Hoci najznámejšou technickou aplikáciou kvapalných kryštálov v dnešnej dobe sú kvapalno-kryštalické monitory, kvapalné kryštály sú viac než len ploché obrazovky, aj keď vďaka nim sa dostali do povedomia verejnosti. Výskum v oblasti kvapalných kryštálov však nabral nový smer. Svetový výskum sa odvracia od displejov a zameriava sa na nové možnosti ich využitia, a to na štúdium kompozitných systémov na báze kvapalných kryštálov nielen pre ich technické aplikácie, ale aj na ich využitie v biotechnológiách., Nowadays, the major technical application of liquid crystals is their widespread use in liquid crystal displays. However, even though flat screens have drawn these materials to the public attentions they are much more than just flat screens. Academic liquid crystal science has shown a clear trend of moving away from display research during the last few years. Currently, scientists focus on different topics such as for instance new possible uses in optics, nano-/micro-manipulation, novel composites and biotechnology. This article demonstrates such a development of composite systems containing magnetic nanoparticles in liquid crystalline matrices., Natália Tomašovičová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Odpor mnoha magnetických materiálů výrazně závisí nejen na velikosti, nýbrž i na směru magnetizace. Průmyslově se tento jev využívá v senzorech citlivých na magnetické pole, mezi něž v nedávno minulé době patřila i velká část světové produkce čtecích hlav počítačových pevných disků. Teoretické modely této anizotropní magnetorezistence ovšem zatím zdaleka nedosáhly uspokojivé úrovně a shody s experimenty bez fitovacích parametrů se podaří dosáhnout jen výjimečně. Skupina takových poměrně úspěšných modelů se v posledních letech rozrostla o další položku - zředěný magnetický polovodič (Ga,Mn)As., Electric resistance of many magnetic materials depends significantly both on strength and direction of its magnetization. Magnetic field sensors belong to the typical industrial applications of this phenomenon and until recently these included also a major part of the world production of read heads in computer hard-drives. Theoretical models of this anisotropic magnetoresistance, however, have never reached a completely satisfactory level and so far it has been only rarely possible to achieve a decent agreement with experiments without any fit parameters. Few years ago, the family of such relatively successful models could welcome a new member that concerns a dilute magnetic semiconductor (Ga, Mn)As., Karel Výborný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Let R be a prime ring of characteristic different from 2 and 3, Qr its right Martindale quotient ring, C its extended centroid, L a non-central Lie ideal of R and n ≥ 1 a fixed positive integer. Let α be an automorphism of the ring R. An additive map D: R → R is called an α-derivation (or a skew derivation) on R if D(xy) = D(x)y + α(x)D(y) for all x, y \in R. An additive mapping F: R → R is called a generalized α-derivation (or a generalized skew derivation) on R if there exists a skew derivation D on R such that F(xy) = F(x)y + α(x)D(y) for all x, y \in R. We prove that, if F is a nonzero generalized skew derivation of R such that F(x)×[F(x), x]n = 0 for any x \in L, then either there exists λ \in C such that F(x) = λx for all x \in R, or R\subset M_{2}\left ( C \right ) and there exist a \in Qr and λ \in C such that F(x) = ax + xa + λx for any x \in R., Vincenzo De Filippis., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
