An atmospheric station in Křešín by Pacov was launched June 17, 2013 on the occasion of observing the 25th anniversary of the global environmental observatory in Košetice. The stations of Košetice and Křešín by Pacov have been consolidated and it is a major research and monitoring infrastructure in the Czech Republic and Central Europe. It consists of two components — the observatory at Koetice, operated since 1988 by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and the atmospheric station Křešín by Pacov, which began operations in June of this year. The atmospheric station was built and is administered by CzechGlobe, the Global Change Research Centre of the ASCR, and is situated 100 meters from the observatory. and Mirka Šprtová.
This paper is mainly devoted to establishing an atomic decomposition of a predictable martingale Hardy space with variable exponents defined on probability spaces. More precisely, let (Ω,F, ℙ) be a probability space and p(·): Ω →(0,∞) be a F-measurable function such that 0 < {\inf _{x \in \Omega }}p(x) \leqslant {\sup _{x \in \Omega }}p(x) < \infty . It is proved that a predictable martingale Hardy space Pp(·) has an atomic decomposition by some key observations and new techniques. As an application, we obtain the boundedness of fractional integrals on the predictable martingale Hardy space with variable exponents when the stochastic basis is regular., Zhiwei Hao., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Pseudocysta pankreatu patří mezi nejčastější cystické léze pankreatu. Pseudocystu lze definovat jako tekutinovou intrapankreatickou, peripankreatickou nebo extrapankreatickou kolekci s definovanou stěnou vznikající nejčastěji na pokladě chronického nebo akutního zánětu pankreatu. Jde o poměrně častou komplikaci akutní nebo chronické pankreatitidy. V diagnostice má zásadní význam UZ pro svou neinvazivitu a dostupnost. Mezi další vyšetření vykazující nejvyšší přesnost, specificitu a senzitivitu patří MDCT a ERCP. Na základě MDCT a ERCP vyšetření lze stanovit klasifikaci a na základě této klasifikace následně algoritmus léčby. MDCT vyšetření by optimálně mělo předcházet ERCP. K odlišení od maligních cystických lézí pak prokazuje největší význam EUS s FNAB nebo aspirací obsahu se stanovením onkomarkerů a AMS v aspirátu. Funkční klasifikace pseudocyst je důležitým předpokladem pro úspěšný algoritmus léčby. Klasifikace vycházejí zejména z anatomického vztahu pseudocysty k pankreatickému vývodu a morfologii parenchymu pankreatu. V léčbě se uplatňují zejména perkutánní drenáž, endoskopické a chirurgické metody., The pseudocyst of the pancreas is one of the most common cystic lesions of the pancreas. The pseudocysts can be defined as intrapancreatic, peripancreatic or extrapancreatic fluid collections with a defined wall formed mostly on the basis of acute or chronic pancreatitis. This is a relatively common complication of acute or chronic pancreatitis. Sonography is essential for the diagnosis given its noninvasivity and availability. Other assessments that show the highest accuracy, specificity and sensitivity include MDCT and ERCP. The MDCT and ERCP assessments can be used to classify the pseudocyst; the treatment algorithm is then determined based on this classification. MDCT should ideally be preceded by ERCP. EUS-FNAB or aspiration with the determination of oncomarkers and AMS in the aspirate have been shown to be most important to distinguish the pseudocyst from malignant cystic lesions. Functional classification of the pseudocyst is an important prerequisite for successful algorithm of the treatment. The classification is based mainly upon anatomical relations of the pseudocyst to the pancreatic outlet and morphology of the pancreatic parenchyma. Percutaneous drainage, endoscopic and surgical methods are mainly applied in the treatment. The authors present a case report of a very rare extrapancreatic pseudocyst., and L. Havlůj, B. Mlýnek, R. Gürlich
Let H be a finite abelian group of odd order, D be its generalized dihedral group, i.e., the semidirect product of C2 acting on H by inverting elements, where C2 is the cyclic group of order two. Let Ω (D) be the Burnside ring of D, Δ(D) be the augmentation ideal of Ω (D). Denote by Δn(D) and Qn(D) the nth power of Δ(D) and the nth consecutive quotient group Δn(D)/Δn+1(D), respectively. This paper provides an explicit Z-basis for Δn(D) and determines the isomorphism class of Qn(D) for each positive integer n., Shan Chang., and Obsahuje seznam literatury