The presented species prefers intermittently wet meadows and pastures, and thus differs from other gentians that are able to colonize a wide range of habitats (broad-leaved dry grasslands, mesic and wet habitats, submontane and montane Nardus grasslands). The presence of gaps in the vegetation is the major prerequisite for plant establishment and survival. Regular mowing or grazing accompanied by disruption of turf can support the creation of open sward. our experimental data from 13 sites show that regular management can restore the gentians populations. and Jiří Brabec.
Hořec panonský (Gentiana pannonica) bývá označována za erbovní rostlinu Šumavy, která je jedinou přirozenou oblastí výskytu tohoto druhu mimo Alpy. V případě Šumavy byl přirozený výskyt omezen na maloplošná refugia přirozeného bezlesí - kary ledovcových jezer, okraje slatí a horských potoků. Na ostatní lokality se hořec rozšířil až po kolonizaci Šumavy lidmi. Na některá místa si horalé hořce pravděpodobně přesadili či vyseli. Další vhodné lokality vzniklé odlesněním části šumavských plání hořec osídlil spontánně. Dlouhodobé přežívání hořce panonského je pojištěno klonálním růstem, díky kterému na některých lokalitách vytváří rozsáhlé polykormony. Květy opylují čmeláci, ale jsou také schopné samoopylení. Křídlatá semena, která mohou za pomoci větru putovat po sněhové krustě či plavat ve vodě, například z tajícího sněhu, úspěšně klíčí v gapech. Podobně jako i další druhy se silnými kořeny a oddenky byl h. panonský využíván k domácí výrobě hořcové pálenky a žaludečních likérů. Druhům hořec žlutý (G. lutea), h. nachový (G. purpurea) a h. tečkovaný (G. punctata) je stručně věnován závěr článku., Hungarian Gentian (Gentiana pannonica) has been considered the heraldic plant of the Šumava Mts., its only natural distribution outside the Alps. The species originally inhabited only small non-forest refugia but spread into other sites after human colonization of the Šumava Mts. It is likely that the species was deliberately transplanted or sown in suitable sites close to the settlements. Some habitats were also colonized spontaneously. Hungarian Gentian is a long-lived perennial with profound clonal propagation. Flowers are pollinated by bumble-bees, but self-pollination is also possible. Seeds successfully germinate in gaps. In this article, Yellow Gentian (G. lutea), Purple Gentian (G. purpurea) and Spotted Gentian (G. punctata) are also briefly discussed., and Zdenka Křenová.
Životní dráha Jaroslava Heyrovského (1890-1967), fyzikálního chemika a dosud jediného českého laureáta vědecké Nobelovy ceny, byla v podstatě klidná, naplněná pilnou vědeckou a pedagogickou prací. Přesto se jeví některá období jeho života jako rozhodující pro jeho kariéru. Patří k nim bezesporu tříletí 1921-1923. V únoru 1922 Heyrovský objevil elektrolýzu s kapkovou rtuťovou elektrodou, později pojmenovanou polarografie. Ta se stala určující pro jeho další vědecká bádání. Je pojednáno posledních 15 měsíců život J. Heyrovského, kdy mimo jiné obdržel svůj poslední čestný doktorát., The tranquil life of Jaroslav Heyrovský (1890-1967), a physical chemist, professor of the Charles University in Prague, and currently the only Czech laureate of the scientific Nobel Prize, was in substance filled with hard-working scientific and pedagogical activities. Nevertheless, there was one period of his life, during which it became decisive for his career, namely the three years from 1921 to 1923. In February 1922 Heyrovský discovered electrolysis using a dropping mercury electrode, later named polarography, which was a defining step for his whole life and further scientific research. The last 15 months of J. Heyrovský‘s life are reviewed. During this period he received his 6th honourable doctorate. Following his death the funeral ceremony on 4th April 1967 in Prague is described in detail., Jiří Jindra., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In the West Bohemian region, Central Europe, the volcanic activity appeared in late Tertiary, the Miocene. The present intraplate magmatic activity makes itself felt by flows of gaseous and liquid fluids, enhanced geodynamic mobility of geological structures and generation of earthquake swarms. Position data of two permanent Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) stations located in the region were used to calculate the time variations of the horizontal strain field that were compared with the 3He/4He ratios and earthquake swarm occurrences. The strains and 3He/4He ratios displayed a positive relation supported by the earlier opinions on the dependence of the