Two species of Myxobolus Bütschli, 1882 were found in yellow catfish Tachysurus fulvidraco (Richardson). A species of Myxobolus infecting the gills was morphologically identified as Myxobolus voremkhai (Akhmerov, 1960) and it was characterised here with additional morphological and molecular data. The other species of Myxobolus infecting the host's skin did not conform to any known myxosporean species. It is characterised by the presence of round, black or milky white plasmodia with black spots. Myxospores are pyriform in frontal view and lemon-shaped in lateral view, measuring 12.9-16.2 μm (14.6 ± 0.7 μm) in length, 8.1-10.8 μm (9.4 ± 0.5 μm) in width, and 6.1-8.1 μm (7.0 ± 0.4 μm) in thickness. Two ampullaceous polar capsules are slightly unequal in size, larger polar capsule 7.2-9.5 μm (7.9 ± 0.4 μm) long by 3.0-3.9 μm (3.5 ± 0.2 μm) wide, smaller capsule 6.9-8.0 μm (7.4 ± 0.3 μm) long by 2.9-3.9 μm (3.4 ± 0.2 μm) wide. Polar filaments are coiled with seven to nine turns. Histologically, the plasmodia develop in the stratum spongiosum of skin dermis, resulting in epithelial cell shedding and immunological cell infiltration. Given the morphological and molecular differences between this species and other species of Myxobolus, we proposed the name of Myxobolus pseudowulii sp. n. for this parasite from the skin of yellow catfish. Interestingly, some spores of the new species possess Henneguya-like caudal appendages. Phylogenetically, M. pseudowulii sp. n. and M. voremkhai infecting yellow catfish group together in one clade with other parasites of Siluriformes, indicating that parasites clustering according to the fish host order may be an important factor affecting the evolution of species within the Myxobolus clade., Bo Zhang, Yanhua Zhai, Yang Liu, Zemao Gu., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Myxobolus taibaiensis sp. n. was found in the inner intestinal wall of common carp, Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, during the investigation of fish parasite fauna in Lake Taibai, located in the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China. The whitish ellipsoidal plasmodia, up to 2.9 mm long and 1.7 mm wide, developed in the circular muscle layer of the intestinal wall and produced significant compression into adjacent tissues, but no significant inflammatory responses were observed against this infection. Mature spores are oval in frontal view and lemon-like in lateral and apical view, averaging 10.2-11.2 µm (10.8 ± 0.2 µm) in length, 9.1-9.9 µm (9.6 ± 0.2 µm) in width and 6.1-6.6 µm (6.3 ± 0.1 µm) in thickness. Polar capsules are pyriform, equal in size, slightly converging anteriorly, measuring 4.4-5.4 µm (5.0 ± 0.2 µm) in length by 3.2-3.6 µm (3.4 ± 0.1 µm) in width. Polar filaments coiled with four to five turns and arranged perpendicular to the polar capsule length, measuring up to 106 µm. Myxobolus taibaiensis sp. n. is morphologically similar to Myxobolus rotundatus Achmerov, 1956 which also infects the inner wall of the intestine of common carp. However, the small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence identity was only 94%, generally beyond the intraspecies variation in the genus. Phylogenetically, this new species is sister to M. rotundatus and then clusters with M. shantungensis Hu, 1965 to form an independent common carp-infecting cluster within the Henneguya-Myxobolus clade., Xinhua Liu, Congjie Hua, Qianqian Zhang, Yuanli Zhao, Dong Zhang, Jinyong Zhang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Myxobolus pseudodispar Gorbunova, 1936 (Myxozoa) was originally described as a parasite of common roach, Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus), with developing stages in muscles and spores disseminated in macrophage centres of different organs and tissues. Later, this parasite was described from several other cyprinids, but with relatively large intraspecific differences based on SSU rDNA gene sequences. Within our long-term study on myxozoan biodiversity, we performed a broad microscopic and molecular screening of various freshwater fish species (over 450 specimens, 36 species) from different localities. We investigated the cryptic species status of M. pseudodispar. Our analysis revealed four new unique SSU rDNA sequences of M. pseudodispar as well as an infection in new fish host species. Myxobolus pseudodispar sequence analysis showed clear phylogenetic grouping according to fish host criterion forming 13 well-recognised clades. Using 1% SSU rDNA-based genetic distance criterion, at least ten new species of Myxobolus Bütschli, 1882 may be recognised in the group of M. pseudodispar sequences. Our analysis showed the paraphyletic character of M. pseudodispar sequences and the statistical tests rejected hypothetical tree topology with the monophyletic status of the M. pseudodispar group. Myxobolus pseudodispar represents a species complex and it is a typical example of myxozoan hidden diversity phenomenon confirming myxozoans as an evolutionary very successful group of parasites with a great ability to adapt to a new hosts with subsequent speciation events.
Jedná se o autobiografické výpovědi těch, kteří se s poruchami příjmu potravy (dále PPP) potýkali nebo s nimi stále bojují. Odvážní autoři projektu se rozhodli přesto zůstat v anonymitě. Jedná se o soubor textů z let 2011 – 2014. V projektu „Na druhý pohled“ je zahrnut dokonce i muž s PPP a boří tím tak jeden z mýtů o tom, že poruchy příjmu potravy jsou výhradně feminní záležitostí.
