The study dealt with the problem of the other European identity as reflected in the English travel writing of the seventeenth century. The crucial question was if any coherent whole, in cultural terms, was distinguished on the mental map of the 17th century English traveller in the area of “Trans-Rhenic Europe”. The mental map was understood here as a sort of image which is not related to sensory experience. It is considered as Creative construction of unknown based on what was read, what was heard, and on past experience. The viewpoints defining units and drawing borders were of cultural character. Firstly, it was interested in traveller’s division of known and unknown Europe. Secondly, it was looking for the borders of learned part of Europe drawn on the traveller’s mental map. Thirdly, it was focused on characteristics of people given by travellers. Finally, the borders of “civilization” and “barbarism” on the mental map of a 17th century traveller were questioned.
Evropa se nachází pod tlakem silné imigrace. Nejde přitom o nic nového, v pravěku docházelo k migracím poměrně často a lze říci, že z dnešního pohledu náš genofond spíše obohatily. Pro budoucí identitu příchozích je podstatné, jak se k nim budeme nyní chovat, protože identita se vytváří vždy v interakcích., Europe is under a relatively strong immigration pressure. However, this is nothing new; prehistoric migrations occurred quite often and we can retrospectively summarize they rather enriched our gene pool. Since the identity of immigrants is always created in interactions, it is essential how we treat these people right now., and Viktor Černý, Martin Hájek.
15 years ago a small group of the Czech scientists visited the meeting of European plant exophysiologists in Viterbo starting a new EU projects on elevated CO2 effects. Because of personal involvement of prof. Paul Jarvis, the Czech group was incorporated into this type of European ecophysiological research. On the occasion of the 15th anniversary was prepared a conference covering the topics from stress physiology and elevated CO2 effects from leaves to ecosystems up to impact of climate change on ecosystems. Key findings in regulatory and stress physiology, plant-to-plant interactions and responses to changing environment with emphases on single and/or combined effects of CO2, water and temperature were presented. and Michal Marek.