New spectral absorption photometry methods are introduced to estimate chlorophyll (Chl) content of corn leaves by smart phones. The first method acquires light passing through a leaf by smartphone camera, compensating for differences in illumination conditions. In order to improve performance of the method, spectral absorption photometry (SAP) with background illumination has been considered as well. Data were acquired by smartphone camera in Iowa State University maize fields. Various indices were extracted and their correlation with Chl content were examined by Minolta SPAD-502. Hue index in SAP reached R2 value of 0.59. However, with light-aided SAP (LASAP), R2 of 0.97 was obtained. Among traits, the vegetation index gave the most accurate indication. We can conclude that the high performance of LASAP method for estimating Chl content, leads to new opportunities offered by smart phones at much lower cost. This is a highly accurate alternative to SPAD meters for estimating Chl content nondestructively., F. Vesali, M. Omid, H. Mobli, A. Kaleita., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
We investigated the effect of the feeding behaviour of young larvae of Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval (Pieridae) on parasitism by the parasitoid wasp, Cotesia glomerata (L.) (Braconidae). Young, 1st-3rd instar larvae used approximately three sites for feeding each day. When not feeding, they moved a short distance away from the feeding sites (= feeding marks) and rested. For first, second and third instar larvae, the distances from the new mark, made within 24 h, to larva at rest were, respectively, about 3.5 mm, 5 mm and more than 10 mm. To resume feeding, they moved back to one of the former feeding sites or a new site. The percentage of the feeding marks older than 24 h that attracted parasitoids was less than 50%. Time spent searching for hosts by a parasitoid was short. Larvae placed 5 mm or more from a feeding mark were less parasitized than the larvae placed near a mark. The number of feeding marks affected parasitism. When comparing single-marked and triple-marked leaves, the percentage parasitism of the larvae on the latter was significantly lower than that of the larvae on the former. On triple-marked leaves, parasitoids visited each mark unevenly. Accordingly, the time spent searching each mark differed significantly among the marks. Because of this confusing effect, hosts are considered to be reducing the risk of parasitism. Our results demonstrate that the feeding habits of young larvae of P. rapae crucivora are adaptive in terms of reducing the risk of parasitism by C. glomerata., Aya Nakayama, Keiji Nakamura, Jun Tagawa., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Haemadipsid leeches are among the most successful terrestrial invertebrates in Bornean rainforests. They are very common ectoparasites of vertebrates, and their abundance has facilitated the conduction of numerous projects in the fields of ecology, zoogeography and taxonomy. We undertook research on two species inhabiting lowland dipterocarp forest, Haemadipsa picta Moore, 1929 and Haemadipsa subagilis (Moore, 1929), in order to address the following questions: (a) is there a difference in leech abundance between trails and off-trails?; (b) is ambush location dependent on specimen size or is species-specific?; (c) is intra- and interspecific competition limited by differences in foraging behaviours or vertical niche partitioning? Our results clearly show that H. picta is more abundant on trails than on off-trails and is vertically dispersed within the understory; the size of a specimen is strongly correlated with plant height. Haemadipsa subagilis was found not to exhibit such patterns. We suggest a possible lowering of interspecific competition between these species as a result of: (i) size-dependent dispersion of H. picta (together with reduction of intraspecific competition); and (ii) habitat specialisation of H. subagilis. Moreover, we provide new observations on their foraging behaviour., Piotr Gąsiorek, Hanna Różycka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Fekálna mikrobiálna terapia (FMT) je liečebná metóda, pri ktorej sa prenesie fekálna mikroflóra chorému jedincovi od zdravého darcu, a tým sa obnoví normálne mikrobiálne zloženie čreva. V súčasnosti vzrastá záujem o využitie FMT pri liečbe rôznych chorôb, avšak neexistujú štandardné terapeutické protokoly. Postupy pri realizácii FMT sa líšia vo viacerých aspektoch, ako je výber darcu, príprava fekálnych materiálov, príprava príjemcu a spôsob aplikácie. FMT sa zdá byť najúspešnejšia v liečbe rekurentnej infekcie Clostridium difficile, randomizované kontrolované štúdie dokázali úspešnosť približne 90 %. Existujú aj obmedzené výsledky pre liečbu ulceróznej kolitídy, publikované boli malé série prípadov, ktorých výsledky však nie sú jednotné. Využitie FMT sa skúma aj v liečbe iných chorôb, pri ktorých je narušená črevná mikroflóra, ako sú napr. kardiovaskulárne, autoimunitné a metabolické ochorenia. Nateraz je pri FMT veľa nezodpovedaných otázok, a preto je nevyhnutný ďalší výskum v tejto oblasti., Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a therapeutic method, in which the fecal microflora from healthy donors is transmitted to the patient to restore the healthy microbial composition of the gut. In the recent years, there is a growing interest in the therapeutic potential of FMT in various diseases. The standard FMT protocols do not exist. Procedures of FMT vary in several aspects such as donor selection, preparation of fecal material, preparation of the recipient and administration way. FMT appears to be the most successful in the treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), randomized controlled studies reported 90 % success rate. There is a limited evidence for FMT as a treatment of ulcerative colitis. FMT has been also studied as treatment of diseases with impaired gut microbiota, such as cardiovascular, autoimmune and metabolic diseases. Many unanswered questions with regard to FMT remain and further research is needed., and Igor Šturdík, Tibor Hlavatý, Juraj Payer