Surrogate motherhood (SM) is a procedure, when a woman undergoes assisted reproduction, pregnancy and childbirth in order to give up her child and transfer parental rights and obligations someone else, who she previously agreed with. The complexity of the procedure entails many legal problems; the most important are the determination of legal parenthood, enforceability of agreements concluded before the child's birth or before commencement of treatment, compensation of costs, registration of the newborn, the search for a surrogate mother, the right of the child to know her/his parents. Our article is a response to the article Surrogate motherhood in Legal Practice, published in JMLB (2015, Vol. 5, No. 2), and we mainly address the issue of seeking a surrogate mother., Náhradní mateřství (NM) je procedura, kdy asistovanou reprodukci, těhotenství a porod podstoupí žena s cílem vzdát se narozeného dítěte a rodičovská práva a povinnosti převést na někoho jiného, předem domluveného. Složitost procedury s sebou přináší mnoho právních problémů; hlavními jsou určení právního rodičovství, vymahatelnost dohod uzavřených před porodem dítěte či před zahájením léčby, kompenzace nákladů, registrace novorozence, cesty hledání náhradní matky, právo dítěte znát své rodiče. Náš článek je reakcí na článek Náhradní mateřství v právní praxi, uveřejněný v Časopise zdravotnického práva a bioetiky (2015, Vol. 5, No. 2), reagujeme především na problematiku hledání náhradní matky., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article is focused on the determination of the amount of selected proceedings’ costs and their reimbursement in bodily harm compensation disputes. General comments are suppressed; the attention is mainly directed to answering practical questions and outlining solutions to the existing contradictions. Firstly, the article discusses in general the nature of the bodily harm compensation claims and types of proceedings’ costs. The following chapter is aimed at the determination of the amount of the court fee and the obligation to pay it in this type of dispute. Next chapter focuses on the quantification of the remuneration for representation by an attorney of law for the purposes of the proceedings’ costs reimbursement, including the recommendations to the plaintiff on proceedings’ tactics related thereto. and Článek se zaměřuje na problematické aspekty spojené s určením výše vybraných nákladů řízení a jejich náhradou ve sporech o náhrady při ublížení na zdraví. Obecné výklady jsou potlačeny, pozornost je směrována především na zodpovězení praktických otázek a na nastínění řešení existujících rozporů. Článek nejprve obecně pojednává o druzích a charakteru náhrad, které lze při ublížení na zdraví vymáhat, a o jednotlivých druzích nákladů řízení. Následuje kapitola podrobně se zabývající určením výše soudního poplatku a povinnosti k jeho placení v tomto typu sporů. Další kapitola je zaměřena na vyčíslení odměny za zastupování advokátem pro účely náhrady nákladů řízení, včetně doporučení pro žalobce týkajícího se vedení tohoto typu sporného řízení.
Toxoplasmosis is a common parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908), an obligate parasite capable of infecting a range of cell types in almost all warm-blooded animals. Upon infecting an intermediate host, the parasites differentiate into tachyzoites which rapidly infect host tissues. Usually, the invading parasites are cleared by the immune system and administered drugs, but some tachyzoites differentiate into bradyzoites forming tissue cysts. These tissue cysts could serve as a source for re-infection and exacerbations. Currently, treatment for toxoplasmosis is limited and, moreover, there are no drugs for treating the cystic stage thus rendering toxoplasmosis a global burden. Recently, we demonstrated that inorganic nanoparticles showed promising activity against the tachyzoite stage T. gondii. In the present study, we evaluated nanoparticles for effect on bradyzoite formation in vitro. Data revealed that the nanoparticles limited bradyzoite burden in vitro. Further, the nanoparticles decreased the bradyzoite-specific BAG-1 promoter activity relative to the untreated control under a bradyzoite-inducing culture condition, even though this reduction in BAG-1 promoter activity waned with increasing concentrations of nanoparticles. In contrast, a parallel experiment under normal cell culture conditions showed that the nanoparticle treatment mildly increased the BAG-1 promoter activity relative to the untreated control. Taken together, the findings are evidence that nanoparticles not only possess anti-tachyzoite potential but they also have anti-bradyzoite potential in vitro., Oluyomi Stephen Adeyemi, Yuho Murata, Tatsuki Sugi, Yongmei Han, Kentaro Kato., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The German Parliament shall adopt new legislation concerning intersex persons by the end of 2018. The law should introduce a third, positive category of gender, in addition to „male” and „female” categories or repeal state registration of gender altogether. This follows from a landmark ruling by the German Constitutional Court of 10 October 2017 in case of Vanja, in which the court said that an intersex person, who is neither male nor female, is entitled to register their gender as such. The article summarizes complex developments that led to the ruling and discusses options of its implementation., Německý zákonodárce má přijmout do konce roku 2018 novou právní úpravu týkající se intersexuálních osob. Zákon by měl zavést třetí, pozitivní kategorii pohlaví vedle pohlaví mužského a ženského anebo zrušit evidenci pohlaví osob prováděnou státem. Plyne to ze zlomového rozhodnutí Německého ústavního soudu ze dne 10. října 2017 v případě Vanja, ve kterém soud rozhodl, že intersexuální osoba, která není mužského ani ženského pohlaví, má právo, aby její pohlaví bylo zapsáno jako takové. Předložený článek sleduje komplexní vývoj, který vedl k předmětnému rozhodnutí a rozebírá možnosti jeho implementace., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy