The paper studies applications of C*-algebras in geometric topology. Namely, a covariant functor from the category of mapping tori to a category of AF-algebras is constructed; the functor takes continuous maps between such manifolds to stable homomorphisms between the corresponding AF-algebras. We use this functor to develop an obstruction theory for the torus bundles of dimension 2, 3 and 4. In conclusion, we consider two numerical examples illustrating our main results., Igor Nikolaev., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Processes of adult neurogenesis can be influenced by environmental factors. Here, we investigated the effect of microwave radiation (MWR) on proliferation and cell dying in the rat rostral migratory stream (RMS) - a migration route for the neuroblasts of the subventricular zone. Adult and juvenile (two weeks old) rats were exposed to a pulsed-wave MWR at the frequency of 2.45 GHz for 1 or 3 h daily during 3 weeks. Adult rats were divided into two groups: without survival and with two weeks survival after irradiation. Juvenile rats survived till adulthood, when were tested in the light/dark test. Proliferating cells in the RMS were labeled by Ki-67; dying cells were visualized by Fluoro-Jade C histochemistry. In both groups of rats irradiated as adults we have observed significant decrease of the number of dividing cells within the RMS. Exposure of juvenile rats to MWR induced only slight decrease in proliferation, however, it strikingly affected cell death even two months following irradiation. In addition, these rats displayed locomotor hyperactivity and decreased risk assessment in adulthood. Our results suggest that the long-lasting influence of radiation is manifested by affected cell survival and changes in animals´ behavior., A. Raček, K. Beňová, P. Arnoul, M. Závodská, A. Angelidis, V. Cigánková, V. Šimaiová, E. Račeková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Mechanisms underlying atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common cardiac arrhythmia, particularly in aged population, are not fully elucidated. We have previously shown an increased propensity of old guinea pigs (GPs) heart to inducible AF when comparing to young animals. This study aimed to verify our hypothesis that susceptibility of aged heart to AF may be attributed to abnormalities in myocardial connexin-43 (Cx43) and extracellular matrix that affect cardiac electrical properties. Experiments were conducted on male and female 4-week-old and 24-week-old GPs. Atrial tissue was processed for analysis of Cx43 topology using immunohistochemistry, expression of Cx43 protein using immunobloting, and expression of mRNA of Cx43 and extracellular matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) using real time PCR. Immunohistochemistry revealed uniform Cx43 distribution predominantly on lateral sides of the cardiomyocytes of young male and female GP atria. In contrast, non-uniform distribution, mislocalization and reduced immunolabeling of Cx43 were detected in atria of old GPs. In parallel, the atrial tissue levels of Cx43 mRNA were significantly decreased, while mRNA expression of MMP-2 was significantly increased in old versus young GPs. The changes were more pronounced in old GPs males comparing to females. Findings indicate that age-related down-regulation of atrial Cx43 and up-regulation of MMP-2 as well as disordered Cx43 distribution can facilitate development of AF in old guinea pig hearts., V. Nagibin, T. Egan Benova, C. Viczenczova, B. Szeiffova Bacova, I. Dovinova, M. Barancik, N. Tribulova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Konečné produkty pokročilé glykace (advanced glycation end products – AGEs) hrají významnou roli v patogenezi řady chronických onemocnění a jejich komplikací, především diabetických komplikací, aterosklerózy, komplikací chronických onemocnění ledvin a neurodegenerativních onemocnění. Tyto látky vznikají neenzymatickou glykací a jejich tvorba je potencována vlivem karbonylového stresu. AGEs tvoří heterogenní skupinu látek a patří mezi ně např. karboxymetyllyzin, pentozin, metylglyoxallyzin dimer, vesperlyzin, imidazolony a další. AGEs jednak modifikují proteiny a mění jejich fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti, jednak mají účinky zprostředkované přes receptory, z nichž nejznámější, ale ne jediný, je receptor RAGE (receptor pro konečné produkty pokročilé glykace). RAGE je receptor multiligandový, váže také HMGB1 (high mobility group box protein 1), S100 proteiny či amyloidové fibrily. Vazba ligand na tento receptor má za následek aktivaci řady signálních cest včetně indukce oxidačního stresu a aktivace nukleárního faktoru κB a následnou prozánětlivou odpověď v závislosti na buněčném typu. AGEs a RAGE se spolu s dalšími mechanizmy – hexosaminovou cestou, polyolovou cestou, poruchou metabolizmu lipidů, aktivací proteinkinázy C, oxidačním stresem a zánětlivou reakcí spoluúčastní v patogenezi diabetických komplikací. Terapeuticky je možné snižovat endogenní tvorbu AGEs, ovlivnit přísun AGEs do organizmu stravou a jejich absorpci ve střevě či stimulovat jejich degradaci. Klíčová slova: AGEs – diabetes mellitus – karbonylový stres – konečné produkty pokročilé glykace – oxidační stres – RAGE – receptor pro AGEs – sRAGE – zánět, Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases and their complications, especially diabetic complications, atherosclerosis, complications of chronic kidney diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. These substances are formed via non-enzymatic glycation and their formation is potentiated in case of carbonyl stress. AGEs are represented by a heterogeneous group of compounds, e.g. carboxymethyllysine, pentosine, methylglyoxallysin dimer, vesperlysine, imidazolones etc. AGEs can modify proteins and so change their physical and chemical properties and can act also via specific receptors, among them RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end products) is the best known but not the unique one. RAGE is a multiligand receptor capable to bind also HMGB1 (high mobility group box protein 1), S100 proteins or amyloid fibrils. RAGE – ligand interactions results to activation of a variety of signaling pathways including oxidative stress and activation of nuclear factor κB and subsequent proinflammatory response depending on the cell type. AGEs and RAGE together with further mechanisms – hexosamine pathway, polyol pathway, lipid metabolism disorder, activation of proteinkinase C, oxidative stress and inflammatory reaction take part in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. Terapeuticaly it is possible to decrease endogenous formation of AGEs, influence the AGEs intake to the organism and their absorption in the intestine or stimulate their degradation. Key words: AGEs – advanced glycation end-products – carbonyl stress – diabetes mellitus – inflammation – oxidative stress – RAGE – receptor for AGEs – sRAGE, and Marta Kalousová, Tomáš Zima