H3+, nejjednodušší mnohoatomový iont, je klíčovým prekurzorem řady chemických reakcí vedoucích ke vzniku komplexních sloučenin v mezihvězdných oblacích plynu. Experimentální studium reakcí provázejících jeho tvorbu a zánik za astrofyzikálně relevantních podmínek poskytuje důležité vstupy pro astrochemické modely a pro pochopení chemických procesů probíhajících v mezihvězdném prostoru., H3+, the simplest polyatomic ion, is a key precursor in many chemical reaction chains leading to the formation of complex molecules in interstellar molecular clouds. The experimental study of reactions leading to its formation and destruction at astrophysically relevant conditions gives important information for astrochemical models and enhanced our understanding of chemical processes occurring in the interstellar medium., Radek Plašil, Petr Dohnal, Štěpán Roučka, Juraj Glosík., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Článek, opřený o solidní znalost nejnovějších pramenů, zaměřuje pozornost na moderní koncepce modality, které vedle tradiční psychologické motivace této kategorie berou v úvahu výsledky moderní logiky, pragmatické lingvistiky i filozofické teorie mluvních aktů. Starším pojetím modality autorka vytýká příliš široký, fragmentárni a nejednotný výklad této tematické kategorie. Sama se v zájmu jednotného pojetí kategorie modality, které se ve světové lingvistické literatuře prosazuje v posledních desetiletích, přidržuje spíš modálni logiky a radikálně odmítá tradiční koncepce psychologické. Za svou bere interpretaci rozlišující modalitu epistemickou, deontickou, dynamickou a aletickou, jejichž pojetí vykládá na španělském jazykovém materiálu.
Assessment of people’s views with an emphasis on sociological aspects is mainly associated with the tradition of the European public opinion research. American authors introduced empirical and socio-psychological approaches to this eld of study. Hadley Cantril was one of those who pioneered “scienti c” public opinion research inspired by George Gallup. This paper reviews Cantril’s work, recalling some of his most important theoretical and methodological ndings and empirical projects, to conclude that his studies remain a rich source of knowledge for all present-day and future public opinion researchers, Ján Mišovič., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Knowledge of blood parasites in Brazilian chelonians is limited, since they have been recorded in only six species. Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Bour) is a freshwater turtle with a wide geographic distribution in Brazil, but there is little information about its natural history. This paper reports on a study of the prevalence and infection intensity of a haemogregarine in two subpopulations of M. vanderhaegei. The study was conducted in two areas of Cerrado in the Upper Paraguay River basin in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, between November 2010 and August 2013. Ninety-five (53%) of the 179 turtles captured were positive for haemogregarine parasites. The parasitic forms observed were two morphotypes of intraerythrocytic gametocytes. The prevalence differed between size classes, increasing significantly according to the animals' body size. There was no significant difference between prevalence and sex, or between sampling periods. The mean parasite intensity was 9 parasites/2,000 erythrocytes (0.45%) and the parasite population presented an aggregated distribution, with an aggregation index of 19 and discrepancy of 0.772. This is the first record of a hemoparasite in the freshwater turtle M. vanderhaegei., Vinícius C. Goes, Elizângela S. Brito, Rafael M. Valadão, Camila O. Gutierrez, Amanda M. Picelli, Lúcio A. Viana., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Although in vitro studies have shown that cortisol concentrations in human and animal hair respond to environmental stressors, few data have been reported regarding the in vivo variability of hair cortisol to brief pain stressors. As an extension of a previous study, hair was collected and assayed for cortisol concentrations from each of three sites (elbow, mid-forearm, wrist) before and after participants immersed their hand in ice water for 1 min. Results showed that the "localization" boundary of hair cortisol responses previously reported was able to be reduced to only 250 mm between sites. Furthermore, all participants showed considerable variability in hair cortisol across the three sites at each collection period, although consistency across participants in overall responsivity of hair cortisol to the pain stressor was observed., C. F. Sharpley, K. G. Kauter, J. R. McFarlane., and Obsahuje bibliografii