The article focuses on the issue of the involvement of ethics committees in permitting biomedical research. First, the article focuses on the general regulation of ethics committees within biomedical research. Subsequently, it construes the regulation of the involvement and functioning of ethics committees for specific types of biomedical research. In the final part, the consequences of fragmentation and inadequacy of legislation are discussed and the possible solutions are outlined. and Článek je zaměřen na problematiku zapojení etických komisí do procesu povolování biomedicínského výzkumu. Nejprve se článek věnuje obecné regulaci etických komisí v rámci biomedicínského výzkumu, poté je rozebrána úprava zapojení a fungování etických komisí pro konkrétní druhy biomedicínského výzkumu. V závěrečné části se článek věnuje důsledkům roztříštěnosti a nedostatečnosti právní úpravy a nastínění možného řešení.
Zinc (Zn) plays an important role in the physiological processes in plants and may mitigate trace element stress. The aim was to evaluate the morphophysiological responses of Alternanthera tenella plants exposed to cadmium (Cd) and Zn under in vitro conditions. Segments of A. tenella were transferred to flasks containing medium supplemented with different combinations of Cd (0, 75, or 150 μM) and Zn (0, 750, or 1,500 μM) concentrations, totalizing nine treatments. We assessed the growth traits, anatomy, chlorophyll a fluorescence by OJIPs, and tolerance index (TI). With exposure only to Cd, the plants showed physiological disorders. Zn supplementation in the medium had a positive effect on the physiological performance of plants. At concentrations ≤ 750 μM, it can partially mitigate the deleterious effects of Cd. Plants grown with Cd and Zn showed intermediate TI. The results proved the potential of Zn as a mitigator of Cd-induced stress in plants.