Článek přináší současné pohledy na koncept emoční komplexity. Cílem je představit tento pojem a jeho aplikační potenciál s důrazem na kognitivní souvislosti. V důsledku rozporů v definicích emoční komplexity (a emocí obecně) jsou prezentovány následující aspekty emoční komplexity: 1) dialektičnost, 2) relativní nezávislost mezi prožívanými emocemi, 3) emoční granularita, 4) úroveň emočního uvědomování. Je také diskutován vztah mezi emoční a kognitivní komplexitou. Kromě toho jsou uvedeny nejpoužívanější metodologické postupy spolu se svými nedostatky - deskripce minulé zkušenosti, způsoby zachycování aktuálního emočního prožívání, monitorování vlastních emocí a narativní přístupy. Článek se nakonec věnuje vývoji emoční komplexity a příbuzným psychologickým konstruktům (např. regulaci emocí) a na příkladech z klinické populace poukazuje na důležitost emoční komplexity u mnohých psychických poruch a na užitečnost tohoto konceptu v terapeutické praxi., The paper brings together current views on emotional complexity. Its aim is to introduce this term and its potential application with emphasis on cognitive aspects. Due to relatively high inconsistency in definitions of emotional complexity (and emotion in general), the following aspects of emotional complexity are presented: 1) dialecticism, 2) independence between experienced emotions, 3) emotional granularity, 4) level of emotional awareness. The relationship between emotional and cognitive complexity is discussed. Moreover, the methodologies employed most frequently - description of past experience, experience sampling measures, emotion self-monitoring, and narrative approaches - are debated with respect to their limitations.Lastly, the authors address the development of emotional complexity and related psychological constructs (e.g. emotion regulation). Examples from clinical populations are provided to illustrate an importance of emotional complexity in various psychological disorders and the usefulness of the concept in psychotherapy., Kristína Czekóová, Zuzana Pokorná, Tomáš Urbánek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Empagliflozin je nový lék používaný ke snížení hyperglykemie u pacientů s diabetem 2. typu. Patří do nejnovější třídy antidiabetik, tzv. gliflozinů, které zabraňují zpětnému vstřebávání glukózy prostřednictvím inhibice sodíko-glukózového transportéru SGLT2. Způsobují tak terapeutickou glykosurii, díky níž dojde ke ztrátě přibližně 70 g glukózy denně. Tím dochází nejen k poklesu glykemie, ale i k poklesu tělesné hmotnosti, protože tato vyloučená glukóza nemůže být použita jako energetický substrát. Ve studiích fáze 3 byla prokázána terapeutická účinnost empagliflozinu v monoterapii, kombinaci s ostatními perorálními antidiabetiky i inzulinem. Dalším příznivým účinkem empagliflozinu je mírný pokles krevního tlaku. Empagliflozin byl v Evropské unii schválen k léčbě pacientů s diabetem 2. typu v květnu 2014, v ČR je dostupný od října 2014 a od 1. února 2015 je empagliflozin (pod obchodním názvem Jardiance?) částečně hrazen ze zdravotního pojištění pro léčbu pacientů s diabetem 2. typu buď v kombinaci s metforminem, nebo v kombinaci s inzulinem (s nebo bez metforminu)., Empagliflozin is a new medicine used to reduce hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. It belongs to the most advanced class of antidiabetic drugs, known as gliflozins, which prevent reabsorption of glucose through inhibiting SGLT2 sodium-glucose cotransporter. Thereby they cause therapeutic glycosuria, thanks to which a loss of approximately 70 g of glucose per day occurs. This not only effects the decrease in glycemia, but also the loss of body mass, since this excreted glucose cannot be used as an energetic substrate. The studies within phase 3 have proven the therapeutic efficacy of empagliflozin in monotherapy, in combination with the other oral antidiabec drugs and insulin. Another favourable effect of empagliflozin is a slight decrease in blood pressure. In May 2014, empagliflozin was approved for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes within the European Union 2014, since October 2014 it has been available in the Czech Republic and since 1 February 2015 empagliflozin (under the trade name Jardiance?) has been partially covered by the health insurance for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes either in combination with metformin or in combination with insulin (with or without metformin)., and Martin Prázný, Jiří Slíva
The 'left' and the 'right' are two terms that often appear and tend to be used in everyday conversation, the media, and scientific discourse. In most theories on political orientation the terms left and right are used as theoretical concepts that facilitate the description and classification of social reality. This usage of the concepts is justified and can be very useful. However, at the empirical level they are often used with the aim of detecting and examining them in connection with what people think. In this article the author describes a series of analyses that indicate that when the left-right concept of political orientation is tested and assessed such usage proves misguided. The author employs 'immediate validation' in the article's analysis, an original method still under development that is part of the broader stream of cognitive approaches applied in survey methodology.
