In addition to fights at particular front-lines, war conflicts influence the otherwise quite calm life in the hinterland areas as well. This manifests itself not only in material poverty of the people living in the hinterland areas, but also by infringements of close and wider family relationship. The young men, who must go fighting, leave at home not only their parents, grand-parents, brothers and sisters and other relatives, but very often also their girl-friends, fiancées, wives as well as children. No one of them knows whether they will meet again. This is a big intrusion into existing and possible future family relations, of course.
On a particular example, the text follows two young people separated by the call-up order during World War I (in spring 1915), their fates, better said how their fates were passed on in family memories within the space of almost one century, namely from the World War I up to the outset of the 21st century. The reflexion of this family story passed down from generation to generation in its basic outlines, showed itself in a quite different light after almost one hundred years, than it was passed on through family gatherings and repeated narrations over a long period.
We evaluate the radiation and gravitational forces on dust grains out of the disk for a large sample of spiral galaxies. The main results are a selective expulsion of grains and the presence of equilibrium positions inside the halo, providing a new test for the distribution of dark matter.
Critical analysis of the results of space experiments, taking into account the contributlon of large particles to the total mass production of comet Halley leads to much higher values of the dust production rate than those derived from the first analysis of space measurements. As a consequence it seems necessary to correct the gas to dust ratio of the mass production by a factor of 10, from 0,1-1,0 to 1.0-10. The corrected values of dust production rate are in much better agreement both with the current concepts of the comeťs history and wlth the evolution of Its meteor stream.
Předmětem výzkumu je pár náramků z Nového Knína, okr. Příbram, z nichž první se objevil v roce 1965, druhý v roce 2014. První náramek byl v minulosti charakterizován jako stříbrný, s analogiemi v skandinávském kruhovém šperku 10.–11. století. V roce 2008 byl podroben prvkové analýze RFA. Ukázalo se, že je složen ze slitiny mosazi s příměsí stříbra. Po překvapivém objevu druhého náramku byla realizována série přírodovědných a archeologicko-kulturně antropologických analýz, které v souhrnu přinesly chronologické a materiálové přehodnocení dosud publikovaných údajů, včetně jejich „nálezových“ okolností. Z výsledků analýz plyne, že oba šperky jsou téměř identické. Analýzy dále přinesly zjištění, že je nelze považovat za raně středověké, nýbrž za novověké až recentní výrobky patrně mimoevropského původu (Afrika?), nejspíš turistické suvenýry. and The subject of the investigation is a pair of bracelets from Nový Knín in the Příbram district, the first of which appeared in 1965, the second in 2014. In the past, the first bracelet was characterised as silver, with analogies in Scandinavian ring ornaments of the 10th–11th century AD. But when this bracelet was subjected to an elemental analysis XRF in 2008, it was found to be composed of an alloy of brass with an admixture of silver. Following the surprising discovery of the second bracelet, a series of scientific and archaeological-culturally anthropological analyses were conducted, the results of which led to a chronological and material re-evaluation of previously published data, including their ‘find’ contexts. The analyses indicate that the two ornaments are virtually identical and also reveal that they cannot be regarded as early medieval artefacts but rather as Modern to recent products that were likely made outside of Europe (Africa?), probably of a tourist souvenir
Pražský Archeologický ústav AV ČR uskutečnil v listopadu a prosinci 2014 záchranný archeologický výzkum v areálu developerského projektu Letňanské zahrady. Vedle osmi hrobů kultury se šňůrovou keramikou z pozdní doby kamenné (2800-2500 př. n. l.) byly objeveny dva komorové hroby kultury bylanské ze starší doby železné (halštatské) z 8.-6. stol. př. n. l. and Drahomíra Frolíková.