Článek shrnuje vývoj populací velkých druhů šelem v chráněné krajinné oblasti Beskydy za uplynulých 10 let a přibližuje novinky ze života tamní populace rysa ostrovida (Lynx lynx)., This article summarizes the development of large predator species populations in the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area over the last 10 years, and presents the latest developments in the lives of the local population of the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx)., and Ludvík Kunc.
Pro rok 2016 se evropským pavoukem roku stal křižák Cyclosa conica. Po morfologické stránce je tento druh nezaměnitelný díky přítomnosti hrbolku na zadním konci hřbetu zadečku. Jeho kolová síť je vybavena vertikálním stabilimentem se zapředenými zbytky kořisti či detritu. Pavouk na kořist číhá uprostřed stabilimenta. Při ohrožení je schopen na síti vibrovat tak, že se pro predátora stane takřka nedetekovatelným., The araneid Cyclosa conica was chosen as European Spider of the Year for 2016. Morphologically the spider is characterised by a single tubercle on the hind part of the dorsal abdomen. Its web carries a vertical stabilimentum with remnants of prey and other detritus. The spider waits for its prey in the middle of the stabilimentum. When disturbed, it vibrates on the web, so it becomes almost undetectable., and Milan Řezáč.
Armenia is a small country situated in the Transcaucasus on the border of Europe and Asia. For visitors from Central Europe, the huge landscape variety from the perspective of geological, geomorfological and climatic factors is surprising, as well as the vegetation and floristic diversity. Here alpine vegetation, semideserts, phryganoid vegetations and mountain steppes occurre in the same area, together with interesting forest vegetation types. Beautiful country - side rich in ancient historical monuments is a great treasure for this small country lying at the crossroads of cultures, biogeo - graphical regions and migration routes. and Ester Ekrtová, Libor Ekrt.
Forest vegetation occupied some 20 % of this Armenian area, with forests of three types. Open forests consist of short, rather sparse trees (juniper/pistachio/oak). Alluvial vegetation occurs as a narrow belt of trees or scrub along rivers and streams. Deciduous forests usually develop in more humid places and may show interesting parallels to our lowland and upland forests. Traditional management (in Europe practi - sed in the past) is maintained, providing an inspiration for our nature conservation. and Ester Ekrtová, Libor Ekrt.