This article deals with empirical research on poverty in Czechoslovakia from the interwar period to the present in terms of three distinct phases. First, between 1918 and 1948, considerable attention was devoted to poverty, but research possibilities modest, so that a complex mapping of the problem was not feasible. Second, during the 1948 to 1989 period, the communist regime allowed "examinations" of poverty for the purpose of depicting pre-war capitalist Czechoslovakia as an impoverished, class-divided society. A similar approach was applied to studies of Western countries during the Cold War period. Research on poverty within the socialist regime was not allowed, even after the rehabilitation of sociology as a social science. Detailed analysis of household surveys was either forbidden or the results were embargoed; only simple cross-tabulations were ever published. Third, after 1989, the opportunities for undertaking research on poverty increased dramatically due to stimulus in both the national and international arenas. Important projects were fielded leading to many studies and published articles. Statistical surveys were used to map poverty primarily in terms of income; while sociological, ethnographic and anthropological approaches were used to examine key groups affected by poverty in Czech society. Within the literature there has been to date no synthesis of the study of the nature and origins of poverty in the Czech Republic., Jiří Večerník., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Empruthotrema quindecima sp. n. (Monogcnea: Monocotylidae) is described from the nasal fossae of the blue-spotted fantail ray Taeniura lymma (Forsskâl, 1775) collected from the reef flats of Heron Island and Lizard Island located at the southern and northern sections, respectively, of the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia. Empruthotrema quindecima has 15 marginal loculi on the haptor which distinguishes it from the other five members of the genus which have either 13 or 14 marginal loculi. The generic diagnosis of Empruthotrema Johnston ct Ticgs, 1922 is amended to accommodate the new species, a key to species is provided and the evolution of the different configurations of the haptoral loculi within the genus is discussed.
INTRODUCTION: The splenium of the corpus callosum has a specific structure of blood supply with a tendency towards blood-brain barrier breakdown, intramyelinic edema, and damage due to hypoxia or toxins. Signs and symptoms of reversible syndrome of the splenium of the corpus callosum typically include disorientation, confusion, impaired consciousness, and epileptic seizures. CASE REPORT: A previously healthy 32-year-old man suffered from weakness, headache, and fever. Subsequently, he developed apathy, ataxia, and inability to walk, and therefore was admitted to the hospital. Cerebrospinal fluid showed protein elevation (0.9 g/l) and pleocytosis (232/1 ul). A brain MRI showed hyperintense lesions in the middle of the corpus callosum. The patient was treated with antibiotics, and subsequently, in combination with steroids. Two months later, the hyperintense lesions in the splenium and the basal ganglia had disappeared. Almost seven months since his hospitalization in the Department of Neurology, the patient has returned to his previous employment. He now does not exhibit any mental changes, an optic edema and urological problems have improved. In addition, he is now actively engaged in sports. CONCLUSION: We have described a case of a 32-year-old man with confusion, ataxia, and inability to stand and walk. The man developed a febrile meningeal syndrome and a hyperintense lesion of the splenium, which lasted for two months. Neurological changes, optic nerve edema, and urinary retention have resolved over the course of seven months. We think that the prolonged but transient lesion of the splenium may have been caused by encephalitis of viral origin. and A. Meleková, L. Andrlová, P. Král, L. Ungermann, E. Ehler
gazykem Latinskym od K. Bartoloměge Bitnera wěrného Krystowa Služebnjka w Koruně Polské wydaná: Nynj pak do Česstiny přeľožená od J. C. [= Jan Cyrill]., Mnoho nepotištěných listů před i za tištěným textem s rkp textem., and K01152