Kulturní genocidě páchané na severoirácké metropoli se snaží čelit členové České archeologické mise v severním Iráku, kteří pod záštitou Orientálního ústavu AV ČR zahájili projekt Ohrožená architektura města Mosulu. Jeho předmětem je podrobná dokumentace veškerých destrukčních událostí v systematicky likvidovaném městě. Ve světovém měřítku jde o projekt unikátní; jeho podporou se OÚ AV ČR připojuje k úsilí několika institucí v USA, Velké Británii a Německu, které se zasazují o záchranu hmotného i duchovního dědictví v zemích Blízkého východu ohrožených aktuálními válečnými konflikty. and Miroslav Melčák, Karel Nováček.
In 1963 Karel Kosík, a Czech neomarixt philosopher, published his trailblazing book, Dialectics of the Concrete. Both Marxist and non-Marxist thinkers were impacted in Czechoslovakia and throughout the world. The Institute of Philosophy hosted an international conference to explore Kosik’s seminal work in breadth and depth. In his book, Kosík strove to re-think the basic concepts of the Marxist philosophical tradition and to employ them in analyzing social reality. The wide array of issues he explored are still relevant today. Included are mystification of the "pseudo-concrete"; the social role of art; the conception of reality as a concrete totality; the conception of the human being as an onto-formative being (i.e., one that forms human and extra-human reality in its totality); the systematic connection between labor and temporality; the relationship between praxis and labour and the explanatory power of the dialectical method. This conference took place July 4-6, 2014 at Villa Lanna. and Jan Mervart.
Knowledge about relations between changes of air pressure, temperature or other meteorological variables in different locations on the Earth is a key to understand what impacts global change. A new mathematical and computational method uncovers causal relations, gateways and mediators that help to comprehend input and spreading of pertubations in complex spatiotemporal systems such as the climate and assessing the effect of geoengineering interventions of global impact of local weather extremes. The method can also be used for uncovering paths for information dissemination in financial markets or for tracing information transmission in the human brain. and Milan Paluš.