In cockroaches and certain other insects the concentration of trehalose in the hemolymph is increased by hypertrehalosemic hormone (HTH), a neuropeptide originating in the corpus cardiacum. A vital step in the action of HTH to promote conversion of glycogen stored in the fat body to trehalose is the activation of phosphorylase. The means by which HTH activates phosphorylase, with particular emphasis on its role in the regulation of intracellular calcium, is discussed. Additional information supporting the view that HTH stimulated synthesis of trehalose, and possibly its release from the trophocyte, is regulated by fatty acids and eicosanoids is presented., John E. Steele, and Lit
Helicobacter pylori has been implicated in stimulation of immune system, development of autoimmune endocrinopathies as autoimmune thyroiditis (AT) and on other hand induction of immunosupresion activates gastric and extra-gastric diseases such as gastric ulcer or cancer. It causes persistent lifelong infection despite local and systemic immune response. Our results indicate that Helicobacter pylori might cause inhibition of the specific cellular immune response in Helicobacter pyloriinfected patients with or without autoimmune diseases such as AT. We cannot also declare the carcinogenic effect in oropharynx. However the association of any infection agents and cancerogenesis exists. The adherence of Helicobacter pylori expression and enlargement of benign lymphatic tissue and the high incidence of the DNA of Helicobacter pylori in laryngopharyngeal and oropharyngeal cancer is reality. LTT appears to be a good tool for detection of immune memory cellular response in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection and AT. All these complications of Helicobacter pylori infection can be abrogated by successful eradication of Helicobacter pylori., J. Astl, I. Šterzl., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Parallel glucose measurements in blood and other different tissues give us knowledge about dynamics of glycemia changes, which depend on vascularization, distribution space and local utilization by tissues. Such information is important for the understanding of glucose homeostasis and regulation. The aim of our study was to determine the time-lag between blood, brain, and adipose tissue during rapid glucose changes in a male hHTG rat (n=15). The CGMS sensor Guardian RT (Minimed/Medtronic, USA) was inserted into the brain and into the abdominal subcutaneous tissue. Fixed insulin and variable rate of glucose infusion was used to maintain euglycemia during sensor calibration period. At 0 min, 0.5 g/kg of bolus of glucose was administered, and at 50 min, 5 IU/kg of bolus of insulin was administered. Further glucose and insulin infusion was stopped at this time. The experiment was finished at 130 min and animals were euthanized. The time-shift between glycemia changes in blood, brain, and subcutaneous tissue was calculated by identification of the ideal correlation function. Moreover, the time to achieve 90 % of the maximum glucose excursion after intervention (T90) was measured to compare our data with the literature. The time-lag blood vs. brain and blood vs. subcutaneous tissue was 10 (10; 15) min and 15 (15; 25) min, respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P=0.01). T90 after glucose bolus in brain and subcutaneous tissue was 10 min (8.75; 15) and 15 min (13.75; 21.25), respectively. T90 after insulin bolus in brain and subcutaneous tissue was 10 min (10; 15) and 20 min (20; 27.5), respectively. To the contrary, with literature, our results showed earlier glucose level changes in brain in comparison with subcutaneous tissue after glucose and insulin boluses. Our results suggest that glucose dynamics is different within monitored tissues under rapid changing glucose level and we can expect similar behavior in humans. Improved knowledge about glucose distribution and dynamics is important for avoiding hypoglycemia., M. Žourek, P. Kyselová, D. Čechurová, Z. Rušavý., and Seznam literatury
Huntingtonova choroba (HD) je autozomálně dominantní neurodegenerativní onemocnění způsobené zvýšením počtu polyglutaminových repetic (> 35 repetic) v genu pro protein huntingtin. HD je charakteristická pomalými progresivními změnami pohybového aparátu a osobnosti, kdy tyto změny jsou často doprovázeny ztrátou tělesné hmotnosti. Do dnešního dne není znám přesný mechanizmus patofyziologie choroby. Poruchy pohybových funkcí reflektují masivní poškození specifických částí mozku (striatum), které bylo popsáno u pacientů s HD. V roce 2013 Sbodio et al [1] popsali zvýšené množství proteinu Acyl‑CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) ve striatu HD pacientů. Protein ACBD3 hraje nezastupitelnou roli v mnoha buněčných procesech, a to především díky interakci s různými vazebnými partnery. ACBD3 je esenciální při neuronálním dělení, neurodegeneraci, udržení lipidové homeostáze, stresové odpovědi, virové replikaci, apoptóze, udržení struktury golgiho komplexu. V této práci jsme prokázali nepřítomnost proteinu ACBD3 v mitochondriích v lidských kožních fibroblastech a navíc jsme potvrdili, že změny celkové hladiny proteinu ACBD3 ve fibroblastech HD pacientů nejsou konzistentní., Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal‑dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by the expansion of polyglutamine repeats (> 35 repeats) in the nuclear gene for the huntingtin protein. HD is characterized by slow progressive changes in motor behaviour and personality that are sometimes accompanied by weight loss. To date, the exact mechanisms of HD pathophysiology have not been defined. Impaired motor behaviour reflecting massive and selective destruction of the striatum has been observed in patients with HD. Sbodio et al. [1] reported in 2013 that Acyl‑CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein levels were elevated in the striatum of HD patients and connected with higher neurotoxicity in HD. The ACBD3 protein plays essential roles in many different cellular functions via interactions with a multitude of partners. ACBD3 is involved in neuronal stem cell self‑renewal, neurodegeneration, lipid homeostasis, stress resistance, intracellular vesicle trafficking, organelle maintenance, viral replication and the apoptotic response. Herein, we found that ACBD3 in not present in the mitochondria in skin fibroblasts. Moreover, our findings also revealed that the total cellular level of ACBD3 is not consistent among the fibroblasts of HD patients., and H. Kratochvíľová, M. Rodinova, J. Sladkova, J. Klempir, I. Liskova, J. Motlik, J. Zeman, H. Hansíková, M. Tesarova
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