácií vzhľadom na veľkosť vodného toku, ako aj stručnú charakteristiku najvýznamnejších povodňových situácií v období 1996-2006. Priestorová analýza je zameraná na: a) identifikovanie konfigurácie v priestorovom rozložení výskytu povodňových situácií, b) objasnenie priestorového rozloženia povodňových situácií prostredníctvom regionálnej variability povodňovej hrozby v malých povodiach Slovenska.
The article deals with relation identification of cutting time and morphology of tooled surface, expressed by surface roughness profile parameters - average roughness and creation of mathematical - statistical model of the investigated dependence.
Leaf canopy plays a determining role influencing source-sink relations as any change in source activity (photosynthesis) affects sink metabolism. Defoliation (removal of leaves) influences growth and photosynthetic capacity of plants, remobilizes carbon and nitrogen reserves and accelerates sink metabolism, leading to improved source-sink relations. The response of plants to defoliation could be used to manipulate source-sink relations by removing lower and senescing leaves to obtain greatest photosynthetic capacity and efficient carbon and nitrogen metabolism under optimal and stressful environments. The present work enhances our current understanding on the physiological responses of plants to defoliation and elaborates how defoliation influences growth, photosynthetic capacity and source-sink relations under optimal and changing environmental conditions., N. Iqbal, A. Masood, and N. A. Khan., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Leaf anatomy and eco-physiology of Elymus repens, a temperate loess grassland species, were determined after seven years of exposure to 700 μmol (CO2) mol-1 (EC). EC treatment resulted in significant reduction of stomatal density on both surfaces of couch-grass leaves. Thickness of leaves and that of the sclerenchyma tissues between the vessels and the adaxial surfaces, the area of vascular bundle, and the volumes of phloem and tracheary increased at EC while abaxial epidermis and the sclerenchyma layer between the vessel and the abaxial surface were thicker at ambient CO2 concentration (AC). Stomatal conductance and transpiration rates were lower in EC, while net CO2 assimilation rate considerably increased at EC exposure. Contents of soluble sugars and starch were higher in EC-treated couch-grass leaves than in plants grown at AC. and A. I. Engloner ... [et al.].
Recenzent označuje publikaci, která je věnována dějinám komunistického hnutí v západních Čechách v letech 1945 až 1948 s přesahem do konce čtyřicátých let, za průkopnickou. Vznikala totiž už před deseti lety, kdy by některé její závěry byly pro českou historiografii převratnější než dnes. Nejde o úzce zaměřenou regionální studii, autor se snaží na základě bohaté empirie regionální provenience odhalit obecnější faktory, které mohou být při pohledu z mocenského ústředí snadno přehlédnuty, případně se nejeví jako klíčové. Zkoumá poválečný přerod Komunistické strany Československa v masovou stranu, analyzuje vývoj jejího členstva a personální proměny regionální stranické hierarchie. Dospívá přitom ke zjištění, že pro její volební vítězství v roce 1946 byly podstatné vnitropolitické faktory, především pružně uplatňovaná taktika a umírněný program. Recenzent však pokládá za zjednodušující tezi o existenci dvojí poválečné KSČ - strany funkcionářů a strany členů, která si nepřála diktátorský režim a po uchopení moci se cítila podvedená., In the opinion of the reviewer, the work The Cheated Party: The birth of the mass Communist movement in the Plzeň region, its disciplining, centralization and bureaucratization (1945-1948) dedicated to the history of the Communist movement in West Bohemia from 1945 to 1948, with an overlap into the late 1940s, is groundbreaking. As a matter of fact, it originated a decade ago, when some of its conclusions would have been even more revolutionary for the Czech historiography than today. It is not just a regional study with a narrow focus: using rich empirical regional information, the author attempts to reveal more general factors which might be easily overlooked or not regarded as important from the power center. He examines the post-war transformation of the communist party into a mass organization, analyzes the development of its membership, and personal changes in the party hierarchy. He comes to a conclusion that its victory in the 1946 elections was primarily influenced by internal political factors, in particular a moderate programme and flexible tactics. However, the reviewer regards the proposition of the existence of two post-war Communist Parties of Czechoslovakia - one of party functionaries, the other of members who did not wish a dictatorship and felt cheated after the party had usurped power - as overly simplifying., [autor recenze] Matěj Bílý., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy