Několik příspěvků v tomto čísle cituje dílo A. Procy v souvislosti s problémem možné nenulové hmotnosti fotonu. Ukážeme zde, že dílo tohoto francouzského teoretického fyzika rumunského původu je mnohem rozsáhlejší. Byl skutečně významným a všestranným fyzikem., In this year we commemorate 60 years since the death of Alexandru Proca, one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century. He was a French scientist of Romanian origin. He developed the vector meson theory of nuclear forces and the relativistic quantum field equations which bear his name (Proca‘s equations) for the massive, vector spin-1 mesons., Ivo Kraus., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Práce podává přehled práce francouzského experimentálního psychologa Alfreda Bineta (1857–1911) v oblasti studia disociačních jevů. V úvodu jsou uvedeny základní profesní a biografické údaje a dále popis jeho díla v oblasti studia hypnózy, hysterie a obecně problematiky disociačních jevů. Pozornost je věnována hlavním dílům k této problematice, která jsou popisována chronologicky a v souvislosti s Binetovým odborným vývojem i širší situací v oboru psychologie. Práce představuje méně známé dílo francouzského psychologa přelomu 19. a 20., který se proslavil především studiem teorie a měření inteligence., The article reviews works of famous experimental psychologist Alfred Binet (1857-1911) in the area of dissociative phenomena studies. Introductory part of the article provides the basic professional and biographic information and further description of Binet’s work in the area of hypnosis, hysteria and generally area of dissociative phenomenon is given. Special attention is given to the main books written on these topics. The works are described in chronological order and in relation to Binet’s professional development. The article presents less known work of famous French psychologist of turn of 19th and 20th century, famous above all with the studies of intelligence., Radek Ptáček., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The Tiebori Department of Phototrophic Microorganisms of the Institute of Microbiology received a donation from the Operational Programme, Research and Innovation for Development, for construction and operation of a new scientific research Centre of algal biotechnologies. The implementation phase (begun January 1, 2011) aims to develop new cultivation equipment and algal biomass processing practices for the production of biofuel, animal feeding, food supplements and for the isolation of valuable substances. The project will also focus on research in the area of photosynthesis, developing new measuring devices and educating students in these areas. and Ondřej Prášil a Petra Pfeiferová.
The consequences of epileptic seizures related to postictal inhibition in early postictal period include postictal analgesia. We studied this phenomenon over 96 h following flurothyl-induced seizures in adult male Wistar rats. Nociception of control (no seizure) and seizured groups were tested using the plantar and von Frey hair tests. We determined latency of forepaw and hind paw reactions using plantar tests and the number of von Frey hairs reactions. Shortly after seizures, longer plantar test latencies were seen relative to the control group. Before the seizures the plantar test reaction times were significantly shorter in forepaws than in hind paws. The effect disappeared post-seizure and surprisingly, it also disappeared at the corresponding time in controls; it reappeared after 48 h in the seizure group and after 24 h in controls. Differences in the von Frey hairs test occurred at 5 and 60 min post-seizure, however, these differences could not be explained by limb anatomy; although, different thermal and mechanical nociception mechanisms could be significant. The unexpected reactions in controls could be related to brief social and physical interactions between the two groups. and J. Mareš, R. Rokyta.
Growth factors are powerful molecules that regulate cellular growth, proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation. A delivery matrix that incorporates growth factors with high loading efficiencies, controls their release, and maintains bioactivity would be a powerful tool for regenerative medicine. Alginate has several unique properties that make it an excellent platform for the delivery of proteins. Mild gelling conditions can minimize the risk of protein denaturation; moreover, alginate can serve as protection from degradation until protein release. Various modifications have been proposed to tune alginate binding and release proteins, simultaneously adjusting alginate degradability, mechanical stiffness, swelling, gelation properties and cell affinity. The primary objective of this article is to review the literature related to recent advances in the application of alginate matrices in protein delivery in regenerative medicine. A special emphasis is put on the relevance of delivery of growth factors and chemokine., E. Wawrzyńska, D. Kubies., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Mnohočetný myelom (MM) a solitární plazmocytom (SP) jsou nejčastější primární nádory páteře. Léčba MM a SP páteře je komplexní proces, který zahrnuje léčbu kauzální s cílem potlačit nádorový klon a dále léčbu podpůrnou, jejíž součástí je i chirurgická terapie. Operace přispívají k lepší kvalitě života a nabývají na významu a smysluplnosti zejm. díky zlepšené prognóze onemocnění. Navrhli jsme algoritmus operační léčby MM a SP a ten jsme dále prospektivně ověřovali a jeho vyhodnocení bylo cílem této studie. Pacienti byli operováni v průběhu 10 let, minimální doba sledování byl jeden rok. Soubor tvořilo 32 pacientů (20 mužů a 12 žen) s průměrným věkem 61 let. Operováno bylo celkem 61 obratlů. Důvodem k operaci byly projevy útlaku míchy a progredující neurologický deficit (hodnoceno Frankelovou škálou) nebo na konzervativní léčbu nereagující axiální bolest (hodnoceno VAS; Visual Analogue Scale) páteře. Provedena byla některá z těchto operací: vertebroplastika (VP), laminektomie, transpedikulární fixace, somatektomie a jejich kombinace, nebo okcipito‑cervikální fixace. Pooperační VAS a Frankelova škála byly vyhodnoceny za jeden rok, skiagramy a MR jsme provedli a zhodnotili každý jeden rok. U žádného pacienta nenastala lokální recidiva tumoru ani selhání stabilizace na operovaném úseku v celém sledovaném období. Průměrný předoperační VAS byl 6,8 a jeden rok po operaci se průměrný VAS snížil na 1,1. Všechny operační výkony vedly nejen ke kontrole bolesti, ale také k prevenci nebo zlepšení neurologického postižení po celou dobu sledování. Hodnotili jsme náš postup – algoritmus operací, míru radikality a jejich načasování jako optimální pro MM i SP., Multiple myeloma (MM) and solitary plasmacytoma (SP) are the most frequent primary tumors of the spine. Management of the spinal MM and SP is a complex process involving causal treatment to suppress the tumor clone, as well as supportive therapy, including surgery and radiotherapy. Surgery should be considered because of its favourable effect on disease prognosis. We proposed a surgical treatment algorithm in patients with spinal MM and SP and the aim of this article is to present prospective evaluation of this algorithm. Patients undergoing surgical treatment during the past 10 years were included in this study, with the minimum follow-up of one year. A total of 32 patients (20 males and 12 females) with the mean age of 61 years were included. Surgery of 61 vertebrae was performed. The procedures were indicated for progressing neurological deficit (Frankel score) and for axial spinal pain (VAS classification). We performed the following procedures: vertebroplasty, laminectomy, transpedicular fixation, somatectomy, and their combination, or occipito-cervical fixation. Frankel score and VAS was assessed one year after the surgery and X-ray and spinal MRI was performed every year. No local relapses of the tumor or stabilization failure were detected. The mean preoperative VAS was 6.8 and improved to 1.1 one year after the surgery. During the follow up period, we observed positive effect of surgery on pain control and on prevention or improvement of neurological dysfunction. The authors concluded that all surgical procedures, the extent of resection and timing were adequate in all subjects. Key words: multiple myeloma – solitary plasmacytoma –vertebroplasty – transpedicular fixation – somatectomy The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and L. Hrabálek, T. Wanek, J. Minařík, J. Bačovský, V. Ščudla, M. Vaverka