This issue includes an article on the 20th anniversary of Alexander von Humboldt Club of the Czech Republic. The mission of the club is to maintain contacts between scientific institutions and researchers in the Czech Republic and Germany and to provide information about the Humboldt scholarhip. Alexander von Huumboldt (1969-1859) was a German naturalist and explorer. His work on botanical geography was the foundation for the field of biogeography. After his death, his colleagues created the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to continue von Humboldt's support of young scientists. The foundation plays an important role in attracting foreign researchers to work in Germany and anables German researchers to work abroad for specific periods of time. and Ivan Pfeifer.
The Institute of Slavonic Studies of the ASCR celebrates 20 years of reestablished Slavonic studies. It was originally founded in 1922 on the initiative of and with funding by President T. G. Masaryk. It was abolished during the World War II. Refounded after the war, it was a part of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences from 1953-1964. Closed again, in 1992 it became a joint unit of the ASCR and the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University. In 1995, the institute was affiliated with the Archives of the ASCR. Since 1998, it has functioned as an independent institute of the ASCR. The institute conducts scientific research in Palaeoslovenic studies and byzantinology, lexicology and lexicography of contemporary Slavonic languagues, history and theory of Slavonic studies, history of Slavonic literatures and associated publication activities. and František Čajka [et al.].
Twenty years ago, Przewalski’s horse (last spotted in the wild in 1969) returned to Mongolia and China. In the mid-1980’s, number of horses in zoological gardens reached 500 and ideas of their reintroduction started to take shape. After a failure of the first plan, private foundations took up the initiative, helped to build acclimatization stations and arranged the air trans - port. Not only the acclimatization but also a behavioural adaptation of the horses proved to be crucial. Despite the definite success, the wild populations remain small, they are exposed to winters with extreme amounts of snow, and will face a risk of inbreeding in the future. and Evžen Kůs.
The ASCR has been observing the 201h anniversary of its origin. And the Czech Republic itself, the Parliament of the Czech Republic and many other institutions in the country are also celebrating their similar anniversaries. The emergence of the ASCR, and these other institutions was a necessary consequence of the split of Czechoslovakia, which took effect on January 1, 1993. Although there is a parallel between the establishment of the Czech Academy and Czech Republic, there is one distinction. The ASCR was founded December 31, 1992 and thus is one day older than the Czech Republic. and Antonín Kostlán.
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit) held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 was an undisputed milestone in environment protection and management. The ambitious target to achieve by 2010, a significant re - duction in the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level, was not met. In October 2010, the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a revised and updated Strategic Plan for Biodiversity for 2011–20. The forthcoming UN Conference on Sustai - nable Development is going to aim particularly at the Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. and Jan Plesník.
Zpráva referuje o jubilejním dvacátém "Mnichovském setkání bohemistů: Fóru pro výzkum Česka" (Münchner Bohemisten-Treffen: Forum für Tschechien-Forschung), které se odehrálo 4. března 2016. Toto fórum každoročně organizuje tamní bohemistické centrum Collegium Carolinum a jeho hlavním smyslem je umožnit vzájemné osobní setkávání bohemistů z různých zemí a z různých oborů a poskytnout prostor k bezprostřední prezentaci jejich výsledků, k informování o chystaných akcích a projektech a k výměně názorů na řadu profesních otázek., This is a report on the twentieth anniversary Meeting of Bohemists, which took place on 4 March 2016. This forum is held annually by the Collegium Carolinum, a Munich-based centre of Bohemian Studies. The main aim of the meeting is to enable experts on Bohemia from various countries and fields to gather at a forum where they can present their research results and exchange information on coming events, new projects, and other matters related to their profession., Zdenko Maršálek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy