Plán předsedy Evropské komise Jeana-Claude Junckera, jak mobilizovat a podpořit investice v Evropě (tzv. Junckerův investiční plán), dostal konkrétní obrysy již na sklonku roku 2014, kdy Evropská rada schválila jeho podobu, a podpořila tak vznik Evropského fondu pro strategické investice (EFSI). Investiční plán má za cíl pozvednout veřejné i soukromé investice do evropské ekonomiky, a to ve výši minimálně 315 miliard eur na období 2015-2017. and Kateřina Slavíková.
The Institute of Expenmental Medicine of the ASCR in cooperation with the Czech Neuroscience Society, The Slovak Society for Neuroscience and The Austrian Alzheimer Society organized the FENS Featured Regional Meeting. This Federation of European Neuroscience Societies event met September 9-11, 2013 at the Prague Congress Centre. More than 600 active participants from around the world participated in a broad program covering important areas of current neuroscience research. The scientific program consisted of four plenary lectures, 18 symposiums, six oral communication sessions and six special interest sessions by the world's leading experts. In addition, acclaimed scientists and their students presented more than 350 posters during the course of the meeting. and Miroslava Anděrová.
More than 700 specialists from around the world took part in this event at the Prague Congress Centre on September 13-17, 2011. Wide-ranging critical areas in current glial research were discussed in plenary lectures, symposia and workshops. In addition, outstanding scientists and their students presented posters throughout the meeting. Glial cells of varying types support neurons by providing support and nutrition. The conference was organised by the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the ASCR. and Eva Syková.
ELI will become a new scientific infrastructure supporting research in the area of lasers, mainly oriented onto the investigation and applications of laser-matter interaction at the highest intensity level (more than six orders of magnitude higher than today's laser intensity). The ELI project, a collaboration of 13 European countries, will comprise three branches: Ultra High Field Science, Attosecond Laser Science, High Energy Beam Science. and Markéta Holubová.
A mobile exhibition, German Science Train, which is organized by the Max Planck Society as part of the Year of Science 2009, takes the public on a research voyage! The idea is to show different aspects of science with an eye to the future. In 12 converted train cars, visitors can dive into different subjects: from cosmology to particle physics, nanotechnology and brain research to applied and industrial research in production, agriculture, energy, environment and mobility. The exhibition is making stops throughout Germany until December. and Luděk Svoboda.