The 9th annual Science and Technology Week was organized for the public by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic on November 2-8, 2009 and it took place in Brno, České Budějovice, Hradec Králové, Ostrava, Plzeň and Praha. The program included speeches by scientific professionals, presentations of noteworthy experiments, workshops, non-traditional exhibitions, science cafés, and visits to laboratories and academic workplaces. Science and Technology Week is one of the largest science communication efforts which presents the latest scientific achievements and results of current research. and Luděk Svoboda.
Tato studie se věnuje komentářům a glosám k první kapitole druhé knihy Boethiova Úvodu do aritmetiky, jejímiž autory v poslední čtvrtině 10. století byli Gerbert z Aurillacu (Scholium ad Boethii Arithmeticam Institutionem l. II, c. 1), Abbo z Fleury (komentář ke spisu Calculus od Viktorina z Akvitánie, tzv. De numero, mensura et pondere), Notker z Lutychu (De superparticularibus) a anonymní autor textu De arithmetica Boetii. Studie sleduje dva hlavní cíle: nejprve upozorňuje na to, že Boethiův text o převodu číselných posloupností na stejnost lze interpretovat dvěma rozdílnými způsoby, následně se zaměřuje na využití této problematiky v dalších svobodných uměních a při hraní deskové hry rithmomachie., This paper deals with commentaries and glosses to the first chapter of the second book of Boethius’s Introduction to Arithmetic written by Gerbert of Aurillac (Scholium ad Boethii Arithmeticae Institution l. II, c. 1), Abbo of Fleury (commentary on the Calculus of Victorius of Aquitaine, the so-called De numero, mensura et pondere), Notker of Liège (De superparticularibus) and by the anonymous author (the text De Arithmetica Boetii) in the last quarter of the 10th century. This paper follows two main topics: firstly, Boethius’s work implies possibility of double interpretations of converting numerical sequences to equality; secondly, applications of this topic in other liberal arts and in playing board game called rithmomachia., and Marek Otisk.
Ve velkém sále centrální budovy Bulharské akademie věd v Sofii se 11. listopadu 2014 uskutečnila vědecká konference Konstantin Ireček: istorik, dǎržavnik, obštestvenik, memoarist (Konstantin Jireček: historik, politik, veřejný činitel, memoárista), věnovaná 160. výročí jeho narození. Jednodenní zasedání připravily sofijské instituce Institut za istoričeski izsledvanija BAN, Nov bǎlgarski universitet a Sǎjuz na učenite v Bǎlgarija a zúčastnili se ho i badatelé z Akademie věd ČR. and Lubomíra Havlíková.
Evropská komise zveřejnila v dubnu 2015 výsledky veřejné konzultace na téma „Věda 2.0 - Měnící se věda“ („Science 2.0: Science in Transition“), která zhodnotila dosavadní tvorbu evropského výzkumu a organizace vědy. Aktéři jednání, kteří se podílejí na evropském výzkumném rámci, mohli od července do září 2014 vyjádřit názory na změny, jež umožnily vznik digitálních technologií a globalizaci vědecké komunity. and Lucia Krajčovicová.
Weathering and erosion of sandstone landscapes often results in many amazing landforms such as arches, alcoves (rock shelters), pedestal rocks and pillars. Long-term research has produced numerous contrasting ideas for the origin of these landforms. The presence of salt and/or occurrence of freezing water and/or similar potential weathering/erosion processes at site are common causes of these landforms. The effect of gravity loading stress has been overlooked or assumed to increase the landform’s weathering rate. Research at the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics is based on field observations of locked sands and cemented sandstones and on physical experiments, followed by a numerical modelling. This may be the first time that the landforms cited above were reproduced in laboratory experiments. The Institute interpreted its findings by a novel mechanical model called “the concept of locus of fabric instability.” The results clearly show that an increase in stress within the landform (fabric interlocking) reduces weathering and erosion. Material with insufficient loading is rapidly removed by that weathering process and the remaining load bearing landform structure is protected by the fabric interlocking mechanism. The Institute concludes that its research that planar discontinuities in sandstone and negative feedback between stress and weathering/erosion processes are sufficient conditions to create landforms. and Michal Filippi, Jana Schweigstillová.