An annotated checklist of the tribe Mirini (Miridae: Mirinae) recorded on the Korean peninsula is presented. A total of 113 species, including newly described and newly recorded species are recognized. Three new species, Apolygus hwasoonanus Oh, Yasunaga & Lee, sp. n., A. seonheulensis Oh, Yasunaga & Lee, sp. n. and Stenotus penniseticola Oh, Yasunaga & Lee, sp. n., are described. Eight species, Apolygus adustus (Jakovlev, 1876), Charagochilus (Charagochilus) longicornis Reuter, 1885, C. (C.) pallidicollis Zheng, 1990, Pinalitopsis rhodopotnia Yasunaga, Schwartz & Chérot, 2002, Philostephanus tibialis (Lu & Zheng, 1998), Rhabdomiris striatellus (Fabricius, 1794), Yamatolygus insulanus Yasunaga, 1992 and Y. pilosus Yasunaga, 1992 are reported for the first time from the Korean peninsula. Korean specimens previously identified as Eurystylus luteus Hsaio, 1941 are correctly recognized as E. sauteri Poppius, 1915. Three new synonyms are proposed: Apolygus atriclavus Kim & Jung, 2016 syn. n. of A. xanthomelas Yasunaga & Yasunaga, 2000, A. josifovi Kim & Jung, 2016 syn. n. of A. subpulchellus (Kerzhner, 1988) and Capsus koreanus Kim & Jung, 2015 syn. n. of C. wagneri Remane, 1950. Dorsal habitus photographs of the newly described or recorded species are presented along with figures of the genitalia of the new species. Keys to Korean genera and to species of Apolygus and Stenotus are provided. Zoogeography of the East Asian Mirini fauna is also discussed., Minsuk Oh, Tomohide Yasunaga, Ram Keshari Duwal, Seunghwan Lee., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cestodes of the family Anoplocephalidae Cholodkovsky, 1902, in their adult form, parasitize a variety of hosts, including reptiles, birds and mammals. To complete their life cycle, an intermediate host is required. This study gives a critical review of the life cycles of genera principally important to veterinary medicine (but sporadically infecting man): Anoplocephalinae (Anoplocephala, Anoplocephaloides, Bertiella and Monieziu) and Thysanosomatinae (Avitellina, Stilesia, Thysaniezia and Thysu-nosomu), using data reported by others and our own observations. The accepted paradigm on the biology of the anoplocephalid cestodes is that oribatid mites (Acarina) serve as intermediate hosts. However, as regards the genera Avitellina, Thysaniezia and Thysanosoma, it is still unclear whether oribatid mites are indeed the intermediate hosts, as larval forms (cysticercoids) have also been found in collcmbolans and psocids. Using the controversial biological cycle of Thysanosoma actinioides (Diesing, 1834), a theoretical methodological research proposal for parasitology was constructed which attempts to define a conceptional mark enabling us to predict and explain the parasite-hosts’ related phenomenon. Aspects of this proposal are discussed using the biology of the cestodes of family Anoplocephalidae, as examples.
Blokátory angiotenzinových receptorů typu 1 (AT1-blokátory, sartany) patří mezi základní antihypertenzní látky vhodné pro monoterapii i kombinační léčbu hypertenze. AT1-blokátory mají srovnatelné účinky s dalšími hlavními třídami antihypertenziv včetně ACE-inhibitorů. Dle současných doporučení České společnosti pro hypertenzi jsou sartany spolu s ACE-inhibitory a blokátory kalciových kanálů považovány za tzv. univerzální antihypertenziva. Mají ze všech antihypertenziv nejméně nežádoucích účinků a nemocní léčení sartany vykazují nejlepší dlouhodobou perzistenci k léčbě. V článku jsou diskutovány mechanizmy antihypertenzního účinku jakož i srovnání antihypertenzních účinků sartanů s dalšími antihypertenzními látkami. Jsou uvedeny výsledky větších klinických studií se sartany a indikace u arteriální hypertenze., Angiotensin receptor antagonists (AT1-blockers) are considered as one of the major classes of antihypertensive drugs suitable for monotherapy as well as for combination treatment. AT1-blockers have comparable antihypertensive efficacy with other major classes of antihypertensive drugs. AT1-blockers are considered by current guidelines of Czech society of hypertension altogether with ACE-inhibitors and calcium channel blockers as universal antihypertensive drug class. AT1-blockers has the lowest profile of side-effects among all antihypertensive drug classes and thus very high persistence to therapy. Mechanisms of antihypertensive effects of AT1-blockers are discussed altogether with the results of large clinical trials and indications in the treatment of hypertension., and Jiří Widimský Jr.