We have studied the influence of both levamisole (AL) and Freund's adjuvant (AF) on the immunisation of mice with the secretory antigens of adults of the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica Linnaeus, 1758. Total IgG antibodies were detected in all groups where the F. hepatica antigen was administered, been levels of IgG1 increased respect to IgG2a antibodies. During immunisation, IL-4 and IFN-γ were only detected in AL and AF groups, but after infection, IL-4 boosted in all groups. IFN-γ increased two fold in AF and AL groups compared to the saline solution (AS) group. Worm recovering was of 32-35% in groups administered without antigen whereas in AS, AL and AF groups recovering was of 25%, 12% and 8%, respectively. Macroscopical lesions in the liver were scarce in AL and AF groups. Our data suggest that immunisation of mice with antigens of F. hepatica enhances the immune response avoiding both liver damage and worm establishment after challenge infection. The murine model of fasciolosis has appeared to be useful to elucidate the mechanism by which the parasite modulates immune responses toward a Th2 type but also the development of Th1 type-inducing vaccines., María de los Ángeles Gutiérrez-Sánchez, Julieta Luna-Herrera, Lauro Trejo-Castro, Natividad Montenegro-Cristino, Alfredo Almanza-González, Alejandro Escobar-Gutiérrez, Jorge Luis de la Rosa-Arana., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Parasite life history traits influence the rate of gene flow between populations and the effective population size, both of which determine the levels of genetic variability and the geographic distribution of such variability. In this short review targeted to parasitologists, we summarise how life history traits influence the population genetic structure of parasitic helminths. These organisms are characterised by a wide variety of life cycles and are ecologically different from microparasites, which have been studied in more detail. In order to provide the reader a concise review that illustrates key aspects of the subject matter, we have limited ourselves to studying examples selected for their clarity and relevance., Severo Vázquez-Prieto, Román Vilas, Esperanza Paniagua, Florencio M. Ubeira., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Hormonálna antikoncepcia je dnes ponúkaná ako niečo prospešné pre zdravie ženy, avšak nové vedecké poznatky poukazujú aj na výskyt jej nežiaducich účinkov a rizík. Cieľom štúdie bolo zistiť úroveň informovanosti žien o nežiaducich účinkoch a rizikách antikoncepcie zo strany lekárov/ pôrodných asistentiek. Ako výskumný nástroj bol vytvorený neštandardizovaný dotazník. Celkovo bolo v gynekologických ambulanciách distribuovaných 130 dotazníkov, vrátilo sa 108 (responzibilita: 83,07 %), pričom 8 dotazníkov bolo vyradených pre nesplnenie kritérií. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 100 respondentiek s vekovým priemerom 28,7 (±5,28) rokov, ktoré užívali hormonálnu antikoncepciu, a podpísali informovaný súhlas so zapojením do výskumnej štúdie. Najčastejšími dôvodmi užívania hormonálnej antikoncepcie u respondentiek nášho súboru boli: zamedzenie plodnosti (66%) a zdravotné dôvody (34%). Zistili sme, že 54 % respondentiek bolo informovaných zo strany lekárov/ pôrodných asistentiek o nežiaducich účinkoch hormonálnej antikoncepcie avšak 51,85 % z nich bolo informovaných nedostatočne. O rizikách zvyšujúcich nežiaduce účinky HAK bolo informovaných 64 % respondentiek. Najčastejšie nežiaduce účinky HAK u respondentiek sa zaznamenali bolesť hlavy, emočná labilita, zníženie libida. Úroveň informovanosti žien o nežiaducich účinkoch antikoncepcie zo strany lekárov/ pôrodných asistentiek môžeme hodnotiť ako neuspokojivú, preto by bolo potrebné zlepšiť a skvalitniť edukáciu žien o hormonálnej antikoncepcii ., Hormonal contraception is nowadays offered as something beneficial for the woman´s health, but the new scientific knowledge is showing us its undesirable effects as well. The objective of the study was to find out the awareness level of women about the undesirable effects and risks of hormonal contraception from the side of doctors/ midwives. As a research tool, we have created a non- standardized questionnaire. Overall we have distributed 130 questionnaires in the gynaecological centres, 108 questionnaires have been returned (recoverability: 83.07 %). 8 questionnaires have been excluded from the research due to the incomplete information. 100 respondents, with the average age of 28.7 (±5.28) years, that have used hormonal contraception have participated in this research and signed the written agreement about their participation in this research study. The most frequent reasons for using the hormonal contraception by our respondents were the following ones: fertility prevention (66 %) and healthy reasons (34 %). We have found out that 54 % of respondents were informed from the side of doctors/midwives about the undesirable effect of hormonal contraception, however 51.85 % from them have been informed insufficiently. 64 % of respondents have been informed about the risks of increased effects of hormonal contraception. The most frequent effects of hormonal contraception by our respondents were headache, emotional instability, and decrease of libido. The awareness level of women about the undesirable effects of hormonal contraception from the side of doctors/midwives has been evaluated as unsatisfactory. So it would be necessary to improve the education of women in the area of hormonal contraception., Mazúchová L., Kelčíková S., Markusová K., and Literatura
Informovaný souhlas na gerontopsychiatrických odděleních je ke škodě pacientů opomíjené téma. Obsahem článku je komentovaný výčet vybraných důležitých problémů, které se váží především k informovanému souhlasu. Je upozorněno na to, že potíže souvisí s přetrvávající stigmatizací psychiatrie a s faktem, že psychiatričtí pacienti z řad seniorů očekávají paternalistický přístup ze strany lékařů. Redukci souvisejících komplikací lze také očekávat od funkčního systému opatrovnictví., The informed consent at geriatric psychiatric wards is – to the detriment of patients – a neglected topic. This article contains a commented enumeration of selected important issues that bind primarily to the informed consent. It points out that the problems are related to the continuing stigmatization of psychiatry and at the same time, to the fact that psychiatric patients among the seniors expect a paternalistic attitude of the physicians. Reduction of associated complications can be also expected from the functional system of guardianship., Alice Holečková, and Literatura
Článek se zabývá vývojem a současnou situací v oblasti infastruktury podpory zdraví v ČR a nabídkou vzdělávacích programů pro zdravotnické profesionály, kteří by se podporou zdraví mohli zabývat a realizovat jí v praxi, a to jak na pregraduální tak na postgraduální úrovni. Kriticky hodnotí situaci v ČR, kde na rozdíl od vyspělých zemí, se v posledních dvaceti letech v rámci veřejného zdravotnictví a zdravotní politiky nevěnovala podpoře zdraví adekvátní pozornost., The article deals with the development and current situation in infrastructure for health promotion in the country and opportunities for relevant educational programs for professionals who would be able to implement health promotion programs in practice. Offer of health promotion educational programmes is analysed on both - graduate and postgraduate levels. Author critically evaluate the situation in the Czech Republic in the last twenty years , where, unlike in other developed countries has not paid adequate attention to health promotion in the context of public health and health policy., and Helena Hnilicová