Acculturation of expatriate executive managers was examined in the sample of 16 sojourners transferring managerial know-how to companies in Czechia, using a structured longitudinal interview survey including in depth personal interviews. The interviews were conducted six and eighteen months after the arrival of respondents in Czechia. The respondents were contacted as they became available during the period 2006 to 2010. The results indicate that acculturation of sojourners in Czechia proceeded, as expected according to the international literature, broadly in line with the Hofstede’s acculturation “U“ curve (Hofstede 1997). The qualitative analysis points to a number of problems, the sojourners had to deal with during their acculturation including: dependence on communication in English, while recognising potential advantages associated with the knowledge of Czech language, cultural distance - particularly the uncertainty arising from the inability to correctly predict Czech behaviour, lack of openness limiting the Czech ability to form a broader world view, lack of mutual respect between the Czech co-workers, a degree of Czech xenophobia and underestimation of certain predictors of successful acculturation such as social engagement with the Czech hosts. Research also points to a number of helpful coping strategies.
Theory of acoustic waves interaction with material and boundary. Damping velocity, damping, elasticity moduli, frequency spectra, basic characteristics of structure composition of material. Structuroscopy of most common composite iron - graphite (cast iron). Example of structuroscopy of intermetallic compounds. Measurement possibility of rubber composite properties, nanogeopolymers with nanofillers. Trend of further research. and Teorie interakce zvukových vln s materiálem a rozhraním. Rychlost zvuku, útlum, moduly pružnosti, frekvenční spektra jako základní charakteristiky strukturní skladby materiálů. Strukturoskopie nejběžnějšího kompozitu železo - grafit (litiny). Příklad strukturoskopie intermetalických sloučenin. Možnosti měření vlastností kaučukových kompozitů, nanogeopolymerů s nanoplnivy. Směr dalšího výzkumu.
Akustický výzkum na katedře fyziky Fakulty elektrotechnické ČVUT má nejdelší možnou tradici, neboť počátky akustiky na ČVUT jsou spojeny se zakladatelem této katedry. Byl jím profesor Josef B. Slavík. Jeho působení bylo velmi významné jak pro katedru fyziky, tak pro rozvoj akustiky v Čechách., Ondřej Jiříček., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Acquisition system of platoon is a significant force multiplier for this small unit. using the system, platoon can guide fire support of army aviation (helicopters) as well as of air force (combat aircrafts) and artillery. The system has been qualified for joint NATo operations. it comprises mini-uAVs and TCDl data link terminals due to which the system can be deployed to support reconnaissance and military intelligence, especially of the iMiNT type (image intelligence). The complete system is operable by one person - Joint Fire observer (JFo) who shall become an organic part of all combat platoons, particularly of those that are active in international operations. and Akviziční komplet čety představuje zásadní multiplikátor síly této malé jednotky. S jeho pomocí může četa navádět palebnou podporu vojskového (vrtulníky) a vojenského (bojové letouny) letectva i dělostřelectva. Uvedený komplet je také plně kvalifikován pro společné operace NATO. Významnou součástí těchto kompletů jsou nově i malé bezpilotní prostředky UAV a terminály datalinku TCDL. Mimo palebnou podporu tak lze celou sestavu používat i pro průzkum a vojenské zpravodajství, zejména obrazové zpravodajství typu IMINT. Celý komplet je přitom použitelný jedinou osobou - specialistou JFO (Joint Fire Observer), který by měl být do budoucna organickou součástí všech bojových čet, a to především těch, které působí v mezinárodních operacích.
(Summary) The functional conditions referring the anomalous potential have been worked out by the integral formula of Green. The value of the functionals over the continental areas has been calculated by the measured values of the gravity anomaly and the components of deflection of the vertical or of the geopotential number and for ocean areas by the measured values of the gravity disturbance or of the boundary values of the potential. The functional problem has been reduced to the restoration of the
finite-dimensional and unique geopotential which satisties the functional cxonditions best /in least-squares sense/. The discretisation of the functional could be carried out by means of a complete system of expansion unorthogonal functions. By the preliminary orthonormalization of this system the problem has been reduced to a system of linear equations, referring the coeficients of Fourier in the expansion of the potential. We propose four spherical solutions of the altimetry-gravimetry boundary problem by a discrete description and two in a closed form by a generalisation of the function of Stokes and Neumann /Hotine kernel/.