The situation of ethnology and anthropology in serbia is observed on two levels: scientific projects and institutions and scientific production - their implementation and presentation. The aim of this article is to picture the field of ethnology in the 21st century - stumbling after the previous turbulent period of crisis along with the rest of the post-socialistic serbian society. the author also wants to emphasize the extent to which the critical social and political processes influenced the scientific configuration and valorisation in the country and how ethnology and anthropology remained “blind and deaf” to destroying its social reality.
Montenegro covers arelatively small area, but it consists of three anthropo-geographical and ethnographical regions: the coast, central (old) Montenegro and the mountainous area (Crnogorska Brda). Every region is divided into smaller areas which carry well-known names of landscape features and local families. The variety of institutions and the dispersion of researchers in different institutions (museums, archives, schools and universities) have been posing difficulties to the development of ethnology in Montenegro in the 20th century and today. this article aims to inform about different publications on ethnic history of Montenegro.
The article deals with the situation of Bulgarian ethnology at the
beginning of the 21st century. It addresses three main forms of
institutionalised ethnology: the relevant department of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, university departments and ethnographic museums. The first institution of this type was the National Ethnographic Museumin Sofia (1906). In 1947, an independent ethnographic institute was founded as apart of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the present-day Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum. The text describe in detail this academic institution, summarises its main research activities and mentions examples of past projects. In addition, it references the ongoing “ethnology versus anthropology” debate. The academic discipline of ethnology in Bulgaria has lately suffered financial difficulties and is largely dependent on international and national grants.
Une nouvelle méthode de classement thermique des météores permet de déterminer le type de visibilité et la composition de la plupart des météores faibles (> 1^m) dont on connait les altitudes d'apparition et de disparition. Le traitement statistique des trajectoires météoriques conduit à la détermination de différences entre les météores sporadiques et cométaires ainsi qu' à la détermination approchée du gradient de denstét entre 50 et 150 km d'altitude. and Pokračování a rozšíření práce uveřejněné v tomto časopise [2]. Cílem této práce je výzkum vysoké atmosféry pomocí meteorů a tepelná klasifikace meteorů. Pomocí tepelných konstant meteorů odvozených z laboratních dat je možno užitím Öpikovy theorie meteorů a jejího rozšíření v této práci odhadnouti gradient hustoty ve vysoké atmosféře mezi 50 až 150 km výšky. Ve velké většině lze z výšky zážehů zhasnutí meteoru odvoditi jeho typ a složení, zejména u slabších meteorů, kde nelze fotografovati jejich spektra.