dynamics of the region on the fluid occurrence. Analysis of these quantities observed in 2006-2007 period indicated when the compressions calmed and the 3He/4He ratios grew then the earthquake events occurred. It presumes the detected variations relate to compressions and extensions in the region. The strain field changes monitored during the 2008 swarm proved the relation found above. The observed connections could be applied in future at selected regions in earthquake forecast procedures., Vladimír Schenk and Zdenka Schenková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the parthenogenetic monogeneans of the genus Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832, the genetic diversity within or between hosts is determined by the relative roles of lateral transmission and clonal propagation. Clonality and limited transmission lead to high-amplitude metapopulation dynamics and strong genetic drift. In Baltic populations of the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, the local mitochondrial diversity of Gyrodactylus arcuatus Bychowsky, 1933 is very high, and spatial differentiation weak. To understand the transmission dynamics in a single location, the transmission of the parasite from adults to next generation sticklebacks was investigated in a northern Baltic brackish water location. By sequencing 777 nt of cox1, as many as 38 separate mitochondrial haplotypes were identified. In August, the intensity of gyrodactylid infection on adult hosts was high, the haplotype diversity (h) was extreme and differentiation between fish was negligible (total h = 0.926, mean h = 0.938). In October, only 46% of the juvenile sticklebacks carried G. arcuatus. The number of parasites per young fish followed a Poisson distribution 0.92 ± 1.04 (mean ± SD) on October 2, and was clearly overdispersed 2.38 ± 5.00 on October 25. The total haplotype diversity of parasites on juveniles was nearly as high as in adults (h = 0.916), but the mean per fish was only h = 0.364 (FST = 0.60), due to low intensity of infection and rapid clonal propagation of early arrivals. The initial first come first served advantage of the first gyrodactylid colonisers will be lost during the host adulthood via continuous transmission. Nesting and polygamy are suggested as factors maintaining the high genetic diversity of the parasite population. The transmission dynamics and, consequently, the population structure of Baltic G. arcuatus is fundamentally different from that of G. salaris Malmberg, 1957, on the Baltic salmon Salmo salar Linnaeus., Jaakko Lumme, Marek S. Ziętara., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Presently the determination of the velocity field in the global reference frame is possible by using different space techniques and dense terrestrial networks from global to local and regional scales. However, the reliability of such determinations is strongly limited by the restricted number of unmodeled effects. Some of them are periodic (atmospheric or hydrological effects), some instantaneous (natural or man-made seismicity ) or seasons-related (snow cover, freezing). This elaboration deals with the unmodeled effects observed in the ASG-EUPOS (Polish Active Geodetic Network) time series. The whole network consists of over 130 permanent GNSS sites with different levels of stability. The paper presents the analysis of 3-year’s time-series of geodetic coordinates (in the topocentric projection) in order to obtain best-possible local velocity field. On the example of the Sudeten region, where 19 sites are located, the possible effects on the decrease in reliability of the velocity field determination are described. Finally the local velocity field in ITRF and ETRF frames are presented., Janusz Bogusz, Mariusz Figurski, Bernard Kontny and Piotr Grzempowski., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
V této zprávě autoři informují o mezinárodním workshopu, který se uskutečnil v Praze ve dnech 4. a 5. listopadu 2013 pod názvem „Horizonty multi- a interdisciplinarity: Možnosti vytvoření badatelské sítě historiků vědy a techniky“. Oba byli spolu s Helenou Durnovou z Masarykovy univerzity v Brně organizátory tohoto setkání českých a norských badatelů, financovaného z programu Norských fondů, jehož cílem bylo vytvořit společnou výzkumnou i praktickou agendu českých a norských historiků vědy a techniky pro léta 2014 až 2017.
What exactly does the term "Excellence in Science" mean was the subject of a talk by the president of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Václav Pačes for the Academic bulletin. and Marina Hužvárová.